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ApsaraMQ for Kafka:UpdateInstanceConfig

Last Updated:Jul 04, 2024

Modifies the configurations of an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. ApsaraMQ for Kafka allows you to modify the configurations of an instance, including the access control list (ACL) feature, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) feature, the message retention period, and the maximum message size.

Operation description


If a RAM user wants to call the UpdateInstanceConfig operation, the RAM user must be granted the required permissions. For more information about how to grant permissions, see RAM policies.

UpdateInstanceConfigalikafka: UpdateInstanceacs:alikafka:::{instanceId}


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The configurations that you want to update for the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. The value must be a valid JSON string.


The region ID of the instance.


The instance ID.


Config parameter description

ParameterTypeValid valueDefault valueDescription
enable.vpc_sasl_sslString"true": enables virtual private cloud (VPC) transmission encryption. "false": disables VPC transmission encryption."false"Specifies whether to enable VPC transmission encryption. If you enable VPC transmission encryption, you must also enable access control list (ACL).
enable.aclString"true": enables ACL. "false": disables ACL."false"Specifies whether to enable ACL.
kafka.log.retention.hoursStringYou can select only an integer that ranges from 24 to 480."72"The retention period of messages. Unit: hours.
kafka.message.max.bytesStringYou can select only an integer that ranges from 1048576 to 10485760."1048576"The maximum size of a message. Unit: bytes.
log.retention.hoursStringYou can select only an integer that ranges from 24 to 8760."72"The retention period of messages. Unit: hours. You can configure this parameter only for serverless ApsaraMQ for Kafka V3 instances.
offsets.retention.minutesStringYou can select only an integer that ranges from 1440 to 43200."10080"The retention period of consumer offsets. Unit: minutes. You can configure this parameter only for serverless ApsaraMQ for Kafka V3 instances.
message.max.bytesStringYou can select only an integer that ranges from 1048576 to 10485760."1048576"The maximum size of a message. Unit: bytes. You can configure this parameter only for serverless ApsaraMQ for Kafka V3 instances.
auto.create.topics.enableString"true": enables automatic topic creation. "false": disables automatic topic creation."false"Specifies whether to enable automatic topic creation. You can configure this parameter only for serverless ApsaraMQ for Kafka V3 instances.
num.partitionsStringYou can select only an integer that ranges from 1 to 800."3"The number of partitions in a topic that is automatically created. You can configure this parameter only for serverless ApsaraMQ for Kafka V3 instances.

Response parameters


The HTTP status code. The status code 200 indicates that the call is successful.


The returned message.

operation success.

The request ID.


Indicates whether the call is successful.



Sample success responses


  "Code": 200,
  "Message": "operation success.",
  "RequestId": "4B6D821D-7F67-4CAA-9E13-A5A997C35***",
  "Success": true

