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Data Management:Normal data modify

Last Updated:Jun 17, 2024

You can use the Normal Data Modify feature of Data Management (DMS) to change data in databases by directly executing SQL statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, and CREATE TABLE. You can also execute these SQL statements at a scheduled time. DMS verifies the correctness of SQL statements in the precheck phase and check whether the SQL statements to be executed affect the database performance and whether the use who submits the ticket is allowed to execute the SQL statements in the approval phase. This effectively minimizes the risks of SQL changes. This topic describes how to submit a Normal Data Modify ticket.


The database instance you use is managed in Stable Change or Security Collaboration mode in DMS. For more information, see Control modes.

Usage note

  • After you submit a data change ticket for approval, you can close the ticket regardless of whether the ticket is approved or rejected. This prevents the task for the ticket from being accidentally executed after the ticket is approved.

  • We recommend that you submit tickets for data changes in the test environment. This way, the system checks the number of rows to be affected and generates a backup file for each data change. This allows you to restore data if the data is not changed as expected.


    To ensure high R&D efficiency, you can specify that no approval is required for data change tickets in the test environment. For more information, see SQL Correct.

  • If you have configured logical databases, logical tables, and routing algorithms in DMS, you can submit a single ticket to shard databases and tables. This way, you do not need to submit a ticket for each physical database or table.

    • If you have configured a routing algorithm, and a routing field is included in the SQL statement that is used to shard databases and tables, the routing algorithm routes the statement to the corresponding physical table for execution.

    • If you have not configured a routing algorithm, no routing field is included in the SQL statement, or the data type of the routing field does not match the data type that is specified in the routing algorithm, the SQL statement is executed on each table in each database one by one. This process takes a longer period of time.


  1. Log on to the DMS console V5.0.
  2. In the top navigation bar, choose Database Development > Data Change > Normal Data Modify.


    If you use the DMS console in simple mode, move the pointer over the 2023-01-28_15-57-17.png icon in the upper-left corner of the console and choose All Features > Database Development > Data Change > Normal Data Modify.

  3. In the Apply step of the Data Change Tickets wizard, set the parameters for submitting a data change ticket. The following table describes some of the parameters that are displayed.


    In this example, an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database in Security Collaboration mode is used.






    The database for which you want to submit the ticket. You must select a database on which you have the change permission.

    Reason Category


    The reason for the data change. This helps you find the ticket in subsequent operations.


    If you are a DMS administrator, you can modify reason categories on the Configuration Management page of the O&M module. For more information, see Configuration management.

    Business Background


    The purposes or objectives of the data change. To accelerate the approval process, enter a detailed description.

    Execution Method


    The execution method of the ticket. Valid values:

    • Ticket Submitter Executes Upon Approval

    • Automatically Execute Upon Approval

    • Last Approver Executes


    If you are a DMS administrator, you can modify execution methods on the Configuration Management page of the O&M module. For more information, see Configuration management.

    Affected Rows


    The estimated number of data rows that may be affected by the data change.

    SQL Statements for Change


    The SQL statements that are used for the data change. You can select Text or Attachment.

    SQL Text


    This parameter is displayed only if you set the SQL Statements for Change parameter to Text. Enter executable SQL statements in the SQL Text field.

    • Separate multiple SQL statements with semicolons (;).

    • DMS checks whether the syntax of the SQL statements is valid when you submit the ticket. If the syntax is invalid, you cannot submit the ticket.



    This parameter is displayed only if you set the SQL Statements for Change parameter to Attachment. Upload the file that stores the SQL statements used for data change.


    The file to be uploaded can be a TXT, ZIP, or SQL file. The size of the file cannot exceed 15 MB.

    SQL Statements for Rollback


    The SQL statements that are used for rollback. You can select Text or Attachment.

    SQL Text


    This parameter is displayed only if you set the SQL Statements for Rollback parameter to Text. Enter the SQL statements for rollback. The SQL statements that you specify for this parameter are used to roll back the data change.



    This parameter is displayed only if you set the SQL Statements for Rollback parameter to Attachment. Click File to upload the file that contains the SQL statements you want to use for rollback.


    The file to be uploaded can be a TXT, ZIP, or SQL file. The size of the file cannot exceed 15 MB.

    Change Stakeholder


    The stakeholders involved in the data change. All the specified stakeholders can view the ticket details and participate in the approval process. Irrelevant users, except for DMS administrators and database administrators (DBAs), do not have access to the ticket details.



