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E-MapReduce:Use Spark Streaming jobs to process Kafka data

Last Updated:Feb 19, 2024

This topic describes how to run Spark Streaming jobs to process Kafka data in real-time from an E-MapReduce (EMR) Dataflow cluster that contains the Kafka service.


  • EMR is activated.

  • The required roles are assigned to EMR by using your Alibaba Cloud account. For more information, see Assign roles.

Step 1: Create a DataLake cluster and a Dataflow cluster

Create a DataLake cluster and a Dataflow cluster that belong to the same security group. The Dataflow cluster must contain the Kafka service. For more information, see Create a cluster.

  • Create a DataLake cluster.


    In this example, Spark 3 is deployed in the DataLake cluster.

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  • Create a Dataflow cluster.


    Make sure that the Kafka service is selected. The system selects the Kafka-Manager and ZooKeeper services on which the Kafka service depends.

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Step 2: Obtain the required JAR package and upload it to the DataLake cluster

  1. Obtain the JAR package spark-streaming-demo-1.0.jar.

  2. Upload the JAR package to the /home/emr-user path of the master node in the DataLake cluster.

Step 3: Create a topic on the Dataflow cluster

In this example, a topic named test is created.

  1. Log on to the master node of the Dataflow cluster. For more information, see Log on to a cluster.

  2. Run the following command to create a topic: --create --bootstrap-server core-1-1:9092,core-1-2:9092,core-1-3:9092 --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2 --topic demo

    After you create the topic, keep the logon window open for later use.

Step 4: Run a Spark Streaming job

In this example, a WordCount job is run for streaming data.

  1. Log on to the master node of the DataLake cluster. For more information, see Log on to a cluster.

  2. Run the following command to go to the emr-user directory:

    cd /home/emr-user
  3. Run the following command to submit a WordCount job for streaming data:

    spark-submit --class com.aliyun.emr.KafkaApp1 ./spark-streaming-demo-1.0.jar <Internal IP address of a Kafka broker>:9092 demogroup1 demo

    The following table describes key parameters.



    <The internal IP address of a Kafka broker component in the Kafka cluster>:9092

    The internal IP address and port number of a broker in the Dataflow cluster. The default port number is 9092. Example: 172.16.**.**:9092,172.16.**.**:9092,172.16.**.**:9092.

    To view the internal IP addresses of all brokers, go to the Status tab of the Kafka service page, find KafkaBroker, and then click the image icon to the left of KafkaBroker.


    The name of the Kafka consumer group. You can modify the name based on your business requirements.


    The topic name.

Step 5: Use Kafka to publish messages

  1. In the command-line interface (CLI) of the Dataflow cluster, run the following command to start the Kafka producer: --create --bootstrap-server core-1-1:9092,core-1-2:9092,core-1-3:9092 --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2 --topic --topic demo --broker-list core-1-1:9092
  2. Enter text information in the logon window of the Dataflow cluster. Text statistics are displayed in the logon window of the DataLake cluster in real time.

    For example, enter the information shown in the following figure to the logon window of the Dataflow cluster.


    The information shown in the following figure is displayed in the logon window of the DataLake cluster.


Step 6: View the status of the Spark Streaming job

  1. On the EMR on ECS page, click the name of the DataLake cluster.

  2. On the page that appears, click Access Links and Ports.

  3. Access the web UI of Spark. For more information, see Access the web UIs of open source components.

  4. On the History Server page, click the App ID of the Spark Streaming job that you want to view.

    You can view the status of the Spark Streaming job.

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