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Application Real-Time Monitoring Service:Use Managed Service for Prometheus to monitor a TiDB cluster

Last Updated:Aug 20, 2024

This topic describes how to use Managed Service for Prometheus to monitor a TiDB cluster.

Step 1: Enable the TiDB component

  1. Go to the Integration Center page: Log on to the Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Integration Center.

  2. Select the TiDB component: In the Database section of the Integration Center page, click TIDB.


  3. Set the parameters: Set the parameters in the TIDB panel.



    Select the environment type

    Select the type of the environment in which the cluster resides. The following environment types are supported:

    • Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster

    • Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance

    Select a Kubernetes cluster

    If the cluster resides in an ACK cluster, select the cluster.

    Select VPC

    If the cluster resides in an ECS instance, select the instance.

    TIDB cluster name

    Enter the name of the TiDB cluster.


    The TiDB cluster name must be unique to prevent duplicate metric collection.


    The namespace where the TiDB cluster resides.

    PD Server Container Name

    Enter the names of the TiDB server, Placement Driver (PD) server, and TiKV server. Default names are automatically filled in.

    TiDB Server Container Name

    TiKV Server Container Name

    PD Metrics Port

    Specify the ports of the TiDB server, PD server, and TiKV server. Default ports are automatically filled in.

    TiDB Metrics Port

    TiKV Metrics Port

    PD Metrics Collection Path

    Specify the paths to which the monitoring data of the TiDB server, PD server, and TiKV server is collected. Default paths are automatically filled in.

    TiDB Metrics Collection Path

    TiKV Metrics Collection Path

    Metric collection interval (unit/second)

    The interval at which Managed Service for Prometheus collects the monitoring data. Default value: 30 seconds.

Step 2: View the Grafana dashboards

  1. Go to the Integration Management page: In the left-side navigation pane, click Integration Management.

  2. Select the environment: On the Integrated Environments tab of the Integration Management page, click the name of the ACK cluster or ECS instance.


  3. Select the component: In the Addon Type section of the Component Management tab, click TIDB and then click Dashboards to view the dashboard list.


  4. View a dashboard: Click the name of a dashboard.

Step 3: Configure alert rules for the TiDB cluster

  1. View or modify the default alert rules: In the Addon Type section of the Component Management tab, click TIDB and then click Alert Rule to view or modify the default alert rules.


  2. Add custom alert rules: Add custom alert rules based on your business requirements. For more information, see Prometheus alert rules.