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Application Real-Time Monitoring Service:How to migrate Kubernetes monitoring to the Application Monitoring eBPF

Last Updated:Jan 15, 2024


  • Application Monitoring eBPF data is incompatible with Kubernetes Monitoring. After the migration, you must view the previous data in Kubernetes Monitoring and view the new data in Application Monitoring eBPF.

  • You have configured alert rules for Kubernetes Monitoring. You cannot migrate the alert rules to Kubernetes Monitoring. If you have any questions, contact the Application Monitoring eBPF Q&A DingTalk group (group number: 35568145) for help.

Manage components

  1. In the ACK console, choose Operations > Components in the Actions column of the cluster and click Upgrade in the Actions column. Then, find the ack-arms-cmonitor component and upgrade the component to 4.0.0 or later.

  2. After the upgrade is successful, connect the application to the Application Monitoring eBPF. For more information, see Connect applications to Application Monitoring eBPF and Manually connect applications to Application Monitoring eBPF.

Query the data after masking.

After the upgrade is complete, you still need to view the previous monitoring data on the Kubernetes Monitoring page.

The query paths of data before and after the upgrade are as follows:

  • Result 1: The instance is upgraded to the new instance type.

    On the Kubernetes Monitoring page of the ARMS console, click the name of the cluster that you want to view and select the time period before component upgrade.

  • After the upgrade:

    On the ARMS console, go to the Application Monitoring eBPF > Applications page, click the name of the cluster that you want to query, and select the time range after the component upgrade.