This topic describes the release notes for fully managed Flink and provides links to relevant references. The release notes provide the major updates and bug fixes in fully managed Flink in the version that was released on August 18, 2022.


Ververica Runtime (VVR) 4.0.14 was officially released on August 18, 2022. This version provides major updates on connectors, performance optimization, and bug fixes. This version is developed based on Apache Flink 1.13.

New features

Feature Description References
Support for file system result tables The file system connector can be used to write data from partitioned files in a specific file format to Object Storage Service (OSS). This connector can create a directory for each partition and roll files based on a rolling policy. Create a file system result table

Performance optimization

Feature Description References
Improved performance of writing data to MaxCompute The MaxCompute connector provides the batchSize and numFlushThreads parameters. The numFlushThreads parameter indicates the number of threads that are used to flush data in the buffer of a writer in MaxCompute Tunnel. The batchSize parameter indicates the flush interval for the buffer of a writer in MaxCompute Tunnel. You can configure the two parameters to improve the performance of writing data to MaxCompute. Create a MaxCompute result table

Fixed issues

  • The issue that an error occurs when data of the DATETIME type in a MySQL dimension table is mapped to data of the TIMESTAMP type is fixed.
  • The issue that the verification fails due to a conflict in a Kafka Avro package is fixed.
  • The following issue is fixed: When a Hologres source table reads a field that contains escape characters, the field cannot be parsed and an error is reported.