If you use Data Transmission Service (DTS) to perform two-way synchronization among three instances, data loss occurs. This topic describes how to avoid this situation.


After you use DTS to perform two-way synchronization among three instances, data loss occurs. The following figure shows an example of this scenario.

Two-way synchronization among three instances

Possible cause

DTS provides the two-way synchronization feature to prevent data loopback. Therefore, two-way synchronization is not suitable for data synchronization among three instances. In the preceding figure, when DTS synchronizes data from Database 1 is to Database 2, DTS tags transactions based on transaction tables. This way, DTS can filter data and prevent data loopback. The tagged data records are not synchronized to Database 3. Therefore, data loss occurs in Database 3. If DTS synchronizes data from Database 3 to Database 2, data loss occurs in Database 1.


Do not configure a task that is similar to the preceding synchronization scenario.