This topic describes how to add a MaxCompute (ODPS) project as a data source.


  1. Log on to the Lindorm Tunnel Service (LTS) console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data source management > Add data source.
  3. On the Add data source page, configure the following parameters.
    NameThe name of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster to which you want to add the data source. The cluster name supports only digits and letters.
    Data Source TypeSelect MaxCompute.
    • accessId: The AccessKey ID that you obtained in the DataWorks console.
    • accessKey: The AccessKey secret that you obtained in the DataWorks console.
    • endPoint: The endpoint address of the MaxCompute service.
    • project: The name of your MaxCompute project.
    • tunnelEndPoint: The endpoint address of the Tunnel service.
    Note For more information about how to obtain the AccessKey ID, AccessKey secret, and endpoints of the MaxCompute and Tunnel services, see View the AccessKey pair and the endpoints.

View the AccessKey pair and the endpoints

  1. Log on to the DataWorks console.
  2. Click AccessKey Management to go to the AccessKey Pair page. accesskey
  3. In the AccessKey ID column, obtain the AccessKey ID that you want to use.
  4. Click View Secret in the Actions column of the AccessKey ID that you want to use to obtain the AccessKey secret.
  5. Obtain the endpoints of the MaxCompute and Tunnel services in a VPC based on the region where your MaxCompute project resides. The following table describes the endpoints in different regions.
    RegionCityService availabilityMaxCompute endpointTunnel endpoint
    China (Hangzhou)HangzhouYes
    China (Shanghai)ShanghaiYes
    China (Beijing)BeijingYes
    China (Zhangjiakou)ZhangjiakouYes
    China (Shenzhen)ShenzhenYes
    China (Chengdu)ChengduYes
    China (Hong Kong)Hong KongYes
    Australia (Sydney)SydneyYes
    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)Kuala LumpurYes
    India (Mumbai)MumbaiYes
    UAE (Dubai)DubaiYes
    UK (London)LondonYes