This topic provides answers to other frequently asked questions about Operation Center.

What is the relationship between auto triggered nodes and auto triggered node instances, data backfill instances, and test instances?

Every night, DataWorks generates auto triggered node instances that are scheduled to run on the next day for an auto triggered node. The instances are automatically generated and scheduled to run. You can manually backfill data for or test an auto triggered node.
Note On the day when you create an auto triggered node, you can set the Instance Generation Mode parameter to Immediately After Deployment for the node. After you deploy the node, you can view the instances generated for the node on the Cycle Instance page in Operation Center.

How long are logs for instances and the instances retained?

Instances that run on the shared resource group for scheduling are retained for one month (30 days), and logs for the instances are retained for one week (7 days).

Instances that run on exclusive resource groups for scheduling are retained for one month (30 days), and logs for the instances are also retained for one month (30 days).

  • The system regularly clears excess logs every day when the size of logs for instances that are successfully run exceeds 3 MB.
  • You cannot manually delete a node instance after it is generated. If you no longer need to run an auto triggered node, you can freeze the node or the instance generated for the node. The operation result of freezing an auto triggered node is different from that of freezing an instance generated for an auto triggered node. For more information, see Node freezing and unfreezing.

Why cannot I perform big data computing on a resource group for scheduling?

Resource groups for scheduling are used to schedule nodes and provide only limited resources. Therefore, resource groups for scheduling are not suitable for big data computing. MaxCompute can process large amounts of data. We recommend that you use MaxCompute for big data computing.

How do I adjust the priority of a node instance?

To adjust the priority of a node instance, adjust the priority of the baseline to which the node instance belongs. The priority of a baseline can be set to 1, 3, 5, 7, or 8. A larger value indicates a higher priority. The system preferentially allocates scheduling resources to a baseline with a higher priority.

To adjust the priority of a baseline in order to adjust the priority of a node instance that belongs to the baseline, perform the following steps:
  1. Go to the Operation Center page.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alarm > Smart Baseline.
  3. On the Baselines tab, find the baseline whose priority you want to adjust and click Edit in the Actions column.
  4. In the Modify Baseline dialog box, change the value of the Priority parameter.
  5. Click Complete.

How do I view the priority of a node instance?

To view the priority of a node instance, perform the following steps: Go to the Operation Center page. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cycle Task Maintenance > Cycle Instance. On the page that appears, find the node instance whose priority you want to view and click the node instance name. Click the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of the node instance, and click Show Details. On the General tab, view the priority of the node instance.