This topic describes the Frontend (FE), Backend (BE), broker, and system parameters and how to modify these parameters.
Background information
Parameters are classified into dynamic parameters and static parameters. Some FE parameters are dynamic parameters that can be modified online. Static parameters are parameters that take effect only after a service restart.
- FE parameters
- BE parameters
FE dynamic parameters
ADMIN SET FRONTEND CONFIG ("key" = "value");
Parameter | Default value | Description |
qe_slow_log_ms | 5000 | The threshold that is used to determine whether a query is a slow query. If the response time of a query exceeds this threshold, the query is recorded as a slow query. Unit: milliseconds. |
Metadata and cluster management
Parameter | Default value | Description |
catalog_try_lock_timeout_ms | 5000 | The timeout period to obtain the catalog lock. Unit: milliseconds. |
edit_log_roll_num | 50000 | The maximum number of image log entries that can be written before a log file is created for these log entries. |
ignore_unknown_log_id | FALSE | Specifies whether to ignore unknown log IDs. Valid values:
Some log IDs may be unknown to BEs of earlier versions if an FE is rolled back to an earlier version. |
ignore_meta_check | FALSE | Specifies whether to ignore the metadata gap. Valid values:
max_backend_down_time_second | 3600 | The maximum amount of time for a BE to rejoin after the BE disconnects to the FE. Unit: seconds. |
drop_backend_after_decommission | TRUE | Specifies whether to delete a BE after the BE is decommissioned. Valid values:
Query engine
Parameter | Default value | Description |
expr_children_limit | 10000 | The number of IN predicates that can be involved in a query. |
expr_depth_limit | 3000 | The number of layers that can be nested in a query. |
max_allowed_in_element_num_of_delete | 10000 | The maximum number of elements allowed in the IN predicate of a DELETE statement. |
max_layout_length_per_row | 2147483647 | The maximum length of a single row. |
disable_cluster_feature | TRUE | Specifies whether to disable the logical cluster feature. Valid values:
enable_materialized_view | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable materialized views. Valid values:
enable_decimal_v3 | TRUE | Specifies whether to support the DECIMAL V3 data type. Valid values:
enable_sql_blacklist | FALSE | Specifies whether to enable the blacklist for SQL queries.
Note If you enable this feature, queries in the blacklist cannot be executed.
dynamic_partition_check_interval_seconds | 600 | The interval at which new data is checked. If new data is detected, StarRocks automatically creates partitions for the data. Unit: seconds. |
dynamic_partition_enable | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable the dynamic partitioning feature. Valid values:
max_partitions_in_one_batch | 4096 | The maximum number of partitions that can be created at a time. |
max_query_retry_time | 2 | The maximum number of query retries on the FE. |
max_create_table_timeout_second | 60 | The maximum timeout period for creating a table. Unit: seconds. |
max_running_rollup_job_num_per_table | 1 | The maximum number of concurrent rollup jobs for each table. |
max_planner_scalar_rewrite_num | 10_0000 | The maximum number of times that the optimizer can rewrite a ScalarOperator. |
statistics_manager_sleep_time_sec | 60*10 | The interval at which statistics tables are created. Unit: seconds. |
statistic_collect_interval_sec | 120*60 | The interval at which statistics are collected. Unit: seconds. |
statistic_update_interval_sec | 24 *60* 60 | The default interval at which statistics are updated. Unit: seconds. |
statistic_sample_collect_rows | 200000 | The number of rows to collect for sampled collection. |
enable_statistic_collect | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable the statistics collection feature. Valid values:
enable_local_replica_selection | FALSE |
Specifies whether the optimizer preferentially selects tablet replicas on BEs that
have the same IP address as the FE.
max_distribution_pruner_recursion_depth | 100 | The maximum recursion depth for partition pruning. |
Loading and unloading
Parameter | Default value | Description |
load_straggler_wait_second | 300 | The maximum loading lag that a BE replica can tolerate. Unit: seconds.
