Jindo AuditLog allows you to audit operations in the namespaces that are in block storage mode. It records addition, deletion, and renaming operations in the namespaces.


  • An EMR cluster of the 3.29.X version is created. For more information about how to create a cluster, see Create a cluster.
  • An OSS bucket is created. For more information, see Create buckets.

Background information

You can use AuditLog to analyze namespace access information, detect abnormal requests, and track errors. AuditLog stores log files in OSS. The size of a single log file cannot exceed 5 GB. You can use the lifecycle management feature of OSS to customize a retention period in days for the log files. JindoFS allows you to use Shell commands to analyze the log files generated by AuditLog.

Audit log

2020-07-09 18:29:24.689 allowed=true ugi=hadoop (auth:SIMPLE) ip= ns=test-block cmd=CreateFileletRequest src=jfs://test-block/test/test.snappy.parquet dst=null perm=::rwxrwxr-x
The following table describes the parameters of an audit log recorded by AuditLog for a namespace in block storage mode.
Parameter Description
Time The time format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS.
allowed Indicates whether the operation is allowed. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
ugi The user who performed the operation. The information about the authentication method is also displayed.
ip The client IP address.
ns The name of the namespace in block storage mode.
cmd The operation command.
src The source path.
dest The destination path. This parameter can be left empty.
perm The operation permissions on the file.

Configure AuditLog

  1. Go to the SmartData service.
    1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud EMR console.
    2. In the top navigation bar, select the region where your cluster resides. Select the resource group as required. By default, all resources of the account appear.
    3. Click the Cluster Management tab.
    4. On the Cluster Management page that appears, find the target cluster and click Details in the Actions column.
    5. In the left-side navigation pane, click Cluster Service and then SmartData.
  2. Go to the namespace tab for the SmartData service.
    1. Click the Configure tab.
    2. Click the namespace tab in the Service Configuration section.
  3. Perform the following operations:
    1. In the upper-right corner of the Service Configuration section, click Custom Configuration.
    2. In the Add Configuration Item dialog box, configure the parameters described in the following table.
      Parameter Description Required
      • true: Enable AuditLog.
      • false: Disable AuditLog.
      namespace.auditlog.oss.uri The OSS bucket where the log files generated by AuditLog are stored.

      Set this parameter in the format of oss://<yourbucket>/auditLog.

      Replace <yourbucket> with the OSS bucket name.

      namespace.auditlog.oss.accessKey The AccessKey ID used to access the OSS bucket. No
      namespace.auditlog.oss.accessSecret The AccessKey secret used to access the OSS bucket. No
      namespace.auditlog.oss.endpoint The endpoint of the OSS bucket. No
    3. In the upper-right corner of the Service Configuration section, click Deploy Client Configuration.
    4. In the Cluster Activities dialog box, specify Description and click OK.
    5. In the Confirm message, click OK.
  4. Restart Namespace Service.
    1. Select Restart Jindo Namespace Service from the Actions drop-down list in the upper-right corner.
    2. In the Cluster Activities dialog box, specify Description and click OK.
    3. In the Confirm message, click OK.
  5. Configure a retention period for log files.
    OSS provides the lifecycle management feature for you to manage the lifecycles of files in OSS. You can use this feature to customize a retention period for the log files generated by AuditLog.
    1. Log on to the OSS console.
    2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Buckets. On the page that appears, click the name of the created bucket.
    3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Basic Settings > Lifecycle. In the Lifecycle section, click Configure.
    4. Click Create Rule. In the Create Rule dialog box, configure the parameters.
    5. Click OK.

Analyze log files

JindoFS allows you to use Shell commands to analyze the log files generated by AuditLog. You can run a MapReduce job in the EMR console to analyze the most active commands or IP addresses in the log files. The analysis command is jindo auditlog.

The following table describes the parameters in the command.
Parameter Description Required
--src The OSS bucket where the log files generated by AuditLog are stored. By default, this parameter is set to the value of the namespace.auditlog.oss.uri parameter specified in Step 3. You can customize a value. No
--ns The namespace you want to analyze. By default, all namespaces in block storage mode are analyzed. No
--type The analysis objects:
  • ip: the most active IP addresses
  • cmd: the most active commands
--min The time range in minutes. No
Note You can specify only one of --min and --day.
--day The time range in days.

day 1 indicates the current day.

In the EMR console, create a MapReduce job and run the jindo audit command. Example:
jindo auditlog --src oss://<yourbucket>/auditlog/ --ns test --type ip --day 1 --top 2
The following information is returned:
16 openFileStatusRequest
6  deleteFileletRequest