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Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh:Use the certificate management feature of ASM

Last Updated:Mar 07, 2024

Service Mesh (ASM) allows you to synchronize certificates to multiple clusters in an ASM instance by using the certificate management feature. The certificate management feature helps you manage certificates by providing such capabilities as certificate information display and expiration alerting. This topic describes how to use the certificate management feature of ASM.


A cluster is added to an ASM instance whose version is 1.17 or later. For more information, see Add a cluster to an ASM instance.

Step 1: Create a server certificate and a private key

  1. Run the following command to create a root certificate and a private key:

    openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=myexample Inc./' -keyout aliyun.root.key -out aliyun.root.crt 
  2. Run the following commands to generate a server certificate and a private key whose validity periods are 365 days for the server of

    openssl req -out -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -subj "/ organization"
    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA aliyun.root.crt -CAkey aliyun.root.key -set_serial 0 -in -out
  3. Run the following commands to generate a server certificate and a private key whose validity periods are one day for the server of

    The purpose is to test the certificate expiration alerting feature.

    openssl req -out -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -subj "/ organization"
    openssl x509 -req -days 1 -CA aliyun.root.crt -CAkey aliyun.root.key -set_serial 0 -in -out

(Optional) Step 2: Enable control-plane log collection and certificate alerting

You can enable control-plane log collection, certificate expiration alerting, and certificate about-to-expiration alerting based on your business requirements. If the validity period of your certificate is less than 30 days, ASM considers that your certificate is about to expire.


Step 3: Create a certificate on the Certificate Management page

  1. Create a normal certificate.

    1. Log on to the ASM console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Service Mesh > Mesh Management.

    2. On the Mesh Management page, click the name of the ASM instance. In the left-side navigation pane, choose ASM Gateways > Certificate Management.

    3. On the Certificate Management page, click Create. In the Certificate Information panel, configure the required parameters and click OK.




      The certificate name.


      The default value is istio-system.

      Public Key Certificate

      For this example, enter the content of the file generated in substep 2 of Step 1.

      Private Key

      For this example, enter the content of the file generated in substep 2 of Step 1.

      Enable mTLS

      If you need to create a certificate for mTLS communication, turn on this switch and copy the content of the CA certificate to the CA Certificate field.

  2. Create a certificate that is about to expire by referring to Step 1.

    For the Public Key Certificate and Private Key parameters, enter the content of the and files that are generated in substep 3 of Step 1, respectively. After the certificate is created, you can view the two certificates on the Certificate Management page. To view the details of a certificate, click Details in the Operation column. To modify the certificate content, click Edit.证书创建成功.png

  3. (Optional) View the alert logs of a certificate.

    For an ASM instance whose version is earlier than

    1. Log on to the ASM console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Service Mesh > Mesh Management.

    2. On the Mesh Management page, click the name of the ASM instance. In the left-side navigation pane, choose ASM Instance > Base Information.

    3. Click View log on the right of Control-plane log collection. In the left-side Logstore section, click internal-alert-history. On the internal-alert-history page, search for certificate and view the alert logs.查看证书日志.png

    For an ASM instance whose version is or later

    1. Log on to the ASM console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Service Mesh > Mesh Management.

    2. On the Mesh Management page, click the name of the ASM instance. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Observability Management Center > Log Center.

    3. On the Log Center page, click the Control-Plane Logs tab, enter Certificate in the field, and then click Query&Analyze to view the certificate alert logs.


    The system checks the certificate expiration alerts every 6 hours. If no alert logs are found, check the alert logs after 6 hours.

  4. Use the certificates displayed on the Certificate Management page.

    After you create a certificate on the Certificate Management page, you can use the certificate in the following scenarios:

    • If you want to configure a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate when you create or modify an Istio gateway by using a YAML template, enter the certificate name displayed on the Certificate Management page in the credentialName field. For more information, see Manage Istio gateways.

    • When you create an Istio gateway on the graphical user interface (GUI) provided by ASM, you can directly select the certificate displayed on the Certificate Management page. For more information, see Manage Istio gateways.

    • If you set the protocol to TLS when you create a domain on the Gateway overview > Domain/Certificate page, you can select the certificate displayed on the Certificate Management page for the credential parameter. For more information, see Bind a certificate to a domain name.

Step 4: Migrate a certificate

For ASM instances of version 1.17 or later, you can manage the certificates on the Certificate Management page. To go to this page, choose ASM Gateways > Certificate Management. If you have created a certificate on the Gateway overview > Domain/Certificate page, migrate the certificate to the Certificate Management page.

On the Certificate Management page, create a certificate with the same name as that of the certificate you have created on the Domain/Certificate page, and copy the content of the certificate on the Domain/Certificate page to the certificate that you are creating on the Certificate Management page. This way, the certificate on the Domain/Certificate page is migrated to the Certificate Management page.