If you have purchased an Alibaba Cloud CDN resource plan, you can query the details of the resource plan. Usage details help you make informed business decisions. This topic describes how to query the details of resource plans.


  • A resource plan is purchased. For more information, see CDN Resource Plan.
  • Resource fees can be offset by resource plans only if the metering method of Alibaba Cloud CDN is pay-by-data-transfer.


  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud CDN console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Expenses to go to Alibaba Cloud User Center.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Manage Reserved Instances > Resource Packages > Details. Offset details:

Related API operations

You can call API operations that are listed in the following table to query the details of resource plans.
Note Resource plans of Dynamic Route for CDN (DCDN) can be shared by Alibaba Cloud CDN. Therefore, you can also call DCDN API to query the details of resource plans of Alibaba Cloud CDN.
Operation Description
DescribeCdnUserResourcePackage Queries the resource plans that you have purchased for Alibaba Cloud CDN.
DescribeDcdnUserResourcePackage Queries the resource plans that you have purchased for DCDN.