Deletes a custom alert rule.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DeleteRemind

The operation that you want to perform.

RegionId String Yes cn-shanghai

The unique identifier of the zone.

RemindId Long Yes 1234

The ID of the alert rule.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Data Boolean true

Indicates whether the deletion is successful. Valid values: true (indicating successful deletion) and false (indicating failed deletion).

ErrorCode String 1031203110005

The error code.

ErrorMessage String The specified parameters are invalid.

The error message.

HttpStatusCode Integer 200

The HTTP status code.

RequestId String 0000-ABCD-EFG****

The unique ID of the call. You can use the error ID to troubleshoot the error.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request was successful.


Sample requests

     http(s)://[Endpoint]/? Action=DeleteRemind &RegionId=cn-shanghai&reindid=1234 &<common request parameters> 

Sample success responses

XML format

     <RequestId>0000-ABCD-EFG****</RequestId> <HttpStatusCode>200</HttpStatusCode> <Data>true</Data> <ErrorCode>1031203110005</ErrorCode> <ErrorMessage>The specified parameters are invalid. </ErrorMessage> <Success>true</Success> 

JSON Format

     { "RequestId": "0000-ABCD-EFG****", "HttpStatusCode": 200, "Data": true, "ErrorCode": 1031203110005, "ErrorMessage": "The specified parameters are invalid.", "Success": true } 

Error codes

HttpCode Error codes Error message Description
500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area. Please try it in another area. DataWorks API service is not available in this region. Please try another region.
500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred. Try again later. An internal system error occurred. Please try again later.
500 InternalError.UserId.Missing An internal system error occurred. Try again later. An internal system error occurred. Please try again later.
500 InternalError.Wkbench.ServiceError An internal error occurred. The service was open.
500 Invalid.Wkbench.Parameter The specified parameters are invalid. One or more parameters are invalid.
429 Throttling.Api The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit. The request for the resource exceeds your available upper limit.
500 Forbidden.Wkbench.RemindNoPermission You are not authorized to modify the reminder. You do not have the permission to modify the custom notification rule.
500 Invalid.Wkbench.RemindNotExist The reminder does not exist. The custom reminder rule does not exist.
403 Forbidden.Access Access is forbidden. Please first activate DataWorks Enterprise Edition or Flagship Edition. You have restricted access. Please activate DataWorks Enterprise Edition or above.

Go to the Error Center For more information, see error codes.