After you add an HBase data source to a Lindorm Tunnel Service (LTS) instance, you can perform data migration and data synchronization between the data source and the instance. This topic describes how to add an HBase data source to an LTS instance.

Types of HBase data sources and methods to add a data source

Type of HBase data sourceMethod to add an HBase data source
ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition cluster
  • If your ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition cluster or an ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition cluster and your LTS instance are deployed in the same virtual private cloud (VPC), see Use the Lindorm console to add an HBase data source.
  • If your ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition cluster or an ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition cluster and your LTS instance are deployed in different VPCs, you can add an HBase data source by using the following methods:
ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition cluster
Self-managed HBase clusterFor more information, see Use LTS to add an HBase data source.
E-MapReduce (EMR) HBase cluster

Use the Lindorm console to add an HBase data source

  1. Log on to the Lindorm console.
  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of an instance whose engine type is LTS.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Data Sources.
  4. On the HBase Data Source tab, click Add Data Source.
  5. In the Add Data Source dialog box, configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.
    Instance TypeSelect HBase Enhanced Edition or ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition.
    RegionSelect the region where your data source cluster is deployed.
    Instance IDSelect the ID of the data source cluster.
    Note Make sure that the data source cluster and the LTS instance are deployed in the same VPC.
  6. Click OK. If the state of the HBase data source is Associated, the data source is added.

Use LTS to add an HBase data source

  1. Activate LTS and log on to the LTS console. For more information, see Purchase an LTS instance and log on to the LTS web UI.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane of the LTS console, choose Data Source Manage > Add Data Source.
  3. On the Add data source page, configure the parameters described in the following table.
    NameSpecify the name of your HBase data source.
    Data Source TypeSpecify this parameter based on the version of the HBase data source. Valid values:
    • HBase1x: specifies that the HBase data source is an ApsaraDB for HBase cluster of V1.0.
    • HBase2x: specifies that the HBase data source is an ApsaraDB for HBase cluster of V2.0.
    • HBase098: specifies that the HBase data source is a self-managed HBase cluster of V0.98.
    • HBase094: specifies that the HBase data source is a self-managed HBase cluster of V0.94.
    ParametersConfigure the parameters that are used to connect to the HBase data source.
    • clusterKey: the connection information about the HBase data source. Specify this parameter in the following format: ZooKeeper node: ZooKeeper port: The path of the parent node used by the HBase data source in ZooKeeper. The path of the parent node used by the HBase data source is specified by the zookeeper.znode.parent option of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster.
    • hbaseDir: the HDFS path that corresponds to the data of the HBase data source. This path is specified by the hbase.rootdir option of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster.
      Note The value of this parameter is the lowest-level directory in which the HBase data source is located and does not include the hdfs://xx prefix. For example, if the HDFS path that corresponds to the data of the HBase data source is hdfs://hbase/hbase, you can set this parameter to /hbase.
    • hdfsUri: the HDFS connection URL of the HBase data source.
      • If you use a high-availability HBase data source, specify this parameter in the hdfs://namenode1:port,namenode2:port format.
      • If you use a single-node HBase data source, specify this parameter in the hdfs://namenode:port format.
    Cluster/etc/hosts (only for self-managed or EMR HBase clusters)Configure the /etc/hosts configuration file of the HBase cluster. The hostnames and IP addresses of the nodes in the HBase cluster are specified in this file.
    Note This parameter is required if you use a self-managed HBase cluster or an EMR HBase cluster.
  4. Click Add.