You can migrate on-premises VMware virtual machines (VMs) to the cloud in the Cloud Backup console. This topic describes the steps required for this scenario.
The following procedure shows how to migrate on-premises VMware VMs in the Cloud Backup console.

You are not charged for activating Cloud Backup. You are charged for migrating VMware VMs to the cloud. For more information, see Billing methods and billable items.
Create a migration gateway in the Cloud Backup console. A migration gateway helps you back up and restore data.
Install and activate the gateway
After you download the gateway and certificate, you need to install the gateway in your VMware environment. After the gateway is installed, you can migrate VMware VMs in the Cloud Backup console.
Before you migrate VMware VMs, you must add a vCenter Server in the Cloud Backup console.
When you create a migration plan in the Cloud Backup console, specify whether you want to run the migration plan immediately or on schedule, the virtual private cloud (VPC), and the ECS instance type. Cloud Backup starts the migration plan and continuously migrates data from the selected VMs to the specified ECS instance.
Confirm that the migration is complete
You can click Finish Migration to allow Cloud Backup to create an ECS instance based on the last synchronized data. In this case, Cloud Backup no longer runs migration jobs.