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Cloud Shell:Preview web applications

Last Updated:Aug 25, 2023

Cloud Shell provides the web application preview feature. You can use the feature to run and preview web applications on a Cloud Shell virtual machine (VM).


This feature is available only for Alibaba Cloud accounts. This feature is not available for RAM users.

Start web applications

You can run a web application that is used to listen to HTTP requests on a Cloud Shell VM. A web application must listen to HTTP requests from a range of supported ports. The ports can be accessed only by an authorized Cloud Shell proxy service. The proxy service allows access only from the clients with your Alibaba Cloud account permissions over HTTPS.

You can run the following code in Cloud Shell to start a Python HTTP service to perform a test:

cd `mktemp -d` \
    && echo '<html><body>Hello World</body></html>' >./index.html \
    && python -m http.server 60000

Preview web applications

Click Preview and select the port number of the web application to which you want to listen. Cloud Shell opens the URL of the proxy service on a new tab in your browser. The URL points to the preview page of the proxy service.