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Last Updated:Apr 01, 2024

If the data of a Hologres instance is deleted or updated by mistake, you can restore a snapshot of the Hologres instance to a new instance. This topic describes how to restore a snapshot to a new instance.


  • Only Hologres V1.3 and later support the backup and restoration feature. If the version of your instance is earlier than V1.3, manually upgrade your Hologres instance in the Hologres console or join the DingTalk group for technical support. For more information about how to manually upgrade your Hologres instance in the Hologres console, see Manual upgrade in the "Instance upgrades" topic. For more information about how to obtain technical support, see Obtain online support for Hologres.

  • You can restore data only by backup set. Therefore, a snapshot must have been created for the original instance.

  • You can restore a snapshot only to a new instance.


    By default, the billing method of the new instance is the same as that of the original instance. You can change the billing method based on your business requirements.

  • The type of the snapshot that is used to restore an instance must be the same as that of the original instance.

Restore a snapshot to an instance

To restore a snapshot to a new instance, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Hologres console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.

  2. On the Instances page, click the name of your Hologres instance to go to the Instance Details page.

    You can also find your Hologres instance and click Manage in the Actions column to go to the Instance Details page.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Backup and Restoration.

  4. On the Snapshots tab, click Restore Instance.

  5. On the Clone Instance page, configure the Product Type, Snapshot Time, Computing Resources, Resource Group, and Instance Name parameters, and specify storage resources (Standard Storage and Infrequent Access Storage). Read the terms of service, select the check box to confirm that you have read the terms of service, and then click Buy Now.

    By default, the billing method of the new instance is the same as that of the original instance. You can change the billing method based on your business requirements. If the original instance is billed in pay-as-you-go mode, you do not need to specify storage resources. You are charged based on the actual storage usage.

What to do next

After the cloned instance is created, you can log on to the new instance to verify the data. After you check the data integrity, you can perform operations such as business tests on the new instance.