This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions about Sqoop.

What do I do if the timestamp field shows a delay of eight hours when I import data from ApsaraDB RDS into EMR?

  • Description:
    1. The Test_Table table in ApsaraDB RDS contains a timestamp field. data source
    2. The following command is used to import data in the Test_Table table to EMR HDFS:
      sqoop import \
      --connect jdbc:mysql://rm-2ze*******o_sqoopp_db \
      --username s***o \
      --password ****** \
      --table play_evolutions \
      --target-dir /user/hadoop/output \
      --delete-target-dir \
      --direct \
      --split-by id \
      --fields-terminated-by '|' \
      -m 1
    3. The import result is queried.

      In the query result, the timestamp field shows a delay of eight hours.

  • Solution: When you import the data, delete the --direct parameter from the import command.
    sqoop import \
    --connect jdbc:mysql://rm-2ze*******o_sqoopp_db \
    --username s***o \
    --password ****** \
    --table play_evolutions \
    --target-dir /user/hadoop/output \
    --delete-target-dir \
    --split-by id \
    --fields-terminated-by '|' \
    -m 1
    The query results are normal. Result