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ApsaraDB for OceanBase:View database monitoring details

Last Updated:Apr 25, 2024

On the database monitoring details tab of a cluster, you can view the database monitoring data of the cluster tenants.

View database monitoring data

  1. Log on to the ApsaraDB for OceanBase console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.

  3. In the instance list, click the name of the target instance to go to the instance workspace.

  4. In the left-side navigation pane of the instance workspace, click Performance Monitoring.

  5. Click the Database Metrics tab.

  6. By default, the Databases tab displays the monitoring data of all tenants of the cluster in the last hour.

    • You can select a tenant from the Tenant drop-down list to view the monitoring data of the tenant. If you select multiple tenants, you can click a tenant name in the chart to view the monitoring data of the specific tenant.

    • You can specify a period and view the data in the specified period.

    1The displayed metrics are described in the following table.

    Metric display name





    The number of SQL queries processed per second in the database of the tenant.

    The value is the number of SELECT requests.

    Query response time


    The average amount of time consumed in processing an SQL statement. Unit: ms.



    The number of transactions requested per second in the database of the tenant.

    The value is the sum of the following types of requests:

    • INSERT


    • UPDATE

    • DELETE

    Average processing time per transaction on the server


    The average amount of time consumed in processing a transaction. Unit: μs.



    The current number of sessions in the database of the tenant.

    Request queue time


    The waiting time of an SQL query in a queue. Unit: μs.

    Transaction logs committed per second


    The number of transaction logs committed per second in the database of the tenant.

    Total size of transaction logs committed per second


    The total size of transaction logs committed per second in the database of the tenant. Unit: MB.

    Average I/O operations per second


    The average number of I/O operations per second in the SSStore.

    I/O time


    The average amount of time consumed in each read or write operation in the SSStore. Unit: μs.

    I/O throughput


    The amount of data processed per second in the SSStore. Unit: bytes.

    Transactions committed per second


    The number of transactions committed per second.

    Active time


    The amount of time when the tenant is in service. Unit: seconds.

    Average time spent on each synchronization of transaction logs over the network


    The average amount of time consumed on each synchronization of transaction logs over the network. Unit: ms.


    The preceding metrics are also valid values of the Metrics parameter in the DescribeMetricsData API operation.