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Lindorm:View bills

Last Updated:Sep 25, 2023

You can view the detailed bills of Lindorm in the User Center.

You can view the overview and details of monthly bills, resource consumption by bills, and bills by accounts. For more information about how to view and manage bills, see Billing Management.


Why am I charged fees for Lindorm even if I have not purchased any Lindorm instances?

Cause: The fees for Lindorm in the bills may be incurred by Time Series Database (TSDB) or TSDB for InfluxDB®. TSDB and TSDB for InfluxDB® belong to the same service category as Lindorm. Therefore, the values of the Product Name column in the bills for the fees incurred by the two services are displayed as Lindorm.


You can use one of the following methods to check whether the fees are actually incurred by Lindorm:

  • Check the Product Detail column on the Billing Details page. If the Product Detail column is not displayed on the page, you can click Customize Column Options in the upper-right corner of the page and then select Product Detail.

  • On the Cost Analysis page, select Product Detail for Category.

If TSDB or TSDB for InfluxDB® is displayed in the Product Detail column of a fee record, the fee is incurred by TSDB or TSDB for InfluxDB®.

Why are the fees for Lindorm in the billing details higher than the fees calculated based on the price that is displayed when I purchase Lindorm?

Cause: In the billing details, the fees incurred by Lindorm include the fees incurred by the following three services: TSDB, TSDB for InfluxDB®, and Lindorm. You can view the Product Detail column on the Billing Details page to check the service for which the fees are incurred. If the Product Detail column is not displayed on the page, you can click Customize Column Options in the upper-right corner of the page and then select Product Detail.