Enterprise Edition transit routers support custom routes. You can add a static route or blackhole route to the route tables of a specific Enterprise Edition transit router for flexible traffic control.
Add a custom route to a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
Navigate to the tab and click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Route Table tab.
In the left-side section, click the route table ID. On the Route Entry tab of the details page, click Add Route Entry.
In the Add Route Entry dialog box, configure the parameters and click OK. The following table describes the parameters.
Route Table
The current route table is selected by default.
Transit Router
The current transit router is selected by default.
Enter a name for the route entry.
Destination CIDR
Enter a destination IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block for the route.
IPv4: Select the subnet mask before entering a CIDR block. For example,
IPv6: For example, 240b:****:14::/64.
Blackhole Route?
Yes: means that the route is a blackhole route. All traffic destined for this route is dropped.
No: means that the route is not a blackhole route. In this case, you must specify the next hop of the route.
Next Hop
Select a next hop.
Enter a description for the route entry.
View routes of an Enterprise Edition transit router
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
Navigate to the tab and click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Route Table tab.
In the left-side section, click the ID of the route table that you want to manage.
On the Route Entry tab of the route table details page, you can view the following information about routes in the current route table.
By default, only some route attributes are displayed in the CEN console. To view all route attributes, click the
icon to adjust the column filter.
Route ID/Name
The name and ID of the route.
To rename the route entry, click the
icon below the route ID.
Destination CIDR Block
The destination CIDR block of the route.
Next Hop
The network instance that is specified as the next hop of the route.
The type of next hop.
Network Instance: indicates that the next hop of the route is a network instance connection.
Blackhole: indicates that the route is a blackhole route.
All traffic destined for this route is dropped.
Next Hop Resource ID/Name
The ID and name of the network instance that is specified as the next hop of the route.
Next Hop Resource Type
The type of network instance that is specified as the next hop of the route.
Transit Router
Transit Router indicates a transit router.
Route Type
The route type. Valid values:
Propagated Routes: indicates that the route is a route learned by the transit router.
Static Routes: indicates that the route is a custom route.
Route Status
The status of the route. Valid values:
Available: The route is available.
Rejected: The route is rejected due to route conflicts.
Prohibited: The route is prohibited by a routing policy associated with the route table.
Standby or Candidate: The route is a standby route. When the active route is unavailable, traffic can be transmitted through the standby route.
Route Attribute
The attributes of the route.
To view the attributes of the route, such as the AS path, community value, and priority, click View Details.
The description of the route.
To modify the description of or add a description to a route ,click the
Creation Time
The time when the route was created.
Route Source ID/Name
The ID and name of the route source.
Route Source Type
The source resource type of the route.
Transit Router
Transit Route indicates a transit router.
Prefix List
If a prefix list ID is displayed, the route is generated from a prefix list.
If you have a large number of routes, you can filter routes by destination CIDR block.
View routes of a Basic Edition transit router
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
Navigate to the tab and click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Route Table tab.
On the Route Entry tab, view the routes in the current region.
Destination CIDR Block
The destination CIDR block of the route.
Next Hop
The network instance that is specified as the next hop of the route.
The type of the network instance that is specified as the next hop of the route.
CCN: a Cloud Connect Network (CCN) instance
VPC: a virtual private cloud (VPC)
VBR: a virtual border router (VBR)
BR: a transit router
local_service: a system route.
Route Type
The route type. Valid values:
CEN: a route learned by the transit router.
Custom: a custom route.
System: a system route that is automatically added.
The status of the route. Valid values:
Available: The route is available.
Rejected: The route is marked as rejected, as it matches a routing policy associated with the route table. In the Basic Edition transit router, the default IPv6 route entry is also set to rejected.
Candidate: The route is a standby route. When the active route is unavailable, traffic can be transmitted through the standby route.
Match Policy
The routing policy that the route matches.
If the route matches a routing policy, you can click View Details to view details about the routing policy.
Route Attribute
The attributes of the route.
To view the attributes of the route, such as the AS path, community value, and priority, click View Details.
Policy to Other Regions
The routing policy that the route matches to forward packets to other regions.
Status to Other Regions
The status of the route that forwards packets to other regions.
Available: The route can be advertised to other regions.
Prohibited: The route cannot be advertised to other regions.
Delete a custom route from a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
Navigate to the tab and click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Route Table tab.
In the left-side section, click the ID of the route table that you want to manage.
On the Route Entry tab of the route table details page, find the route that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.
In the Delete Route Entry message, confirm the information and click OK.
CreateTransitRouterRouteEntry: adds a route to a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterRouteEntry: modifies the name and description of a route in a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteTransitRouterRouteEntry: removes a static route from a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
ListTransitRouterRouteEntries: queries the information about routes in a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DescribeCenRegionDomainRouteEntries: queries the information about routes in a region.