After you configure origin fetch over IPv6, points of presence (POPs) can redirect requests to origin servers over IPv6 based on different origin fetch policies, such as redirecting requests to origin servers that use IPv6 addresses, using the IP version of the client request, and load balancing between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Background information
Most Alibaba Cloud CDN POPs support origin fetch over IPv6. After origin fetch over IPv6 is enabled, POPs can forward requests to origin servers over IPv6 based on the configured policies if the origin servers also support access over IPv6.
POPs outside the Chinese mainland do not support origin fetch over IPv6.
At least one origin server does not use an IPv6 address. If all origin servers use IPv6 addresses, some POPs may fail to redirect requests to origin servers.
Log on to the Alibaba Cloud CDN console.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Domain Names.
On the Domain Names page, find the domain name that you want to manage and click Manage in the Actions column.
In the left-side navigation tree of the domain name, click Origin Fetch.
In the Origin Fetch over IPv6 section, click Edit.
In the Origin Fetch over IPv6 dialog box, turn on Use IPv6, Match Client, or IPv4/IPv6 Load Balancing. The following table describes the parameters.
Use IPv6
After you enable this feature, the origin servers use IPv6 services by default.
NoteIf the POP or the origin server does not have an available IPv6 address, an IPv4 connection is used.
Match Client
After you enable this feature, the IP version of the client request is used for origin fetch.
NoteIf a client request uses IPv6, an origin server that uses IPv6 is used for origin fetch. If no origin server uses IPv6, an origin server that uses IPv4 is used for origin fetch.
If a client request uses IPv4, an origin server that uses IPv4 is used for origin fetch. If no origin server uses IPv4, an origin server that uses IPv6 is used for origin fetch.
IPv4/IPv6 Load Balancing
After you enable this feature, polling is used to specify the IP address of the origin server for origin fetch, regardless of whether the requests are sent over IPv4 or IPv6.
NoteThe IPv4/IPv6 Load Balancing, Use IPv6, and Match Client features are mutually exclusive. If you enable IPv4/IPv6 Load Balancing, Use IPv6 and Match Client are automatically disabled.
If you specify a weight ratio for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, origin fetch is performed based on the weight ratio.
Click OK.