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Alibaba Cloud CLI:Use configure subcommands

Last Updated:Jul 12, 2024

This topic describes how to use the configure subcommands of Alibaba Cloud CLI.

Configure or modify a profile

You can use the aliyun configure command to quickly configure or modify profiles.


aliyun configure
aliyun configure --mode <AuthenticateMode> --profile <profileName>
  • --mode: the credential type. If you do not specify this parameter, this parameter is set to AK, which indicates AccessKey pairs.

  • --profile: the profile name. If you do not specify this parameter, the default profile is used. If the specified profile does not exist, a profile with the specified name is created.

Method 1: aliyun configure

Quickly modify or configure the default profile. In this example, the default profile is configured. The settings are for reference only and you can configure the parameters based on your business requirements. For more information about how to modify the default profile, see the Method 1: aliyun configure set --profile <profileName> section of this topic.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure
  2. Sample response

    Configuring profile 'default' in 'AK' authenticate mode...
    Access Key Id []: *********************
    Access Key Secret []: *********************
    Default Region Id []: cn-hangzhou
    Default Output Format [json]: json (Only support json)
    Default Language [zh|en] en: en
    Saving profile[profile] ...Done.

Method 2: aliyun configure --mode <mode> --profile <profileName>

Quickly configure a profile of a specific credential type. In this example, the AkProfile profile of the AK type is configured. The settings are for reference only and you can configure the parameters based on your business requirements.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure --mode AK --profile AkProfile
  2. Sample response

    Configuring profile 'AkProfile' in 'AK' authenticate mode...
    Access Key Id []: *********************
    Access Key Secret []: *********************
    Default Region Id []: cn-hangzhou
    Default Output Format [json]: json (Only support json)
    Default Language [zh|en] en: en
    Saving profile[profile] ...Done.

List the information about all profiles

You can use the list command to view a summary of all profiles.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure list
  2. Sample response

    The following information is returned, including the name, masked credential, language, and default region ID of each profile. The profile whose name is marked with an asterisk (∗) is the default profile.

    Profile           | Credential            | Valid   | Region           | Language
    ---------         | ------------------    | ------- | ---------------- | --------
    akProfile *       | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    stsTokenProfile   | StsToken:***yId       | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    ramRoleArnProfile | RamRoleArn:***yId     | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    ecsRamRoleProfile | EcsRamRole:EcsRamRole | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en

View the details of a profile

You can use the get command to view the details of a profile.


aliyun configure get
aliyun configure get --profile <profileName>
aliyun configure get [settingName]... --profile <profileName>
  • settingName: the configuration item that you want to view. If you do not specify this parameter, all configuration items of the profile are returned. If the specified configuration item does not exist, no result is returned after the command is run. For more information about the valid values of the settingName parameter, see the Configuration items supported by the get command section of this topic.

  • --profile: the profile name. If you do not specify this parameter, the default profile is used. If the specified profile does not exist, profile profileName not found! is returned.

Method 1: aliyun configure get

View the information about the default profile.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure get
  2. Sample response

            "name": "default",
            "mode": "AK",
            "access_key_id": "********************",
            "access_key_secret": "***********************",
            "sts_token": "",
            "sts_region": "",
            "ram_role_name": "",
            "ram_role_arn": "",
            "ram_session_name": "",
            "source_profile": "",
            "private_key": "",
            "key_pair_name": "",
            "expired_seconds": 0,
            "verified": "",
            "region_id": "cn-hangzhou",
            "output_format": "json",
            "language": "en",
            "site": "",
            "retry_timeout": 0,
            "connect_timeout": 0,
            "retry_count": 0,
            "process_command": "",
            "credentials_uri": "",
            "oidc_provider_arn": "",
            "oidc_token_file": ""

Method 2: aliyun configure get --profile <profileName>

View the information about a profile. In this example, the exampleProfile profile is used.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure get --profile exampleProfile
  2. Sample response

            "name": "exampleProfile",
            "mode": "AK",
            "access_key_id": "********************",
            "access_key_secret": "***********************",
            "sts_token": "",
            "sts_region": "",
            "ram_role_name": "",
            "ram_role_arn": "",
            "ram_session_name": "",
            "source_profile": "",
            "private_key": "",
            "key_pair_name": "",
            "expired_seconds": 0,
            "verified": "",
            "region_id": "cn-hangzhou",
            "output_format": "json",
            "language": "en",
            "site": "",
            "retry_timeout": 0,
            "connect_timeout": 0,
            "retry_count": 0,
            "process_command": "",
            "credentials_uri": "",
            "oidc_provider_arn": "",
            "oidc_token_file": ""

Method 3: aliyun configure get [settingName]... --profile <profileName>

View a configuration item of a profile. In this example, the mode configuration item of the exampleProfile profile is queried. mode indicates the credential type. The CLI returns the information in the settingName=value format.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure get mode --profile exampleProfile
  2. Sample response


Modify a profile

You can use the set command to modify a profile.


aliyun configure set --profile <profileName>
aliyun configure set [--settingName <settingValue>]...
aliyun configure set [--settingName <settingValue>]... --profile <profileName>
aliyun configure set [--settingName <settingValue>]... --profile <profileName> --region <regionId>
  • --profile: the profile name. If you do not specify this parameter, the default profile is used. If the specified profile does not exist, a profile with the specified name is created.

