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:Error codes

Last Updated:Mar 02, 2022

This topic describes the error codes that are returned when you call LinkVisual API operations. For more information about how to troubleshoot errors that are related to request parameters, see operation-specific request parameters in the API documentation. These errors include invalid data formats, invalid data length, and invalid values.

403: Permission-related errors

Error message



request forbidden.

The error message returned because the request is denied due to a parameter authentication failure.

Enter a valid AccessKey pair and try again.

tenant auth error.

The error message returned because the request is denied due to the authentication failure of the device or user information.

Check whether the device belongs to the specified Alibaba Cloud account and instance, and then try again.

device status error.

The error message returned because the device is in an invalid state.

Make sure that the device is connected to IoT Platform and try again.

device event auth failed.

The error message returned because the alert event does not exist or does not belong to the current tenant.

Check whether the alert event belongs to the specified Alibaba Cloud account and instance, and then try again.

picture owner error.

The error message returned because the image does not exist or does not belong to the current tenant.

Check whether the image belongs to the specified Alibaba Cloud account and instance, and then try again.

template owner error.

The error message returned because the time template does not exist or does not belong to the current tenant.

Check whether the time template belongs to the specified Alibaba Cloud account and instance, and then try again.

460: Parameter-related errors

Error message



product is not active.

The error message returned because LinkVisual is not activated.

Activate LinkVisual and try again.

iotId or tenantId can not be null.

The error message returned because the device information and tenant information are empty.

Enter a valid AccessKey pair and valid device information, and then try again.

planId or tenantId can not be null.

The error message returned because the recording plan and tenant information are empty.

Specify a valid recording plan and enter a valid AccessKey pair.

templateId or tenantId can not be null.

The error message returned because the time template and tenant information are empty.

Specify a valid time template and enter a valid AccessKey pair.

eventId or tenantId can not be null.

The error message returned because the alert event information and tenant information are empty.

Enter valid alert event information and a valid AccessKey pair.

beginTime or endTime can not be null.

The error message returned because the start time or end time is empty.

Specify the BeginTime and EndTime parameters, and then try again.

beginTime can not bigger or equal endTime.

The error message returned because the start time is later than the end time.

Specify the BeginTime and EndTime parameters to make sure that the end time is later than the start time, and then try again.

RAM system auth error.

The error message returned because the RAM authentication has failed.

Check whether the specified RAM user has the required permissions.

For more information, see the topics in RAM authentication.

picture type error.

The error message returned because the image type is invalid.

Specify a valid image type and try again.

466: Business-related errors

Error message



device status is offline.

The error message returned because the device is disconnected from IoT Platform.

Connect the device to IoT Platform and try again.

device status is initial.

The error message returned because the data channel from the device to IoT Platform is not activated. The data channel is activated after the device is connected to IoT Platform for the first time.

The device is in the inactive state. This indicates that the device has never been connected to IoT Platform. Connect the device to IoT Platform and try again.

device status is disable.

The error message returned because the data channel from the device to IoT Platform is disabled.

Make sure that the device is not disabled in IoT Platform and try again.

push stream fail.

The error message returned because the data streams of the device have failed to be ingested.

Check whether the product to which the device belongs is in the camera category.

deviceList lifecycle not exist.

The error message returned because the video storage lifecycle of the device does not exist.

Specify the video storage lifecycle for the device and try again.

For more information, see Specify the video storage lifecycle.

device offline.

The error message returned because the device is disconnected from IoT Platform.

Make sure that the device is connected to IoT Platform and try again.

device not activated.

The error message returned because the device is in the inactive state.

The device is in the inactive state. This indicates that the device has never been connected to IoT Platform. Connect the device to IoT Platform and try again.

record not exist.

The error message returned because the video file does not exist.

  1. Check whether the specified video file name is valid.

  2. Call the QueryEventRecordPlanDeviceByDevice operation to check whether the device is associated with a recording plan.

request too frequently.

The error message returned because excessive requests are submitted in a specified period of time.

Check whether the number of requests per second for this operation exceeds 50 within a single Alibaba Cloud account. If the number exceeds 50, try again later.