    The file used as an attachment of the ticket to provide additional information about the data change.

  4. Click Submit.

    After you submit a ticket, the system automatically performs a precheck on the ticket. If the ticket fails the precheck, modify the SQL statements as prompted and submit the ticket again.

  5. After the ticket passes the precheck, click Submit for Approval. In the Prompt message, click OK.


    By default, data change tickets are approved by DBAs. For more information about how to change the default approval template, see the Change the default approval template section of the "SQL Correct" topic.

  6. After the application is approved, click Execute Change. In the Task Settings dialog box, set the task execution parameters described in the following table and click Confirm Execution.

    • This step is automatically skipped if you set the Execution Method parameter to Automatically Execute Upon Approval in the Apply step.

    • After a suspended task is resumed, the script can be executed from the position at which the script was suspended.



    Execution Strategy

    Specifies whether to run the task for the ticket immediately or at a scheduled time. Valid values:

    • Running immediately: If you select this option, DMS immediately runs the task after you click Confirm Execution.

    • Schedule: If you select this option, you need to specify a time. After you click Confirm Execution, DMS runs the task at the scheduled time. For example, you can specify that the task is run at 00:00:00 on May 22, 2024.

    Enable Submit as Single Transaction

    Specifies whether to submit all the statements as a single transaction. By default, this switch is turned off. Valid values:

    • on: All SQL statements that are involved in this change are submitted as a transaction. If an SQL statement fails, all the executed DML statements in the same transaction are rolled back. DDL statements cannot be rolled back.

    • off: Each SQL statement is submitted as a transaction. If an SQL statement fails, the transaction is stopped, but the executed SQL statements are not rolled back.

    Enable Backup

    Specifies whether to back up data. By default, this switch is turned off. Valid values:

    • Data backup is supported for only UPDATE and DELETE statements.

    • You cannot back up data for MongoDB or Redis databases.

    • on: DMS generates specific statements to back up the data that is affected when UPDATE or DELETE statements are executed.

      • If the database is a MySQL or MariaDB database, DMS generates a REPLACE INTO statement.


        The supported MySQL database types include ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL, PolarDB for MySQL, PolarDB-X, and MySQL databases that are not on Alibaba Cloud.

      • If the database is not a MySQL or MariaDB database, DMS generates an INSERT statement.

    • off: DMS does not generate statements for data backup.


    The execution of SQL tasks is monitored by the checkpoints that are configured in security rules to control the SQL execution. Examples of the checkpoints include Database lock timeout mechanism before SQL execution, Database load check before SQL execution, and sleep policy after SQL execution. To check the checkpoints that are configured in a security rule to control SQL execution, go to the details page of the security rule, and click SQL execution control in the left-side pane. For more information about how to modify the default checkpoint settings, see Configure the control on SQL execution.

    • After the task is complete, you can click Details in the Actions column of the ticket to view the status of the ticket, number of times the task is run, number of affected rows, executed statements, and logs.

    • After the task is complete, you can go to the SQLConsole tab of the database to check whether the data is changed as expected.

  7. Optional. If data changes do not meet your expectations and data backup is enabled when you set the task execution parameters, perform the following steps to restore the source data.

    1. In the Execute section of the ticket details panel, click Download Backup in the Actions column to download the backup file.

      A backup file contains the following information:

      • The original SQL statements executed to change data

      • The SELECT clause in the original SQL statements

      • The SQL statement that is used for data backup


      [Database]:   rds@rm-bp144d5ky4l4rli0417****[rds mysql]
      UPDATE t_order
      SET product_id = 88
      WHERE id = 10054
      [BACKUP SQL]:    SELECT *
      FROM t_order
      WHERE id = 10054
      REPLACE INTO `t_order`(`id`,`product_id`,`gmt_create`,`gmt_modified`,`customer_id`,`price`,`status`,`province`) VALUES
      (10054,81,'2021-12-14 09:44:44','2021-12-14 09:44:44',71,63.45,'Success','Hangzhou');
    2. Extract the SQL statement for data backup from the backup file. After you confirm that the statement is valid, submit a Normal Data Modify ticket to restore the database data based on the actual situation.


    If an improper UPDATE statement is executed for the data change and the system generates an INSERT statement for data backup, you must manually restore the data.

  8. Verify whether the data is changed as expected.

    1. In the Basic Information section of the ticket details panel, move the pointer over the database name and click Query.

    2. On the SQLConsole tab of the database, check whether the table data meets your expectations.