If this value is exceeded, data is cloned from other replicas. |
desired_max_waiting_jobs | 100 | The maximum number of pending jobs.
This limit applies to the total number of jobs of all types, such as table creation, loading, and schema change jobs. |
max_running_txn_num_per_db | 100 | The maximum number of concurrent load jobs. |
max_load_timeout_second | 259200 | The maximum timeout period for a load job. This limit applies to all types of load jobs. Unit: seconds. |
min_load_timeout_second | 1 | The minimum timeout period for a load job. This limit applies to all types of load jobs. Unit: seconds. |
load_parallel_instance_num | 1 | The number of concurrent instances on a single BE. |
disable_hadoop_load | FALSE | Specifies whether to disable the feature that is used to load data from Hadoop. Valid
disable_load_job | FALSE | Specifies whether to accept a load job if the cluster encounters an error. Valid values:
db_used_data_quota_update_interval_secs | 300 | The interval at which the quota for a database is updated. Unit: seconds. |
history_job_keep_max_second | 604800 | The maximum retention period for historical jobs. Unit: seconds. |
label_keep_max_num | 1000 | The maximum number of load jobs that can be retained within a period of time.
You can specify the retention period by using the label_keep_max_second parameter. |
label_keep_max_second | 259200 | The retention period of labels. Unit: seconds. |
max_routine_load_job_num | 100 | The maximum number of Routine Load jobs. |
max_routine_load_task_concurrent_num | 5 | The maximum number of concurrent tasks supported in a Routine Load job. |
max_routine_load_task_num_per_be | 5 | The maximum number of concurrent Routine Load tasks on a BE. The value must be less than or equal to the number specified by the routine_load_thread_pool_size parameter. |
max_routine_load_batch_size | 524288000 | The maximum volume of data that can be loaded by a Routine Load task. |
routine_load_task_consume_second | 3 | The maximum amount of time for which a Routine Load task consumes data. Unit: seconds. |
routine_load_task_timeout_second | 15 | The timeout period for a Routine Load task. Unit: seconds. |
max_tolerable_backend_down_num | 0 | The maximum number of faulty BEs allowed. If this value is exceeded, Routine Load jobs cannot be automatically recovered. |
period_of_auto_resume_min | 5 | The interval at which Routine Load jobs are automatically recovered. |
spark_load_default_timeout_second | 86400 | The timeout period for a Spark Load job. Unit: seconds. |
spark_home_default_dir | STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/lib/spark2x | The root directory of a Spark client. |
stream_load_default_timeout_second | 600 | The timeout period for a Stream Load job. Unit: seconds. |
max_stream_load_timeout_second | 259200 | The maximum timeout period for a Stream Load job. Unit: seconds. |
insert_load_default_timeout_second | 3600 | The timeout period for an INSERT INTO statement that is used to load data. Unit: seconds. |
broker_load_default_timeout_second | 14400 | The timeout period for a Broker Load job. Unit: seconds. |
min_bytes_per_broker_scanner | 67108864 | The minimum volume of data that can be processed by a Broker Load instance. The default value specifies 64 MB. |
max_broker_concurrency | 100 | The maximum number of concurrent instances for a Broker Load job. |
export_max_bytes_per_be_per_task | 268435456 | The maximum volume of data that can be exported from a single BE by a single data unload job. The default value specifies 256 MB. |
export_running_job_num_limit | 5 | The maximum number of concurrent data unload jobs. |
export_task_default_timeout_second | 7200 | The timeout period for a data unload job. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 2 hours. |
Parameter | Default value | Description |
enable_strict_storage_medium_check | FALSE | Specifies whether the FE checks the free storage space of BEs when a table is created.
Valid values:
capacity_used_percent_high_water | 0.75 | The upper limit of disk usage on a BE.
