Queries the resource usage data of specific domain names in a specified billable region.
Usage notes
You can query the resource usage data of up to 100 domain names at a time. Separate domain names with commas (,). If you do not specify the DomainName parameter, the resource usage data of all domain names within your Alibaba Cloud account is returned.
The resource usage data includes network traffic that is measured in bytes, bandwidth that is measured in bit/s, and the number of requests.
If you do not specify the Interval parameter, you can query the resource usage data in the last 12 months that spans a period of up to 31 days per call. If you specify a time range of 1 to 3 days in a call, the time interval between the entries that are returned is 1 hour. If you specify a time range of more than 3 days in a call, the time interval between the entries that are returned is 1 day.
The following table describes the maximum time range per query, the time period within which historical data is available, and the data delay if you specify the Interval parameter.
Time granularity | Maximum time range per query | Historical data available | Data delay |
5 minutes | 3 days | 93 days | 15 minutes |
1 hour | 31 days | 186 days | 4 hours |
1 day | 90 days | 366 days | 04:00 on the next day |
QPS limit
You can call this operation up to 10 times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limits.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeDomainUsageData | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDomainUsageData. |
DomainName | String | No | example.com | The domain name.
StartTime | String | Yes | 2015-12-10T20:00:00Z | The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC. |
EndTime | String | Yes | 2015-12-10T21:00:00Z | The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC. The end time must be later than the start time. The maximum time range that can be specified is 31 days. |
Type | String | No | all | The type of the resource usage data to query. Valid values if you set the Field parameter to bps or traf:
Valid values if you set the Field parameter to req_traf or req_bps:
Field | String | Yes | traf | The category of the resource usage data to query. Valid values:
Area | String | No | CN | The billable region. Valid values:
Note If you do not specify this parameter, the default value CN is used. Alibaba Cloud supports the following countries and regions outside the Chinese mainland:
DataProtocol | String | No | all | The protocol of the data to query. Valid values:
Interval | String | No | 300 | The time interval between the data entries to return. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 300 (5 minutes), 3600 (1 hour), and 86400 (1 day). |
Stable resource usage data at a specific point in time (T) can be queried at and after the point in time of T+N. N is 2 hours.
For example, at 15:00:00 on December 21, you can retrieve the stable resource usage data at and before 13:00:00 on December 21.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
EndTime | String | 2015-12-10T21:00Z | The end of the time range during which the data was queried. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
Type | String | all | The type of the resource usage data. |
StartTime | String | 2015-12-10T20:00Z | The beginning of the time range during which the data was queried. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
RequestId | String | B955107D-E658-4E77-B913-E0AC3D31693E | The request ID. |
Area | String | CN | The billable region where the resource usage data was generated. |
DomainName | String | example.com | The domain name. |
DataInterval | String | 300 | The time interval between the entries returned. Unit: seconds. |
UsageDataPerInterval | Array of DataModule | The resource usage data that was collected for each time interval. | |
DataModule | |||
Value | String | 423304182 | The amount of resource usage.
TimeStamp | String | 2015-12-10T20:00:00Z | The timestamp of the data returned. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"DomainName" : "example.com",
"DataInterval" : "300",
"UsageDataPerInterval" : {
"DataModule" : [ {
"TimeStamp" : "2015-12-10T20:00:00Z",
"Value" : "423304182"
}, {
"TimeStamp" : "2015-12-10T20:05:00Z",
"Value" : "454680793"
}, {
"TimeStamp" : "2015-12-10T20:10:00Z",
"Value" : "501718342"
}, {
"TimeStamp" : "2015-12-10T20:15:00Z",
"Value" : "434816025"
} ]
"RequestId" : "B955107D-E658-4E77-B913-E0AC3D31693E",
"StartTime" : "2015-12-10T20:00Z",
"EndTime" : "2015-12-10T21:00Z",
"Area" : "CN",
"Type" : "all"
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | InvaildParameter | Invalid Parameter | One or more request parameters are invalid. |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | Specified StartTime is malformed. | The format of the start time is invalid. Check whether the value of the StartTime parameter is valid. |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | Specified EndTime is malformed. | The format of the end time is invalid. Check whether the value of the EndTime parameter is valid. |
400 | InvalidStartTime.ValueNotSupported | The specified value of parameter StartTime is not supported. | The value specified for the StartTime parameter is invalid. |
400 | InvalidTime.Malformed | Specified Time is malformed. | The format of the specified time is invalid. Check whether the specified time is valid. |
400 | InvalidParameterField | The specified Field is invalid. | The value of the Field parameter is invalid. Specify a valid value. |
400 | InvalidParameterType | The specified Type is invalid. | The value of the Type parameter is invalid. Specify a valid value. |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Mismatch | Specified end time does not math the specified start time. | The end time does not match the start time. Check whether the value of the EndTime parameter matches. |
400 | InvalidTimeSpan | The time span exceeds the limit. | The time range exceeds the limit. Configure a valid time range to query. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.
Special error codes
Error code | Error message | HTTP status code | Description |
Throttling | Request was denied due to request throttling. | 503 | The request was denied due to traffic throttling. |
IllegalOperation | Illegal domain, operation is not permitted. | 403 | The domain name is invalid. |
OperationDenied | Your account does not open Live service yet. | 403 | ApsaraVideo Live is not activated. |
OperationDenied | Your Live service is suspended. | 403 | ApsaraVideo Live is suspended. |
InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not belong to you. | 404 | The domain name does not exist or does not belong to your account. |
InvalidDomain.Offline | The domain provided is offline. | 404 | The domain name is disabled. |
ServiceBusy | The specified Domain is configuring, please retry later. | 403 | The domain name is being configured. Try again later. |
InvalidDomain.Configure_failed | Failed to configure the provided domain. | 500 | The domain name failed to be configured. |
InvalidParameter | Invalid Parameter. | 400 | One or more parameters are invalid. |
InvalidParameterProduct | Invalid Parameter Product. | 400 | The value of the Product parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameterArea | Invalid Parameter Area. | 400 | The value of the Area parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameterField | Invalid Parameter Field. | 400 | The value of the Field parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameterStartTime | Invalid Parameter StartTime. | 400 | The value of the StartTime parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameterEndTime | Invalid Parameter EndTime. | 400 | The value of the EndTime parameter is invalid. |
InvalidTimeRange | StartTime and EndTime range should less than 1 month. | 400 | The time range that is specified by the StartTime and EndTime parameters exceeds 31 days. |
InvalidParameterInterval | Invalid Parameter Interval. | 400 | The value of the Interval parameter is invalid. |