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Hologres:Purchase a Hologres instance

Last Updated:Aug 07, 2024

Hologres is integrated with Flink, MaxCompute, and DataWorks to provide an enterprise-class full-stack data warehouse solution for integrated online and offline data processing.

This topic describes how to purchase a Hologres instance.


  1. Go to the Hologres product page.

  2. Click Buy Now.

    • If the RAM user that you use to purchase a Hologres instance does not have the required permissions, grant the permissions to the RAM user. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.

    • The first time you purchase a Hologres instance, you must click Create Service-linked Role in the lower part of the buy page.

  3. Select an option for the Product Type parameter.

    Product Type


    Exclusive instance (subscription) and Exclusive instance (pay-as-you-go)

    If you select Exclusive instance (subscription) or Exclusive instance (pay-as-you-go), exclusive resources are allocated to the instance. The instance can respond to queries in milliseconds and provide comprehensive features.

    • Exclusive instance (subscription): This product type provides significant savings and is suitable for scenarios in which you want to use the instance for a long period of time.

    • Exclusive instance (pay-as-you-go): This product type is billed on an hourly basis and is suitable for scenarios in which you want to use the instance for a short period of time.

    You can change the billing method of an instance from subscription to pay-as-you-go or from pay-as-you-go to subscription.

    Shared Cluster (BI-based MaxCompute Acceleration Edition)

    Differences from exclusive instances:

    • Feature: Hologres Shared Cluster instances support only accelerated queries on MaxCompute data and Object Storage Service (OSS) data. You cannot import data to internal tables of Hologres Shared Cluster instances.

    • Billing: You are charged based on the amount of data that is scanned in a query. For more information, see Billing.

    Scenarios: Hologres Shared Cluster instances can respond to queries within sub-seconds and are suitable for infrequent and accelerated queries on MaxCompute data or OSS data.

    You cannot change an instance that uses exclusive resources to a Hologres Shared Cluster instance or change a Hologres Shared Cluster instance to an instance that uses exclusive resources. For more information, see Overview.

  4. Select a region and a zone.

    • If a Hologres instance and an Alibaba Cloud service reside in the same region and virtual private cloud (VPC), you can directly connect the instance to the service over the internal network. If the Hologres instance and the Alibaba Cloud service reside in different regions, you can connect the instance to the service over the Internet or an internal network by following the instructions in the Overview of VPC connections topic.

    • After an instance is created, you cannot change the region or zone of the instance.

    • The connectivity and performance of the instance are not affected by zones.

  5. Configure the parameters based on the product type.

  6. Subscription and pay-as-you-go instances




    • General-purpose Instance: This type of instance provides various features and supports load isolation and horizontal scaling when used with read-only secondary instances.

    • Virtual Warehouse Instance: This type of instance provides better load isolation capabilities, more flexible permission management, and more convenient connection management than general-purpose instances. You can configure independent parameters for each virtual warehouse. The cost of virtual warehouse instance specifications is higher than the cost of general-purpose instance specifications, and additional fees are generated by gateways. However, virtual warehouse instance specifications have finer-grained configuration granularity than general-purpose instance specifications.

    For more information, see Virtual Warehouse Instance.

    Computing Resources

    • If you select the General-purpose Instance specifications, the following parameter is displayed:

      • Computing Resources: You can select resources based on your business requirements. You can add or reduce computing resources after the instance is created. For more information, see Instance specifications.

    • If you select the Virtual Warehouse Instance specifications, the following parameters are displayed:

      • Gateway Nodes: the number of gateway nodes that are used to forward requests. At least two gateway nodes are required to ensure high availability. You can use the default value 2. You can adjust the number after the instance is created.

      • Reserved Computing Resources of Virtual Warehouse: The value ranges from 32 CUs to 2048 CUs with a step size of 16 CUs. You can adjust the value after the instance is created. For more information, see Instance specifications.

      • Allocate to Initial Virtual Warehouse: The value is fixed. You do not need to configure this parameter.

    Serverless Computing

    After you enable the Serverless Computing feature, you can execute specific data manipulation language (DML) statements by using resources in serverless resource pools. This prevents resource waste and competition.


      The Serverless Computing feature is in public preview and available in specific regions and zones. You can apply for the free trial of the feature. For more information, see User Guide on Serverless Computing.

      You can enable or disable the Serverless Computing feature for an existing instance.

    Storage resources

    • If you purchase a subscription instance, the Standard and Infrequent Access parameters are available. You are charged for resources that exceed the purchased specifications on a pay-as-you-go basis. You can also purchase subscription resources for an existing instance. If you do not purchase subscription resources, you are automatically charged on a pay-as-you-go basis.

    • You do not need to configure the Backup Set Storage parameter because backup set storage resources are billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.

    Network resources

    • VPC: If you want to connect the Hologres instance to an Alibaba Cloud service over an internal network, select the VPC in which the Alibaba Cloud service resides. If the Hologres instance and the Alibaba Cloud service reside in different VPCs, you can connect the instance and the service over the Internet or an internal network by following the instructions in the Overview of VPC connections topic.

    • vSwitch: The connectivity and performance of the instance are not affected by vSwitches.


    You are not charged for VPCs and vSwitches.

    Hologres Shared Cluster instances

    Network resources:

    • VPC: If you want to connect the Hologres instance to an Alibaba Cloud service over an internal network, select the VPC in which the Alibaba Cloud service resides. If the Hologres instance and the Alibaba Cloud service reside in different VPCs, you can connect the instance and the service over the Internet or an internal network by following the instructions in the Overview of VPC connections topic.

    • vSwitch: The connectivity and performance of the instance are not affected by vSwitches.


    You are not charged for VPCs and vSwitches.

  7. Configure the Instance Name, Resource Group, and Duration parameters. The Duration parameter is available only for subscription instances. Then, click Buy Now.

  8. Note

    The first time you purchase a Hologres instance, you must click Create Service-linked Role in the lower part of the buy page.

  9. Confirm the order, read and select Terms of Service, and then click Activate Now.

    The system creates the Hologres instance in a few minutes.

What to do next

Create a database.

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