A cloud box is the extension of Alibaba Cloud public cloud in an on-premises data center. A cloud box consists of resources such as the computing and storage resources. This topic describes how to create, modify, and delete a cloud box.

Create a cloud box

After you create a deployment site, you can create a cloud box at the deployment site. You can create multiple cloud boxes at one deployment site.
Note You can purchase up to 50 cloud boxes in a region.
  1. In the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) console, click CloudBox in the left-side navigation pane. On the page that appears, click the Cloud Boxes tab.
  2. Click Create Cloud Box.
  3. In the Create Cloud Box dialog box, configure the basic information of the cloud box and click OK.
    NameThe name of the cloud box. You can specify a custom name to distinguish the cloud box from other cloud boxes.
    DescriptionOptional. The description of the cloud box.
    Deployment SiteThe deployment site at which the cloud box is deployed. Select the deployment site that you created.
    Cloud Box Zone IdentifierThe name of the cloud box zone on Alibaba Cloud public cloud. One cloud box corresponds to one zone.
  4. Confirm the basic information that you configured and click OK.

Modify a cloud box

After you create a cloud box, you can modify the basic information about the cloud box.

  1. In the ECS console, click CloudBox in the left-side navigation pane. On the page that appears, click the Cloud Boxes tab.
  2. Find the cloud box that you want to modify and click Modify in the Actions column.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, modify the information about the cloud box and click Confirm.
    • If the cloud box is in the Running state, you can modify only the name and description of the cloud box.
    • If the cloud box is in the Pending state, you can modify the name, description, and deployment site of the cloud box.

Delete a cloud box

If a cloud box has no resources and you no longer need the cloud box, you can delete the cloud box. If you have purchased resources in a cloud box, you cannot delete the cloud box.

  1. In the ECS console, click CloudBox in the left-side navigation pane. On the page that appears, click the Cloud Boxes tab.
  2. Find the cloud box that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, click OK.