If the disk usage exceeds 75%, table creation or clone jobs will not be sent to this BE until the disk usage decreases to a value lower than the threshold. |
storage_high_watermark_usage_percent | 85 | The maximum space usage in the storage directory of a BE. |
storage_min_left_capacity_bytes | 2 *1024* 1024*1024 | The minimum remaining space in the storage directory of a BE. The default value specifies 2 GB. |
storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes | 1 *1024* 1024*1024 | The remaining space threshold in the storage directory of a BE.
If the remaining space is less than this value, load or restore jobs are rejected. The default value specifies 1 GB. |
storage_flood_stage_usage_percent | 95 | The space usage threshold in the storage directory of a BE.
If the space usage is greater than this value, load or restore jobs are rejected. |
catalog_trash_expire_second | 86400 | The retention period of metadata in the recycle bin after a table or database is deleted.
Unit: seconds. The default value specifies one day.
If the retention period is longer than this value, data cannot be restored. |
alter_table_timeout_second | 86400 | The timeout period for a schema change job. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies one day. |
balance_load_disk_safe_threshold | 0.5 | This parameter is valid only when the disk_and_tablet policy is used.
If the disk usage of all BE disks is less than 50%, the disk usage is considered balanced. |
balance_load_score_threshold | 0.1 |
disable_balance | FALSE | Specifies whether to disable tablet balancing. Valid values:
max_scheduling_tablets | 2000 | The number of tablets being scheduled.
If the number of tablets being scheduled is greater than this value, the load balancing among tablets is skipped. |
max_balancing_tablets | 100 | The number of tablets being balanced.
If the number of tablets being balanced is greater than this value, the load rebalancing among tablets is skipped. |
disable_colocate_balance | FALSE | Specifies whether to disable replica balancing for colocate tables. Valid values:
recover_with_empty_tablet | FALSE | Specifies whether to use an empty tablet replica instead if a tablet replica is lost
or corrupted. Valid values:
You can use an empty tablet replica instead to ensure that a query can be executed even if a tablet replica is lost or corrupted. However, the result may be incorrect because of the missing data. |
min_clone_task_timeout_sec | 3*60 | The minimum timeout period for cloning a tablet. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 3 minutes. |
max_clone_task_timeout_sec | 2 *60* 60 | The maximum timeout period for cloning a tablet. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 2 hours. |
tablet_create_timeout_second | 1 | The timeout period for creating a table. Unit: seconds. |
tablet_delete_timeout_second | 2 | The timeout period for deleting a table. Unit: seconds. |
tablet_repair_delay_factor_second | 60 | The interval at which tablet replicas are repaired. Unit: seconds. |
consistency_check_start_time | 23 | The start time when the FE initiates a replica consistency check. The default value specifies 23:00. |
consistency_check_end_time | 4 | The end time when the FE initiates a replica consistency check. The default value specifies 4:00. |
check_consistency_default_timeout_second | 600 | The timeout period for a replica consistency check. Unit: seconds. |
Parameter | Default value | Description |
plugin_enable | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable the plug-in feature. Valid values:
Note You can install or uninstall plug-ins only on master nodes.
max_small_file_number | 100 | The maximum number of small files that can be stored. |
max_small_file_size_bytes | 1024*1024 | The maximum size of a small file. The default value specifies 1 MB. |
backup_job_default_timeout_ms | 86400*1000 | The timeout period for a backup job. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies one day. |
report_queue_size | 100 | The maximum number of jobs that can wait in a report queue. The report is about disk, task, and tablet information of BEs. |
FE static parameters
Parameter | Default value | Description |
log_roll_size_mb | 1024 | The maximum size of a log file. If this value is exceeded, a new log file is created. The default value specifies 1 GB. |
sys_log_dir | StarRocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/log | The directory in which system log files are stored. |
sys_log_level | INFO | The severity levels into which system logs are classified.
Valid values: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. |
sys_log_verbose_modules | Empty string | The modules for which system logs are generated.
