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Financial Intelligence Engine:ZOLOZ eKYC SaaS updates 2023-05-12

Last Updated:Nov 13, 2023

Published on May 12, 2023.

​New Features

  • Real ID: Add back image capture support for IDs including:

  • UK driving licenses

  • Singapore NRICs

  • Indonesia local IDs (KTP)

This provides the option for double-sided captures when using Real ID product.

Feature Enhancements

  • Optimization forZOLOZ Portal's error messages containing case search queries longer than 30 days. Text alerts have been enhanced to improve readability.

  • In theZOLOZ Portaldashboard, support has been added for Face Capture, Face Compare, Connect and ID Recognition products, providing a more comprehensive range of data reports (temporarily available on AWS instance).

  • Face Capture's userID field has been extended to a maximum length of 64 bits.

  • Connectproduct users will now be able to cancel enrollment which allow users to easily and compliantly delete their registration information.

  • The system return codes forConnectproduct have been optimized. Previously, only "SYSTEM ERROR" would be returned.

  • Improved face image quality control forBlack Listproducts and added new face image items using the face quality model detection. This ensures target interception rates and reduces human errors.

  • For illegal transactionIds detected in the checkresult interface, "ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT" will now be returned instead of "SYSTEM_ERROR". This enhancement applies to all products exceptReal ID.

  • Optimized IDN or risk strategy exception handling logic forReal IDproduct.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug inFace Capture's Web SDK where closed-eye captures were not being taken.

  • Fixed iOS 16.3.1 camera rotation issue forWeb SDK.

    During the photo-taking process, when the user taps to retake an ID card, the screen will first rotate by 90 degrees, making it difficult to take the photo normally. This issue has now been fixed.

  • FixedReal IDandFace Capture's Web SDK word wrapping issue.

    English texts have now been optimized for line breaks.

  • OptimizedReal IDOCR results for Hong Kong IDs which do not have Chinese Name fields.