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400MissingParameterThe %s parameter is required.-
400Instance.StatusNotRunningThe instance is not running and cannot operate this function. Please try again later.The instance is not running and cannot operate this function. Please try again later.
400Instance.Change.NotAllowedThis instance does not allow deployment operations.-
400InvalidParameter.FormatThe %s format is invalid.-
400InvalidParameter.NotSupportThe %s parameter is not supported.-
400InvalidParameterThe %s parameter is invalid.-
400InvalidParameter.VersionNotSupportCurrent version does not support the %s parameter.-
400Acl.AddSasl.ErrorFailed to add a user. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order.Failed to add a user. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order.
400Acl.DelSasl.ErrorFailed to delete the user. Check the request parameters and try again.Failed to delete the user. Check the request parameters and try again.
400Acl.Disable.ErrorThe Acl function is disabled. Enable it by referring to the documentation and try again.The Acl function is disabled. Enable it by referring to the documentation and try again.
400Acl.DuplicatedAuth.ErrorThe authorization has already been granted, please do not repeat the authorization.The authorization has already been granted, please do not repeat the authorization.
400ADMIN_GET_BROKER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ADMIN_UPDATE_BROKER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ADMIN_UPDATE_SUB_PERM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ADMIN_UPDATE_TOPIC_PERM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AgentBusinessErrorInternal error, please try again, if invalid, please submit the work order.Internal error, please try again, if invalid, please submit the work order.
400AgentErrorA system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.A system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.
400AsyncTask.DeleteTopicTopic has not been deleted. Please try again later.Topic has not been deleted. Please try again later.
400AsyncTask.ExecuteTimeNotSupportThe async task is approaching its execution time and modification is not allowed.-
400AsyncTask.ExecuteTimeNotSupportThe task cannot be modified because it is close to its execution time. Please adjust and try again.The task cannot be modified because it is close to its execution time. Please adjust and try again.
400AsyncTask.IgnoredThe task is ignored.The task is ignored.
400AsyncTask.NotMeetConditionThe task does not meet the user-defined conditions.The task does not meet the user-defined conditions.
400AsyncTask.RetryLaterTask Please try again later.Task Please try again later.
400AsyncTask.TypeAlreadyExistThe task already exists.The task already exists.
400AsyncTaskSlave.NotCompletedThe task is not completed. Please check and try again.The task is not completed. Please check and try again.
400AUTH_CAL_SIGNATURE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_CSRF_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_ONS_CHANNEL_INVALID%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_RESOURCE_EMPOWER_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_SERVICE_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_SIGNATURE_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_TOPIC_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_USER_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400AUTH_USER_IN_BLACK_LIST%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ.GET.TOPIC.STATUS.ERRORAccessKeyId is required to get topic status.-
400BIZ.INSTANCE.NOT.FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ.INSTANCE.STATUS.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ.LIMIT.PUBNETWORKEipMax is invalid.-
400BIZ.TagResource.NotSupported%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_ACL_NOT_ENABLED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_AONE_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_BROADCASTING_PULL_UNSUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_BROKER_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CAN_NOT_ENABLE_ACL%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CLUSTER_IS_EMPTY%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CONSUMER_GROUP_ACTIVE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CONSUMER_ID_BELONG_TO_OTHER_USER%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CONSUMER_NEVER_RUNNING%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CONSUMER_NOT_ONLINE%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CREATE_ORDER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CREATE_PUBLISH_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CREATE_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_CREATE_TOPIC_NUM_LESS_THAN_BEFORE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_DELETE_ORDER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_DELETE_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_FIELD_CHECK_INVALID%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_FIND_CONSUMER_GROUP_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_APPKEY_LIST_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_CLUSTER_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_CONSUMER_CONNECTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_CONSUMER_RUNNING_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_CONSUME_ACCUMULATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_CONSUME_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_TOPIC_ROUTE_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_GET_TOPIC_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXISTS%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_BASIC_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_CREATE_ORDER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_DELETE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_LOCATION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_ONLY_PROFESSIONAL_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_PAIDTYPE_NOT_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_REFUND_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