For example, if this parameter is set to org.apache.starrocks.catalog, system logs are generated only for the catalog module. |
sys_log_roll_interval | DAY | The interval at which system log files are rotated. |
sys_log_delete_age | 7d | The interval at which system log files are deleted. |
sys_log_roll_num | 10 | The maximum number of system log files that can be retained within each retention period specified by the sys_log_roll_interval parameter. |
audit_log_dir | starrocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/log | The directory in which audit log files are stored. |
audit_log_roll_num | 90 | The maximum number of audit log files that can be retained. |
audit_log_modules | "slow_query", "query" | The modules for which audit logs are generated. By default, audit logs are generated for the slow_query and query modules. |
audit_log_roll_interval | DAY | The interval at which audit log files are rotated. Valid values: DAY and HOUR. |
audit_log_delete_age | 30d | The interval at which audit log files are deleted. |
dump_log_dir | STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/log | The directory in which dump log files are stored. |
dump_log_modules | "query" | The modules for which dump logs are generated. By default, dump logs are generated for the query module. |
dump_log_roll_interval | DAY | The interval at which dump log files are rotated.
If this parameter is set to DAY, a suffix in the yyyyMMdd format is added to the names of dump log files. If this parameter is set to HOUR, a suffix in the yyyyMMddHH format is added to the names of dump log files. |
dump_log_roll_num | 90 | The maximum number of dump log files that can be retained within each retention period specified by the dump_log_roll_interval parameter. |
dump_log_delete_age | 30d | The interval at which dump log files are deleted. |
Parameter | Default value | Description |
frontend_address | | The IP address of the FE. |
priority_networks | Empty string | The CIDR block of the BE, such as 10.10.**.**/24. This parameter can be used for servers that have multiple IP addresses. You can configure this parameter to specify the network that is preferentially used. |
http_port | 8030 | The port of the HTTP server. |
http_backlog_num | 1024 | The length of the backlog queue that is held by the HTTP server. |
cluster_name | StarRocks Cluster | The name of the StarRocks cluster, which is displayed for Title on the web page. |
rpc_port | 9020 | The port of the Thrift server on the FE. |
thrift_backlog_num | 1024 | The length of the backlog queue that is held by the Thrift server. |
thrift_server_type | THREAD_POOL | The service model that is used by the Thrift server on the FE. Valid values: SIMPLE, THREADED, and THREAD_POOL. |
thrift_server_max_worker_threads | 4096 | The maximum number of worker threads that are supported by the Thrift server. |
thrift_client_timeout_ms | 0 | The timeout period for requests from clients.
The default value 0 specifies that requests from clients never time out. |
brpc_idle_wait_max_time | 10000 | The maximum amount of time for which bRPCs wait in the idle state. Unit: milliseconds. The default value specifies 10 seconds. |
query_port | 9030 | The port of the MySQL server on the FE. |
mysql_service_nio_enabled | FALSE | Specifies whether to enable asynchronous I/O for the FE. Valid values:
mysql_service_io_threads_num | 4 | The maximum number of threads that can be run by the MySQL server on the FE to process I/O events. |
mysql_nio_backlog_num | 1024 | The length of the backlog queue that is held by the MySQL server. |
max_mysql_service_task_threads_num | 4096 | The maximum number of threads that can be run by the MySQL server to process tasks. |
max_connection_scheduler_threads_num | 4096 | The maximum number of threads that are supported by the connection scheduler. |
qe_max_connection | 1024 | The maximum number of connections that can be established by all users to the FE. |
check_java_version | TRUE | Specifies whether to check version compatibility between the executed and compiled
Java programs. Value values:
Metadata and cluster management
Parameter | Default value | Description |
meta_dir | StarRocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/meta | The directory in which metadata is retained. |
heartbeat_mgr_threads_num | 8 | The number of threads that can be run by Heartbeat Manager to run heartbeat tasks. |
heartbeat_mgr_blocking_queue_size | 1024 | The size of the blocking queue that stores heartbeat tasks run by Heartbeat Manager. |
metadata_failure_recovery | FALSE | Specifies whether to forcibly reset the metadata of the FE.
