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ApsaraDB for OceanBase:View the details of a performance assessment task

Last Updated:Jun 15, 2023

You can view the progress, status, and details of a performance assessment task.


  1. Log on to the ApsaraDB for OceanBase console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Migration Assessment > Performance Assessment.

  3. The Performance Assessment page provides the Performance Assessment Tasks and Parsed Files tabs.

    • The Performance Assessment Tasks tab shows the total number of performance assessment tasks and the numbers of performance assessment tasks that are in the Assessing, Failed, and Completed states. You can also view the source type, mode, type, and start time of performance assessment tasks.

      A performance assessment task can be in the Pending, Completed, Stopped, Assessing, or Failed state. You can click the name of the target task to view the details of the performance assessment on the details page of the task.

    • The Parsed Files tab displays a list of parsed files and related information, such as the source type, import method, source recording duration, creation time, and original file name.

      You can click a file name to view the configuration details of the SQL file parsing task. You can also click Start Replay or Delete in the Actions column of a parsed file. After you click Start Replay in the Actions column of the target file, you can create an SQL file replay task. For more information, see Create an SQL file replay task.

  4. After a full performance assessment task or an SQL file replay task is completed, you can find the task on the Performance Assessment Tasks tab and click View Report in the Actions column of the task to view the details of the performance assessment report.