  • --settingName: the configuration item to be modified. For more information, see the Configuration items supported by the set command section of this topic.

  • The order of the --settingName and --profile parameters does not affect the command output.

  • No response is returned after the set command is run. You can use the get or list command to view the modification results.

Method 1: aliyun configure set --profile <profileName>

Set an existing profile as the default profile. In this example, the exampleProfile profile is used.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure set --profile exampleProfile
  2. Use the list command to view the modification result.

    Profile           | Credential            | Valid   | Region           | Language
    ---------         | ------------------    | ------- | ---------------- | --------
    default           | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    exampleProfile *  | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-beijing       | en

Method 2: aliyun configure set [--settingName <settingValue>]...

Modify the configurations of the default profile. In this example, the language configuration item is used.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure set --language cn
  2. Use the get command to view the modification result.


Method 3: aliyun configure set [--settingName <settingValue>]... --profile <profileName>

Modify the configurations of a profile. In this example, the region_id configuration item of the exampleProfile profile is modified


  1. Command

    aliyun configure set --region cn-hangzhou --profile exampleProfile
  2. Use the get command to view the modification result.


Method 4: aliyun configure set [--settingName <settingValue>]... --profile <profileName> --region <regionId>

Create a profile of a specific credential type. You must specify all the parameters required for the specified credential type. Otherwise, the creation fails. For more information about the required parameters for each credential type, see the Identity credential types section of the "Configure identity credentials" topic.

In this example, the AkProfile profile of the AK type is created.


  1. Command

    aliyun configure set 
      --profile akProfile
      --mode AK
      --region cn-beijing
      --access-key-id AccessKeyId
      --access-key-secret AccessKeySecret
  2. Use the list command to view the result.

    Profile           | Credential            | Valid   | Region           | Language
    ---------         | ------------------    | ------- | ---------------- | --------
    default           | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    akProfile *       | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-beijing       | en

Delete a profile

You can run the delete command to delete a profile.


aliyun configure delete --profile <profileName>
  • --profile: the profile name. If you do not specify this parameter, the operation fails.

  • If the default profile is deleted, the first profile in the profile list automatically becomes the default profile. For more information, see the example.

  • We recommend that you retain at least one profile. If you accidentally delete all profiles, the following error message is returned when you run commands in Alibaba Cloud CLI.

    ERROR: load current configuration failed unknown profile default, run configure to check

    To resolve this issue, you must delete the config.json file, which is stored in the .aliyun folder of your personal user directory.


The following code shows how to delete a profile and the profile list before and after the deletion. In this example, the exampleProfile profile is deleted.

  1. The profile list before deletion

    Profile           | Credential            | Valid   | Region           | Language
    ---------         | ------------------    | ------- | ---------------- | --------
    default           | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    AkProfile         | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    exampleProfile *  | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
  2. Command

    aliyun configure delete --profile exampleProfile
  3. The profile list after deletion

    Profile           | Credential            | Valid   | Region           | Language
    ---------         | ------------------    | ------- | ---------------- | --------
    default *         | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en
    AkProfile         | AK:***yId             | Valid   | cn-hangzhou      | en

Help information

  • Configuration items supported by the set command





    The AccessKey ID.

    --access-key-id <AccessKeyId>


    The AccessKey secret.

    --access-key-secret <AccessKeySecret>


    The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role.

    --ram-role-name <RamRoleName>


    The Security Token Service (STS) token.

    --sts-token <StsToken>


    The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the RAM role.

    --ram-role-arn <RamRoleArn>


    The session name of the RAM role.

    --role-session-name <RoleSessionName>


    The language.

    --language [en|zh]


    The region.

    --region cn-hangzhou


    The I/O timeout period in seconds.

    --read-timeout 10


    The connection timeout period in seconds.

    --connect-timeout 10


    The number of retry attempts.

    --retry-count 5


    Skips HTTPS certificate verification. This parameter is not recommended.



    The expiration time of the credential.

    --expired-seconds <seconds>

  • Configuration items supported by the get command

    Value of the settingName parameter

    Comfiguration item


    name: the profile name.


    mode: the credential type.
















    private_key: the private key of the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) key pair.


    key_pair_name: the name of the RSA key pair.