_EXIST_CONSUMER_GROUP_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_EXIST_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_LESSHOUR_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_UPDATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_INSTANCE_UPGRADE_ORDER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_MESSAGE_TRACK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_NO_MESSAGE%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_PRODUCER_ID_BELONG_TO_OTHER_USER%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_PUBLISHER_EXISTED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_PUBLISH_INFO_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_PUSH_MESSAGE_TO_CONSUMER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_QUERY_CONSUME_TIMESPAN_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_QUERY_MESSAGE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_RESET_OFFSET_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SASL_USER_NOT_EXIST%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SASL_USER_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SLR_CREATE_NO_PERMISSION%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_EXISTS%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_EXISTED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_TOO_MUCH%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_DUPLICATE_TAG_KEY%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_ONLY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_HAS_PERMISSION%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_REQUEST_RESOURCE_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_REQUEST_TAG_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_RESOURCE_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_TAGKEY_NOT_VALID%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_TAGVALUE_NOT_VALID%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TAG_TAG_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TIME_SPAN_EMPTY%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_COMPACT_TOPIC_NOT_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_CREATE_INTERNAL_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_DELETE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_EXISTED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_LOCAL_TOPIC_NOT_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_OFFSET_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_ADD_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_TOO_MUCH%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_UPDATE_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_TOPIC_UPDATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_UPDATE_ACL_FAILED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_UPDATE_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400BIZ_UPDATE_TOPIC_PERM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400DataExceedMaxLimitThe maximum number of %s is exceeded.-
400DB.Update.FailedFailed to update data, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order.Failed to update data, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order.
400Deploy.Callback.IllegalMessage data does not match, please submit work order.Message data does not match, please submit work order.
400Deploy.NotRetriableErrorDeployment error, please submit work order.Deployment error, please submit work order.
400Deploy.ResourceNotEnoughInsufficient resources, please submit work order.Insufficient resources, please submit work order.
400Deploy.RetriableErrorA retry error occurred during deployment. If the retry still fails, submit a work order.A retry error occurred during deployment. If the retry still fails, submit a work order.
400DeployErrorDeployment error, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order.Deployment error, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order.
400DeployPreCheckErrorDeployment pre-check failed. Please submit work order.The deployment pre-check failed. Please try again. If the retry still fails, please submit a ticket.
400DeployPreCheckErrorDeployment pre-check failed: %s.-
400DeployType.NotSupportdeployType is not supported. Refer to the document and retry. If in doubt, submit a work order.deployType is not supported. Refer to the document and retry. If in doubt, submit a work order.
400FlowControlRequest was denied due to flow control.-
400GET.CONSUMER.MISSING.ACCESS.KEY.IDAccessKeyId is required to get consumer group info.-
400Group.ActiveGroup is active and cannot perform this operation.Group is active and cannot perform this operation.
400Group.ActiveThe group is currently active and cannot perform this operation.-
400Instance.CaclulateChange.timeExample Failed to obtain the expected change time. Please try again later.Example Failed to obtain the expected change time. Please try again later.
400Instance.ExceedMaxLimitThe maximum number of instance is exceeded.-
400Instance.ExceedMaxLimitThe number of instances of a single account exceeds the limit. If you need to increase the limit, please submit a work order.The number of instances of a single account exceeds the limit. If you need to increase the limit, please submit a work order.
400Instance.InsertComponent.failFailed to insert the instance component, please try again later.Failed to insert the instance component, please try again later.
400Instance.ResourceNotSufficientInsufficient resources, unable to operate, please submit a work order.Insufficient resources, unable to operate, please submit a work order.
400Instance.ResourceNotSufficientInsufficient resources, unable to proceed with the operation.-
400Instance.UpdateComponent.failFailed to update the instance component, please try again later.Failed to update the instance component, please try again later.
400Instance.UpgradeService.versionUpgrade version failed, please try again later.Upgrade version failed, please try again later.
400InstanceStatus.Change.NotAllowedThere was an error in the instance status switch verification. Please try again. If you have any questions, please submit the work order.There was an error in the instance status switch verification. Please try again. If you have any questions, please submit the work order.
