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Function Compute (2.0):DTS triggers

Last Updated:Jun 19, 2023

Data Transmission Service (DTS) can be integrated with EventBridge as an event source. After DTS is integrated with Function Compute, DTS triggers can be used to trigger the execution of functions in Function Compute. You can use a function to process the real-time incremental database data obtained from DTS change tracking tasks. This topic describes how to create a DTS trigger in the Function Compute console, configure the input parameters, and write and test code.


After you submit a request to create a trigger in the Function Compute console, Function Compute creates event stream resources on the EventBridge side based on the trigger configurations.

After the trigger is created, you can view information about the trigger in the Function Compute console. You can also view information about the automatically created resources in the EventBridge console. After the DTS change tracking task captures incremental data of the database, function execution is triggered and one or more message events are pushed to the function in batches for processing based on batch configurations.

Usage notes

  • The DTS change tracking task that is used as the trigger source must be in the same region as the function in Function Compute.
  • When the number of created event streams reaches the upper limit, the DTS trigger cannot be created. For more information about the limit of event streams, see Limits.

Before you begin

Step 1: Create a DTS trigger

  1. Log on to the Function Compute console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Services & Functions.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select a region. On the Services page, click the desired service.
  3. On the Functions page, click the function that you want to manage.
  4. On the function details page, click the Triggers tab, select the version or alias from the Version or Alias drop-down list, and then click Create Trigger.
  5. In the Create Trigger panel, specify related parameters. After you specify the parameters, click OK.
    The following table describes the basic parameters.
    Trigger TypeThe type of the trigger. For more information about the supported trigger types, see Trigger overview. DTS
    NameThe name of the trigger. dts-trigger
    Version or AliasThe default value is LATEST. If you want to create a trigger for another version or alias, select a version or alias in the upper-right corner of the function details page. For more information about versions and aliases of a service, see Manage versions and Manage aliases. LATEST
    Change Tracking TaskThe name of the change tracking task. dtsqntc2***
    Consumer GroupThe name of the consumer group that you created to consume the data of the change tracking task.
    Important Make sure that the consumer group runs on only one client. Otherwise, the specified consumer offset may become invalid.
    AccountThe account name specified when the consumer group was created. test
    PasswordThe account password specified when the consumer group was created. ******
    Consumer OffsetThe timestamp of the first data entry to be consumed. The data entry specified by the consumer offset must be within the data range of the change tracking task.
    Note The consumer offset takes effect only the first time a new consumer group runs. If a restart is performed in subsequent tasks, consumption continues based on the last consumer offset.
    2022-06-21 00:00:00
    Invocation MethodSelect a method to invoke the function.
    Valid values:
    • Sync Invocation: This mode is suitable for sequential invocations. When an event or a batch of events trigger the function, Function Compute runs the function and waits for a response before it processes the next event or batch of events. The upper limit of the payload for a synchronous invocation request is 32 MB. For more information, see Synchronous invocations.
    • Async Invocation: This mode allows you to quickly consume events. When a single event or a batch of events trigger the function, Function Compute immediately returns a response and continue to process the next event or batch of events During this process, the function is run in asynchronous mode. The upper limit of the payload for an asynchronous invocation request is 128 KB. For more information, see Overview.
    Sync Invocation
    Trigger StateSpecify whether to enable the trigger after it is created. By default, Enable Trigger is selected and the trigger is enabled after it is created. N/A

    For more information about advanced configurations such as message pushing, retry, and dead letter configurations, see Advanced features of triggers.

    After the trigger is created, it is displayed on the Triggers tab. To modify or delete an existing trigger, see Trigger management.

Step 2: Configure the input parameters of the function

The DTS event source is passed to the function in the form of event, which acts as an input parameter. You can manually pass event to the function to trigger the function.