Note Exercise caution when you configure this parameter.
edit_log_port | 9010 | The port that is used for communication among the master, follower, and observer FEs in the StarRocks cluster. |
edit_log_type | BDB | The type of edit log that can be generated. Set the value to BDB. |
bdbje_heartbeat_timeout_second | 30 | The timeout period for heartbeats in the BDB JE-based FE. Unit: seconds. |
bdbje_lock_timeout_second | 1 | The timeout period for a lock on the BDB JE-based FE. Unit: seconds. |
max_bdbje_clock_delta_ms | 5000 | The maximum clock offset that is allowed between the master FE and the follower or observer FEs in the StarRocks cluster. Unit: milliseconds. |
txn_rollback_limit | 100 | The maximum number of transactions that can be rolled back. |
bdbje_replica_ack_timeout_second | 10 | The maximum amount of time for which the master FE can wait for ACK messages from a specified number of follower FEs. |
master_sync_policy | SYNC | The policy based on which the master FE flushes logs to disk. |
replica_sync_policy | SYNC | The policy based on which the follower FE replica flushes logs to disk. |
meta_delay_toleration_second | 300 | The maximum duration by which the metadata on the follower and observer FEs can lag behind that on the master FE. Unit: seconds. |
cluster_id | -1 | The ID of the cluster to which the FE belongs. FEs or BEs that have the same cluster
ID belong to the same cluster.
The default value -1 specifies that a random cluster ID is generated when the master FE of the cluster is started for the first time. |
Query engine
Parameter | Default value | Description |
disable_colocate_join | FALSE | Specifies whether to enable colocate joins. Valid values:
enable_udf | FALSE | Specifies whether to enable user defined functions (UDFs). Valid values:
publish_version_interval_ms | 10 | The interval at which release validation tasks are issued. |
statistic_cache_columns | 10_0000 | The number of rows that can be cached for the statistics table. |
Loading and unloading
Parameter | Default value | Description |
async_load_task_pool_size | 10 | The thread pool size of load jobs. |
load_checker_interval_second | 5 | The polling interval for load jobs. Unit: seconds. |
transaction_clean_interval_second | 30 | The interval at which finished transactions are cleaned up. Unit: seconds. |
label_clean_interval_second | 14400 | The interval at which labels are cleaned up. Unit: seconds. |
spark_dpp_version | 1.0.0 | The version of Spark Dynamic Partition Pruning (DPP). |
spark_resource_path | Empty string | The root directory of the Spark dependency package. |
spark_launcher_log_dir | sys_log_dir/spark_launcher_log | The directory in which Spark log files are stored. |
yarn_client_path | STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/lib/yarn-client/hadoop/bin/yarn | The root directory of the YARN client package. |
yarn_config_dir | STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/lib/yarn-config | The directory in which the YARN configuration files are stored. |
export_checker_interval_second | 5 | The polling interval for unload threads. Unit: seconds. |
export_task_pool_size | 5 | The thread pool size of unload jobs. |
export_checker_interval_second | 5 | The interval at which unload jobs are scheduled. Unit: seconds. |
Parameter | Default value | Description |
storage_cooldown_second | 2592000 | The interval for storage media migration. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 30 days. |
default_storage_medium | HDD | The default storage media. Valid values: HDD and SSD.
