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Direct Mail:Delivery Reports

Last Updated:Jul 01, 2024

Log on to the DirectMail Console, and you can query the delivery data of all the sender addresses under the account, and the delivery data of each sender address. The data includes the total volume, successful volume, failed volume, invalid addresses, success rate and invalid address rate.

Delivery Overview

In the left-side navigation pane, click Delivery Overview, and you can query the delivery data.

Email Delivery Statistics

Select the Email Tag, Sender Address, From and To dates, and click Query.

Note: You can query up to seven days of email delivery statistics.

You can query the total number, successful delivery number, failed delivery number, invalid addresses, success rate and invalid address rate of seven days in the Email Delivery section.

Example Delivery overview chart


Example delivery data detailsData statistics

Recipient Tracking

  1. On the Delivery Overview page, click Recipient Tracking.

  2. Select the From and To dates, and click Query.

Note: You can query up to seven days of tracking data.

The data tracking feature collects the opening and clicking data of emails you sent, and helps you understand the delivery results. You can query the tracking data about emails, including the opens, open rate, clicks, click rate, independent opens, independent open rate, independent clicks, and independent click rate.


"Total": the email enabled data tracking feature and delivered successfully to the recipient;

"Open" behavior: the behavior of opening an email after receiving it;

"Click" behavior: after receiving the email, open the email and click the URL in the email;

"Independent opening" behavior: the "opening" behavior is deduplicated based on the same email;

"Independent click" behavior: the "click" behavior is deduplicated based on the same email;

When using the data tracking function, it is important to pay attention to the following points: How Do I Enable The Data Tracking Feature?

Example data tracking trend chart

data tracking trend chart

Example data tracking detailsData tracking details

For more information on how to enable the data tracking feature, see How can I enable the data tracking feature?

Delivery logs

You can query the delivery details according to the creation time, sender addresses, recipient addresses, email tags and delivery statuses.

  1. Click Delivery Log in the left-side navigation pane of the DirectMail console.

  2. Select the time Range,Filtering Conditions Delivery Status,and click Query.

Note: You can query up to 30 days of delivery logs.