Creates or modifies the asynchronous invocation configurations for a function.

When you call the PutFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig operation, the asynchronous invocation configurations are configured or updated based on whether the function is configured with asynchronous invocation configurations.

  • If the function is not configured with asynchronous invocation configurations, the configurations are configured when you call the PutFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig operation.
  • If the function is configured with asynchronous invocation configurations, the configurations are updated based on the items that are specified in the request when you call the PutFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig operation. The items that are not specified in the request remain unchanged.

An asynchronous task (StatefulAsyncInvocation) allows you to manage the states of asynchronous invocations. The asynchronous task feature is more suitable for task scenarios.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common parameters.

Request syntax

PUT /services/{serviceName[.qualifier]}/functions/{functionName}/async-invoke-config HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
serviceName String Path Yes service_name

The name of the service that contains the function for which you want to configure the asynchronous invocation configurations.

functionName String Path Yes testHelloWorld

The name of the function for which you want to configure the asynchronous invocation configurations.

qualifier String Path No alias

The alias or version of the service that contains the function for which you want to configure the asynchronous invocation configurations.

Object Body No

The asynchronous invocation configurations.

destinationConfig DestinationConfig Body No

The configuration structure of the destination for asynchronous invocations.

maxAsyncEventAgeInSeconds Long Body No 300

The maximum validity period of messages. Valid values: [1, 2592000]. Unit: seconds.

maxAsyncRetryAttempts Long Body No 3

The maximum number of retries after an asynchronous invocation fails. Default value: 3. Valid values: [0, 8].

statefulInvocation Boolean Body No true

Specifies whether to enable the asynchronous task feature.

  • true: enables the asynchronous task feature.
  • false: does not enable the asynchronous task feature.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
createdTime String 2020-08-20T02:28:21Z

The time when the service was created.

destinationConfig DestinationConfig

The configuration structure of the destination for asynchronous invocations.

functionName String testHelloWorld

The name of the function for which the asynchronous invocation configurations are configured.

lastModifiedTime String 2020-09-10T02:45:02Z

The time when the asynchronous invocation configurations were last modified.

maxAsyncEventAgeInSeconds Long 1

The maximum validity period of messages. Valid values: [1, 2592000]. Unit: seconds.

maxAsyncRetryAttempts Long 1

The maximum number of retries after an asynchronous invocation fails. Default value: 3. Valid values: [0, 8].

qualifier String alias

The alias or version of the service that contains the function for which you want to configure the asynchronous invocation configurations.

serviceName String service_name

The name of the service that contains the function for which the asynchronous invocation configurations are configured.

statefulInvocation Boolean true

Indicates whether the asynchronous task feature is enabled.

  • true: The asynchronous task feature is enabled.
  • false: The asynchronous task feature is not enabled.


Sample requests

PUT /2016-08-15/services/service_name.alias/functions/testHelloWorld/async-invoke-config HTTP/1.1
Common request headers

  "destinationConfig" : {
    "onFailure" : {
      "destination" : "acs:mns:cn-shanghai:1986***743:/queues/failure/messages"
    "onSuccess" : {
      "destination" : "acs:mns:cn-shanghai:1986***743:/queues/success/messages"
  "maxAsyncEventAgeInSeconds" : 300,
  "maxAsyncRetryAttempts" : 3,
  "statefulInvocation" : true

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "createdTime" : "2020-08-20T02:28:21Z",
  "destinationConfig" : {
    "onFailure" : {
      "destination" : "acs:mns:cn-shanghai:1986***743:/queues/failure/messages"
    "onSuccess" : {
      "destination" : "acs:mns:cn-shanghai:1986***743:/queues/success/messages"
  "functionName" : "testHelloWorld",
  "lastModifiedTime" : "2020-09-10T02:45:02Z",
  "maxAsyncEventAgeInSeconds" : 1,
  "maxAsyncRetryAttempts" : 1,
  "qualifier" : "alias",
  "serviceName" : "service_name",
  "statefulInvocation" : true