The default storage media is used if no storage media is specified when you create a table or partition. |
schedule_slot_num_per_path | 2 | The number of tablet-related jobs that can concurrently run in the storage directory of a BE. |
tablet_balancer_strategy | disk_and_tablet | The policy based on which load balancing is implemented among tablets. Valid values: disk_and_tablet and be_load_score. |
tablet_stat_update_interval_second | 300 | The interval at which the FE retrieves tablet statistics from each BE. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 5 minutes. |
Parameter | Default value | Description |
plugin_dir | STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/plugins | The directory in which the plug-in installation packages are stored. |
small_file_dir | STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/small_files | The root directory of small files. |
max_agent_task_threads_num | 4096 | The maximum number of threads in the thread pool of agent jobs. |
authentication_ldap_simple_bind_base_dn | "" | The base DN that is used to search for the authentication information about users. |
authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_dn | "" | The administrator DN that is used to search for the authentication information about users. |
authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_pwd | "" | The password of the administrator that is used to search for the authentication information about users. |
authentication_ldap_simple_server_host | "" | The host on which the LDAP server runs. |
authentication_ldap_simple_server_port | 389 | The port of the LDAP server. |
authentication_ldap_simple_user_search_attr | uid | The name of the attribute that identifies users in LDAP objects. |
tmp_dir | starrocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/temp_ddir | The directory in which temporary files are stored, such as files generated during backup and restore procedures. |
locale | zh_CN.UTF-8 | The character set. |
hive_meta_load_concurrency | 4 | The maximum number of concurrent threads that are supported for Hive metadata. |
hive_meta_cache_refresh_interval_s | 4096 | The interval at which the cached metadata of Hive external tables is updated. Unit: seconds. |
hive_meta_cache_ttl_s | 3600 *2 | The amount of time after which the cached metadata of Hive external tables expires. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 2 hours. |
hive_meta_store_timeout_s | 3600 *24 | The timeout period for a connection to a Hive metastore. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 24 hours. |
es_state_sync_interval_second | 10 | The interval at which the FE obtains Elasticsearch indexes. Unit: seconds. |
enable_auth_check | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable the authentication check feature. Valid values:
enable_metric_calculator | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable the feature that is used to periodically collect metrics.
Valid values:
BE parameters
All BE parameters are static parameters.
Parameter | Default value | Description |
be_port | 9060 | The port of the Thrift server on the BE. This port is used to receive requests from FEs. |
brpc_port | 8060 | The bRPC port that is used to view the network statistics of bRPCs. |
brpc_num_threads | -1 | The number of bthreads of a bRPC. The default value -1 specifies the same number as CPU cores. |
priority_networks | Empty string | The CIDR block of the BE, such as 10.10.**.**/24. This parameter can be used for servers that have multiple IP addresses. You can configure this parameter to specify the network that is preferentially used. |
heartbeat_service_port | 9050 | The port of the heartbeat service on the BE. This port is used to receive heartbeats from FEs. |
heartbeat_service_thread_count | 1 | The number of threads for the heartbeat service. |
create_tablet_worker_count | 3 | The number of threads that are used to create a tablet. |
drop_tablet_worker_count | 3 | The number of threads that are used to delete a tablet. |
push_worker_count_normal_priority | 3 | The number of threads that are used to process a load job with the NORMAL priority. |
push_worker_count_high_priority | 3 | The number of threads that are used to process a load job with the HIGH priority. |
publish_version_worker_count | 2 | The number of threads that are used to publish a version. |
clear_transaction_task_worker_count | 1 | The number of threads that are used to clear transactions. |
alter_tablet_worker_count | 3 | The number of threads that are used to change a schema. |
clone_worker_count | 3 | The number of threads that are used for cloning. |
storage_medium_migrate_count | 1 | The number of threads that are used for storage media migration. For example, hot data can be migrated from an SSD to an SATA disk by using these threads. |
check_consistency_worker_count | 1 | The number of threads that are used to check the consistency of tablets. |
report_task_interval_seconds | 10 | The interval at which a job is reported. Unit: seconds.
A job can be initiated to create a table, delete a table, load data, or change the schema of a table. |
report_disk_state_interval_seconds | 60 | The interval at which disk status is reported. Unit: seconds.
The disk status includes the status and data volume of each disk. |
report_tablet_interval_seconds | 60 | The interval at which tablet data are reported. Unit: seconds.
The data includes the latest versions of all tablets. |
alter_tablet_timeout_seconds | 86400 | The timeout period for a schema change job. Unit: seconds. |
sys_log_dir | ${DORIS_HOME}/log | The directory in which system logs are stored.
