Updates a user-defined function (UDF) in a metadatabase in Data Lake Formation (DLF) by name.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request parameters.

Request syntax

PUT /api/metastore/catalogs/databases/functions 

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
Object Body No

The HTTP request body, in the JSON format.

CatalogId String Body No 1344371

The catalog ID of the metadatabase. Default value: the user ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.

DatabaseName String Body No database_test

The name of the metadatabase.

FunctionInput FunctionInput Body No

The details about the function to be updated.

FunctionName String Body No func2

The name of the function.

RegionId String Host No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where DLF is activated.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Code String OK

The description of the status code.

Message String .

The error message that is returned.

RequestId String B7F4B621-E41E-4C84-B97F-42B5380A32BB

The ID of the request.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the call was successful.

Error codes

InvalidObject: The specified metadatabase, metadata table, or function does not exist, or the parameters of the function are unspecified.

InternalError: An internal error has occurred. Troubleshoot the error based on the error message that is returned.


Sample requests

PUT /api/metastore/catalogs/databases/functions HTTP/1.1 
  "CatalogId": "1344371",
  "DatabaseName": "database_test",
  "FunctionName": "func2",
  "FunctionInput": {
    "FunctionName": "func2",
    "ClassName": "com.xxx.xxxxFunction2",
    "OwnerName": "zhangsan",
    "OwnerType": "USER",
    "FunctionType": "JAVA",
    "ResourceUri": [
        "ResourceType": "JAR",
        "Uri": "hdfs:///tmp/jar2.jar"

Sample success responses

JSON format

  "Code": "OK",
  "HttpStatusCode": 200,
  "Message": "",
  "RequestId": "B6D9AA00-FB5D-4A36-9737-5D385372D058",
  "Success": true

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.