  1. On the function details page, click the Code tab and click the xialatubiao icon. From the drop-down list that appears, select Configure Test Parameters.
  2. In the Configure Test Parameters panel, click the Create New Test Event or Modify Existing Test Event tab, and specify Event Name and the event content. After you specify the parameters, click OK.
    Sample code of event:
        "data": {
          "id": 321****,
          "topicPartition": {
            "hash": 0,
            "partition": 0,
            "topic": "cn_hangzhou_rm_1234****_test_version2"
          "offset": 3218099,
          "sourceTimestamp": 1654847757,
          "operationType": "UPDATE",
          "schema": {
            "recordFields": [
                "fieldName": "id",
                "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                "isPrimaryKey": true,
                "isUniqueKey": false,
                "fieldPosition": 0
                "fieldName": "topic",
                "rawDataTypeNum": 253,
                "isPrimaryKey": false,
                "isUniqueKey": false,
                "fieldPosition": 1
            "nameIndex": {
              "id": {
                "fieldName": "id",
                "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                "isPrimaryKey": true,
                "isUniqueKey": false,
                "fieldPosition": 0
              "topic": {
                "fieldName": "topic",
                "rawDataTypeNum": 253,
                "isPrimaryKey": false,
                "isUniqueKey": false,
                "fieldPosition": 1
            "schemaId": "(hangzhou-test-db,hangzhou-test-db,message_info)",
            "databaseName": "hangzhou--test-db",
            "tableName": "message_info",
            "primaryIndexInfo": {
              "indexType": "PrimaryKey",
              "indexFields": [
                  "fieldName": "id",
                  "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                  "isPrimaryKey": true,
                  "isUniqueKey": false,
                  "fieldPosition": 0
              "cardinality": 0,
              "nullable": true,
              "isFirstUniqueIndex": false
            "uniqueIndexInfo": [],
            "foreignIndexInfo": [],
            "normalIndexInfo": [],
            "databaseInfo": {
              "databaseType": "MySQL",
              "version": "5.7.35-log"
            "totalRows": 0
          "beforeImage": {
            "recordSchema": {
              "recordFields": [
                  "fieldName": "id",
                  "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                  "isPrimaryKey": true,
                  "isUniqueKey": false,
                  "fieldPosition": 0
                  "fieldName": "topic",
                  "rawDataTypeNum": 253,
                  "isPrimaryKey": false,
                  "isUniqueKey": false,
                  "fieldPosition": 1
              "nameIndex": {
                "id": {
                  "fieldName": "id",
                  "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                  "isPrimaryKey": true,
                  "isUniqueKey": false,
                  "fieldPosition": 0
                "topic": {
                  "fieldName": "topic",
                  "rawDataTypeNum": 253,
                  "isPrimaryKey": false,
                  "isUniqueKey": false,
                  "fieldPosition": 1
              "schemaId": "(hangzhou-test-db,hangzhou-test-db,message_info)",
              "databaseName": "hangzhou-test-db",
              "tableName": "message_info",
              "primaryIndexInfo": {
                "indexType": "PrimaryKey",
                "indexFields": [
                    "fieldName": "id",
                    "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                    "isPrimaryKey": true,
                    "isUniqueKey": false,
                    "fieldPosition": 0
                    "cardinality": 0,
                    "nullable": true,
                    "isFirstUniqueIndex": false
                    "uniqueIndexInfo": [],
                    "foreignIndexInfo": [],
                    "normalIndexInfo": [],
                    "databaseInfo": {
                    "databaseType": "MySQL",
                    "version": "5.7.35-log"
                    "totalRows": 0
                    "values": [
                    "data": 115
                    "data": {
                    "hb": [
                    "offset": 0,
                    "isReadOnly": false,
                    "bigEndian": true,
                    "nativeByteOrder": false,
                    "mark": -1,
                    "position": 0,
                    "limit": 9,
                    "capacity": 9,
                    "address": 0
                    "charset": "utf8mb4"
                    "size": 45
                    "afterImage": {
                    "recordSchema": {
                    "recordFields": [
                    "fieldName": "id",
                    "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                    "isPrimaryKey": true,
                    "isUniqueKey": false,
                    "fieldPosition": 0
                    "fieldName": "topic",
                    "rawDataTypeNum": 253,
                    "isPrimaryKey": false,
                    "isUniqueKey": false,
                    "fieldPosition": 1
                    "nameIndex": {
                    "id": {
                    "fieldName": "id",
                    "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                    "isPrimaryKey": true,
                    "isUniqueKey": false,
                    "fieldPosition": 0
                    "topic": {
                    "fieldName": "topic",
                    "rawDataTypeNum": 253,
                    "isPrimaryKey": false,
                    "isUniqueKey": false,
                    "fieldPosition": 1
                    "schemaId": "(hangzhou-test-db,hangzhou-test-db,message_info)",
                    "databaseName": "hangzhou-test-db",
                    "tableName": "message_info",
                    "primaryIndexInfo": {
                    "indexType": "PrimaryKey",
                    "indexFields": [
                    "fieldName": "id",
                    "rawDataTypeNum": 8,
                    "isPrimaryKey": true,
                    "isUniqueKey": false,
                    "fieldPosition": 0
                    "cardinality": 0,
                    "nullable": true,
                    "isFirstUniqueIndex": false
                    "uniqueIndexInfo": [],
                    "foreignIndexInfo": [],
                    "normalIndexInfo": [],
                    "databaseInfo": {
                    "databaseType": "MySQL",
                    "version": "5.7.35-log"
                    "totalRows": 0
                    "values": [
                    "data": 115
                    "data": {
                    "hb": [
                    "offset": 0,
                    "isReadOnly": false,
                    "bigEndian": true,
                    "nativeByteOrder": false,
                    "mark": -1,
                    "position": 0,
                    "limit": 11,
                    "capacity": 11,
                    "address": 0
                    "charset": "utf8mb4"
                    "size": 47
        "id": "12f701a43741d404fa9a7be89d9acae0-321****",
        "source": "DTSstreamDemo",
        "specversion": "1.0",
        "type": "dts:ConsumeMessage",
        "datacontenttype": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "time": "2022-06-10T07:55:57Z",
        "subject": "acs:dts:cn-hangzhou:12345****:kk123abc60g782/dtsabcdet1ro"