Levels of systems logs include INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. |
user_function_dir | ${DORIS_HOME}/lib/udf | The directory in which UDFs are stored. |
sys_log_level | INFO | The severity levels into which system log entries are classified.
Valid values: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. |
sys_log_roll_mode | SIZE-MB-1024 | The maximum size of a log file. If this value is exceeded, a new log file is created. The default value specifies 1 GB. |
sys_log_roll_num | 10 | The maximum number of system log files that can be retained. |
sys_log_verbose_modules | Empty string | The modules for which system logs are generated. For example, if this parameter is set to OLAP, system logs are generated only for the OLAP module. |
sys_log_verbose_level | 10 | The level of the logs to be displayed. This parameter is used to control the output of logs that start with VLOG in codes. |
log_buffer_level | Empty string | The policy based on which logs are flushed. By default, logs are buffered in memory. |
num_threads_per_core | 3 | The number of threads that are started in each CPU core. |
compress_rowbatches | TRUE | Specifies whether to compress the row batches in RPCs between BEs. This parameter is used for the data transmission between query layers. |
serialize_batch | FALSE | Specifies whether to serialize the row batches in RPCs between BEs. This parameter item is used for the data transmission between query layers. |
status_report_interval | 5 | The interval at which a profile is reported. Unit: seconds. This parameter is used to collect query statistics for FEs. |
doris_scanner_thread_pool_thread_num | 48 | The number of threads in the thread pool that is used by the storage engine for concurrent scan tasks. |
doris_scanner_thread_pool_queue_size | 102400 | The maximum number of tasks that the storage engine supports. |
doris_scan_range_row_count | 524288 | The granularity in which the storage engine splits the range of a query task. |
doris_scanner_queue_size | 1024 | The maximum number of scan tasks that the storage engine supports. |
doris_scanner_row_num | 16384 | The maximum number of data rows that can be returned by each scan thread at a time. |
doris_max_scan_key_num | 1024 | The maximum number of scan keys that can be split. |
column_dictionary_key_ratio_threshold | 0 | The value ratio for the STRING type. If the ratio is less than this value, the dictionary compression algorithm is used. |
column_dictionary_key_size_threshold | 0 | The size of the dictionary compression column. If the size is smaller than this value, the dictionary compression algorithm is used. |
memory_limitation_per_thread_for_schema_change | 2 | The maximum memory for a schema change job. |
file_descriptor_cache_clean_interval | 3600 | The interval at which the cached file descriptors are cleared. Unit: seconds. This parameter is used to clean up file handles that have not been used for a long time. |
disk_stat_monitor_interval | 5 | The interval at which the disk status is checked. Unit: seconds. |
unused_rowset_monitor_interval | 30 | The interval at which expired rowsets are cleared. Unit: seconds. |
storage_root_path | Empty string | The directory in which data is stored. |
max_tablet_num_per_shard | 1024 | The maximum number of tablets in each shard. This parameter is used to restrict the number of tablet child directories within each storage directory. |
pending_data_expire_time_sec | 1800 | The maximum retention period of the pending data in the storage engine. Unit: seconds. |
inc_rowset_expired_sec | 1800 | The retention period of loaded data in the storage engine in the incremental cloning scenario. Unit: seconds. |
max_garbage_sweep_interval | 3600 | The maximum interval for garbage collection on disks. Unit: seconds. |
min_garbage_sweep_interval | 180 | The minimum interval for garbage collection on disks. Unit: seconds. |
snapshot_expire_time_sec | 172800 | The interval at which snapshots are deleted. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 48 hours. |
trash_file_expire_time_sec | 259200 | The interval at which the files in the recycle bin are deleted. Unit: seconds. The default value specifies 72 hours. |
file_descriptor_cache_capacity | 16384 | The number of file descriptors that can be cached. |
min_file_descriptor_number | 60000 | The minimum number of file descriptors in the BE process. |
index_stream_cache_capacity | 10737418240 | The cache capacity for the statistical information of BloomFilter, Min, and Max. |
storage_page_cache_limit | 0 | The capacity of the page cache. |
disable_storage_page_cache | TRUE | Specifies whether to disable the page cache.
