This topic describes how to execute a GRANT statement to grant permissions to a standard account for ApsaraDB for ClickHouse. The account is created and managed by running SQL statements.


  • The cluster whose account you want to grant permissions is an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster.
  • Your database account is a privileged account or a standard account that has the GRANT permission.


You can execute the GRANT statement to grant permissions to only standard accounts that are created and managed by running SQL statements.


    priv_type [(column_list [,...])] [,...]    
    ON priv_level
    TO {user | CURRENT_USER} [,...]


  • ON CLUSTER default: specifies that permissions are granted on all nodes. Set the value to ON CLUSTER default.
  • priv_type: specifies the type of permission to be granted. For more information about valid values, see Privileges.
  • column_list: Optional. If you specify a parameter value, the permission is granted on the specified column. If you do not specify a parameter value, the permission is granted on all columns.

    For example, if the priv_type parameter is set to SELECT and the column_list parameter is set to name, the account is granted the SELECT permission on the name column.

  • priv_level: specifies the level of the permission.
    • *.*: specifies the cluster level.
    • db_name.*: specifies the database level.
    • db_name.table_name or table_name: specifies the table level.
  • WITH GRANT OPTION: specifies that the GRANT permission is granted to the account. When an account has the GRANT permission, the account can grant its permissions to other accounts.


  • Grant the all permission at the cluster level to account2.
    GRANT ON CLUSTER default all ON *.* TO 'account2';
  • Grant the all permission on the ck_demo database to account3.
    GRANT ON CLUSTER default all ON ck_demo.* TO 'account3';
  • Grant the SELECT and INSERT permissions to account1 and account2.
    GRANT ON CLUSTER default SELECT,INSERT ON *.* TO 'account1','account2'
  • Create an account by executing the CREATE USER statement, and grant permissions to the created account by executing the GRANT statement.
    • Create an account and grant the DML permission at the cluster level to the account.
      CREATE USER 'test' ON CLUSTER default IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Testpassword1';
      GRANT ON CLUSTER default INSERT,SELECT,ALTER,DROP on *.* to 'test';
    • Create an account and grant the DML permission on the ck_demo database to the account.
      CREATE USER 'test123' ON CLUSTER default IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Testpassword123';
      GRANT ON CLUSTER default INSERT,SELECT,ALTER,DROP on ck_demo.* to 'test123';
    • Create an account and grant the SELECT permission on the customer_id and gender columns in the customer table.
      CREATE USER 'test321' ON CLUSTER default IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Testpassword321';
      GRANT ON CLUSTER default SELECT (customer_id, gender) ON customer to 'test321';