400InstanceStatus.NotAllowedThe current status of the instance cannot be changed. This function cannot be performed. Please try again later.The current status of the instance cannot be changed. This function cannot be performed. Please try again later.
400InstanceStatus.NotReleasedThe instance is not in the released state and cannot perform this function. Please try again later.The instance is not in the released state and cannot perform this function. Please try again later.
400InstanceStatus.NotWaitChangeThe instance is not waiting for change status, cannot operate this function, please try again later.The instance is not waiting for change status, cannot operate this function, please try again later.
400InstanceStatus.NotWaitDeployThis function cannot be performed because the instance is not in the state to be deployed. Please try again later.This function cannot be performed because the instance is not in the state to be deployed. Please try again later.
400InstanceStatus.ReleasedThe instance has been released.The instance has been released.
400InstanceStatus.StoppedInstance stopped serving.Instance stopped serving.
400InvalidParameter.DataAlreadyExistThe data already exists for the %s parameter.-
400InvalidParameter.DataNotChangeThere is no change in the parameters. Please adjust and try again.There is no change in the parameters. Please adjust and try again.
400InvalidParameter.OtherParamParameter %s is incorrect because %s.Parameter %s is incorrect because %s.
400InvalidParameter.RangeThe value of the %s parameter is not within the specified range.-
400InvalidParameter.SizeThe size of the %s parameter is not within the specified range.-
400Ldap.CreateAdminErrorAdministrative accounts cannot be added or modified.Administrative accounts cannot be added or modified.
400Ldap.DeleteAdminErrorThe management account cannot be deleted.The management account cannot be deleted.
400Manager.configRuleExistErrorManager an existing configuration rule is inserted, adjust and try again.Manager an existing configuration rule is inserted, adjust and try again.
400Manager.configRuleNotExistErrorManager a configuration rule that does not exist is changed, please adjust it and try again.Manager a configuration rule that does not exist is changed, please adjust it and try again.
400Manager.NotCommitManager operation is not submitted, please adjust and try again.Manager operation is not submitted, please adjust and try again.
400Manager.recoverTaskNotFoundManager the resumed scheduling task does not exist, please adjust and try again.Manager the resumed scheduling task does not exist, please adjust and try again.
400Manager.recoverTaskNotMatchThe id of the restored scheduling task does not match that of the instance.Manager the resumed scheduling task does not match the instance ID, adjust the task and try again.
400Manager.scheduledTaskStatusErrorManager the status of the asynchronous task fails to be changed, check whether the source status is consistent with the current status, and then try again.Manager the status of the asynchronous task fails to be changed, check whether the source status is consistent with the current status, and then try again.
400Manager.scheduledTaskStatusNotSupportThe manager operation task status is unknown.Manager action task status is unknown.
400NotSupportThe current operation is not supported, please check and try again later.The current operation is not supported, please check and try again later.
400NotSupport.DataStatusCurrent status %s does not support this operation.-
400NotSupport.DataStatusThe current %s's data status does not support this operation.-
400ONS.LOGIN.CHECK.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_INIT_ENV_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_INTERNAL_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_INVOKE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_LOGIN_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_SERVICE_UNSUPPORTED%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_SYSTEM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ONS_SYSTEM_FLOW_CONTROL%s. Please check and try again later.-
400Order.Create.ErrorFailed to create order.Failed to create order.
400Order.Create.ErrorOrder creation failed, please submit a work order.Order creation failed, please submit a work order.
400Order.Insufficient.balanceThe available gold is not enough, please recharge and try again.The available gold is not enough, please recharge and try again.
400Oss.NotFoundFailed to download message, please try again later.Failed to download message, please try again later.
400Oss.PublishFailedFailed to download message, please try again later.Failed to download message, please try again later.
400RAM.USER.NOT.FOUND.BY.ACCESSKEYThe specified access key is not found.-
400RAM_CREATE_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400RAM_CREATE_RESOURCE_PERMISSION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400RAM_DELETE_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400RAM_DELETE_RESOURCE_PERMISSION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400RAM_GET_USER_BY_AK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400RAM_USER_NOT_FOUND_BY_ACCESSKEY%s. Please check and try again later.-
400ScheduledTask.AlreadyHasSameTaskTypehas same task waiting for schedule.The same task is waiting to be scheduled, please try again later.
400ScheduledTask.ExecuteTimeGapTooShortexecute time gap too close to an existed task.The execution time interval is too close to the existing task. Please adjust and try again.
400ServerlessPlan.InstanceNotMatchThe timing policy execution plan does not match the instance ID.The timing policy execution plan does not match the instance ID.
400ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalidIf a periodic policy execution plan is smaller than the target size, delete it.If a periodic policy execution plan is smaller than the target size, delete it.
400ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalidThe schedule policy execution plan range has duplicates or intervals smaller than the execution interval.-
400ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalidThe timing policy execution plan interval is repeated or smaller than the execution interval.The timing policy execution plan interval is repeated or smaller than the execution interval.
400ServerlessPlan.NameExistThe name of the periodic policy execution plan is the same. Please modify the name and try again.The name of the periodic policy execution plan is the same. Please modify the name and try again.
400ServerlessPlan.NotSupport.EnabledRuleExistIf a periodic policy is in effect, it does not support the current operation. Set all periodic policies to invalid.If a periodic policy is in effect, it does not support the current operation. Set all periodic policies to invalid.
400ServerlessPlan.NotSupport.StatusEnabledA periodic policy can be deleted only after it is disabled.A periodic policy can be deleted only after it is disabled.
400ServerlessPlan.TaskStatusNotSupportA periodic policy task cannot be modified or cancelled when it is being executed or when a single execution is completed.A scheduled policy task cannot be modified or canceled when it is being executed or a single execution is completed.
400ServerlessPlan.TaskStatusNotSupportThe scheduled policy task is currently executing or has been completed, and cannot be modified or canceled.The scheduled policy task is being executed or completed in a single execution, and cannot be modified or canceled.
400Sls.Query.ErrorData query failed. Please try again later.Data query failed. Please try again later.
400Sts.NotFoundUnable to find the whitelist information, please try again later, if in doubt, please submit the work order.Unable to find the whitelist information, please try again later, if in doubt, please submit the work order.
400Topic.DownloadMessageFailFailed to download message, please try again later.Failed to download message, please try again later.
400Topic.ExistThe topic already exists.-
400Topic.NotFoundThe Topic does not exist. Please check and try again.The Topic does not exist. Please check and try again.
400Topic.QueryMessageFailFailed to query the message, please try again later.Failed to query the message, please try again later.
400Topic.SendFailTopic failed to send a message. Please try again later.Topic failed to send a message. Please try again later.
400Topic.StatusNotRunningThe Topic status is not in the service and cannot be operated. Please try again later. If in doubt, please submit the work order.The Topic status is not in the service and cannot be operated. Please try again later. If in doubt, please submit the work order.
400Topic.StatusNotRunningThe topic status is not running.-
400TopicStatus.NotAllowedThe current status of the Topic cannot be changed.The current status of the Topic cannot be changed.
400VPC_ASSUMEROLE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400VPC_VSW_ZONE_MAPPING_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400WHITE.DELETE.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400WHITE.IP.ALREADY.EXISTS.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400WHITE.IP.ILLEGAL.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400WHITE.IPLIST.OVERLONG.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400WHITE.OVER.LENGTH.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
400WHITE.PARAM.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.-
403NoPermissionNo permissions.-
404Instance.NotFoundThe instance does not exist. Please verify the entry and try again.The instance does not exist. Please verify the entry and try again.
404AsyncTaskGroup.NotFoundThe task group does not exist. Please check and try again.The task group does not exist. Please check and try again.
404AsyncTaskHandler.NotFoundThe task does not exist. Please check and try again.The task does not exist. Please check and try again.
404AsyncTaskType.NotFoundThe task type does not exist. Please check and try again.The task type does not exist. Please check and try again.
404Group.NotFoundGroupId does not exist. Please check and try again.GroupId does not exist. Please check and try again.
404Group.NotFoundNo group found for the %s parameter.-
404InstanceAgent.NotFoundInstance does not exist. Please check the entry and try again.Instance does not exist. Please check the entry and try again.
404InvalidData.FieldsIncompleteData is incomplete, %s data is missing, please check and try again later.Data is incomplete, %s data is missing, please check and try again later.
404InvalidParameter.DataNotFoundNo data found for the %s parameter.-
404Topic.NotFoundNo topic found for the %s parameter.-
404VpcVSwitch.NotFoundThe private network and switch do not exist. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order.The private network and switch do not exist. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order.
500InternalErrorAn internal error occurred. Please try again later.-
500InternalErrorA system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.-
500INTERNAL.ERRORAn internal error occurred. Please try again later.-
500InternalUnknownCodeErrorInternal error, please try again, if still failed, please submit a work order to contact us.Internal error, please try again, if still failed, please submit a work order to contact us.
500InternalUnknownCodeErrorInternal error, please try again. If it still fails, please submit a work order and contact us.Internal error, please try again. If it still fails, please submit a work order and contact us.
500ONS.GET.ALLOWEDIP.INTERNAL.ERRORThe request for obtaining the IP address whitelist timed out. Please try again later.-
500ONS.INTERNAL.ERRORAn internal error occurred. Please try again later.-
500ONS.UPDATE.ALLOWEDIP.INTERNAL.ERRORThe request for changing the IP address whitelist timed out. Please try again later.-
500RemoteCallErrorAn internal service invocation error occurred. Please try again later.-
500RmqClusterEmptyA system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.A system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-03-20The Error code has changedView Change Details