base_compaction_check_interval_seconds | 60 | The interval of thread polling for a base compaction. Unit: seconds. |
base_compaction_num_threads_per_disk | 1 | The number of threads used for base compaction on each disk. |
base_cumulative_delta_ratio | 0.3 | The ratio of cumulative file size to base file size. This is one of the conditions that trigger a base compaction. |
base_compaction_interval_seconds_since_last_operation | 86400 | The interval since the last base compaction. This is one of the conditions that trigger a base compaction. |
cumulative_compaction_check_interval_seconds | 1 | The interval of thread polling for a cumulative compaction. Unit: seconds. |
min_cumulative_compaction_num_singleton_deltas | 5 | The minimum number of singleton files. This is one of the conditions that trigger a cumulative compaction. |
max_cumulative_compaction_num_singleton_deltas | 1000 | The maximum number of singleton files. This is one of the conditions that trigger a cumulative compaction. |
cumulative_compaction_num_threads_per_disk | 1 | The number of threads for cumulative compaction on each disk. |
min_compaction_failure_interval_sec | 120 | The minimum interval that a tablet compaction can be scheduled since the last compaction failure. Unit: seconds. |
max_compaction_concurrency | -1 | The maximum concurrency of base compactions and cumulative compactions.
The default value -1 specifies that no limit is imposed on the concurrency. |
webserver_port | 8040 | The port of the HTTP server. |
webserver_num_workers | 48 | The number of threads that are used by the HTTP server. |
periodic_counter_update_period_ms | 500 | The interval at which the Counter statistics are collected. Unit: milliseconds. |
load_data_reserve_hours | 4 | The retention period of files generated by small-scale loadings. Unit: hours. |
load_error_log_reserve_hours | 48 | The retention period of data loading logs. Unit: hours. |
number_tablet_writer_threads | 16 | The number of threads used for Stream Load. |
streaming_load_max_mb | 10240 | The maximum size of a file that can be loaded into StarRocks in a stream. |
streaming_load_rpc_max_alive_time_sec | 1200 | The RPC timeout for Stream Load. |
fragment_pool_thread_num | 64 | The number of threads that are used for queries. By default, 64 threads are started. Threads are dynamically created for subsequent queries. |
fragment_pool_queue_size | 2048 | The maximum number of queries that can be processed on a node. |
enable_partitioned_aggregation | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable partition aggregation. Valid values:
enable_token_check | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable the token check.
load_process_max_memory_limit_bytes | 107374182400 | The maximum size of memory that can be used by all load threads on a node. The default value specifies 100 GB. |
load_process_max_memory_limit_percent | 30 | The maximum percentage of memory that can be used by all load threads on a node. |
sync_tablet_meta | FALSE | Specifies whether to enable the synchronization of tablet metadata. |
thrift_rpc_timeout_ms | 5000 | The timeout period for a thrift RPC. Unit: milliseconds. |
txn_commit_rpc_timeout_ms | 10000 | The timeout period for a transaction commit RPC. Unit: milliseconds. |
routine_load_thread_pool_size | 10 | The thread pool size of Routine Load. |
tablet_meta_checkpoint_min_new_rowsets_num | 10 | The minimum number of rowsets to create since the last tablet meta checkpoint. |
tablet_meta_checkpoint_min_interval_secs | 600 | The interval of thread polling for generating a tablet meta checkpoint. Unit: seconds. |
brpc_max_body_size | 209715200 | The maximum body size of a BRPC. The default value specifies 200 MB. |
max_runnings_transactions | 2000 | The maximum number of transactions that the storage engine supports. |
tablet_map_shard_size | 32 | The size of a tablet map shard. |
enable_bitmap_union_disk_format_with_set | FALSE | Specifies whether to enable the new storage format of the BITMAP type. This type can improve the performance of bitmap_union. |