    For more information about the parameters defined in the CloudEvents specification, see Overview.

    The following table describes the parameters in data.

    idStringThe ID of the DTS data entry.
    topicPartitionArrayThe partition information about the topic to which the event is pushed.
    hashStringThe underlying storage parameter of DTS.
    partitionStringThe partition number.
    topicStringThe name of the topic.
    offsetIntThe offset of the DTS data entry.
    sourceTimestampIntThe timestamp when the DTS data entry was generated.
    operationTypeStringThe type of operation involved in the DTS data entry.
    schemaArrayThe schema information about the database.
    recordFieldsArrayThe details of fields.
    fieldNameStringThe name of the field.
    rawDataTypeNumIntThe mapped value of the field type.
    isPrimaryKeyBooleanIndicates whether the field is a primary key field.
    isUniqueKeyBooleanIndicates whether the field has the UNIQUE constraint.
    fieldPositionStringThe position of the field.
    nameIndexArrayThe indexing information about the fields based on field names.
    schemaIdStringThe ID of the database schema.
    databaseNameStringThe name of the database.
    tableNameStringThe name of the table.
    primaryIndexInfoStringThe primary key indexes.
    indexTypeStringThe index type.
    indexFieldsArrayThe fields on which the indexes are created.
    cardinalityStringThe cardinality of the primary keys.
    nullableBooleanIndicates whether the primary keys can be null.
    isFirstUniqueIndexBooleanIndicates whether the index is the first unique index.
    uniqueIndexInfoStringThe unique indexes.
    foreignIndexInfoStringThe indexes for foreign keys.
    normalIndexInfoStringThe regular indexes.
    databaseInfoArrayThe information about the database.
    databaseTypeStringThe engine of the database.
    versionStringThe version of the database engine.
    totalRowsIntThe total number of rows in the table.
    beforeImageStringThe image that records field values before the operation is performed.
    valuesStringThe field values recorded.
    sizeIntThe size of the fields recorded.
    afterImageStringThe image that records field values after the operation is performed.

Step 3: Write and test the function

After you create the trigger, you can write function code and test the function to verify whether the code is correct. In actual scenarios, when the DTS change tracking task captures incremental data of the database, the trigger automatically triggers the execution of the function.

  1. On the function details page, click the Code tab, edit the function code in the code editor, and then click Deploy.
    The following uses the Node.js function code as an example.
    'use strict';
    To enable the initializer feature
    please implement the initializer function as below:
    exports.initializer = (context, callback) => {
      callback(null, '');
    exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
      console.log("event: %s", event);
      // Parse the event parameters and process the event. 
      callback(null, 'return result');
  2. Click the Code tab and click Test Function.
    After the function is executed, you can view the result on the Code tab.


In addition to the Function Compute console, you can configure triggers by using the following methods:
  • Use Serverless Devs to configure triggers. For more information, see Serverless Devs.
  • Use SDKs to configure triggers. For more information, see SDKs.

To modify or delete an existing trigger, see Trigger management.