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ApsaraDB for OceanBase:Execute online assessment

Last Updated:Jun 15, 2023

This topic describes how to assess a database online in OceanBase Migration Assessment (OMA).


In online assessment, OMA is directly connected to the source database and collects information such as the objects, SQL statements, and database load of the source database. Then, OMA assesses the compatibility of OceanBase Database with these items, identifies the incompatibilities, and provides optimization suggestions.


  1. Create an online assessment task.

    1. Log on to the ApsaraDB for OceanBase console.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Migration Assessment > Compatibility Assessment.

    3. On the Assessment Tasks page, choose Create Assessment Task > Online Assessment in the upper-right corner.

  2. On the Select Source Database Type page, specify related parameters.



    Assessment Task Name

    The name cannot exceed 40 characters in length.

    Assessment Mode

    Supported modes: Oracle >> OceanBase Oracle Mode and MySQL >> OceanBase MySQL Mode.

    Instance type

    • When you select Oracle >> OceanBase Oracle Mode for Assessment Mode, the supported instance types are Self-Managed Database in VPC and Self-Managed Database with Public IP Address.

    • When you select MySQL >> OceanBase MySQL Mode for Assessment Mode, the supported instance types are RDS Instance, PolarDB Instance, Self-Managed Database in VPC, and Self-Managed Database with Public IP Address.

    Select an instance type from the Instance Type drop-down list. The corresponding configuration section automatically appears.

    Instance type



    RDS Instance

    Instance ID

    Select the desired instance from the Instance ID list.

    PolarDB Instance

    Self-Managed Database in VPC


    Select the desired VPC from the VPC drop-down list.

    Host IP Address

    The IP address of the host where the database is located.


    The port number of the host where the database is located.

    Self-Managed Database with Public IP Address

    Host IP Address

    The IP address of the host where the database is located.


    The port number of the host where the database is located.

    Common parameters


    The name of the database user.


    The password of the database user.

    Connection Type

    You need to specify this parameter only when you select Oracle >> OceanBase Oracle Mode for Assessment Mode. Valid values for Connection Type: SERVICE-NAME and SID. Select as needed and specify the connection name.

    Connection Name

    Remarks (Optional)

    Additional information about the data source.

  3. Click Test Connection to verify the network connection between OMA and the data source, as well as the validity of the username and password.

  4. After the test succeeds, click Next.

  5. On the Select Assessment Type page, select an assessment type and specify related parameters.

    Assessment Type




    Object Assessment

    OMA collects the following types of objects in the source database: TABLE, INDEX, VIEW, SEQUENCE, SYNONYM, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, PACKAGE, TRIGGER, PACKAGE BODY, TYPE, TYPE BODY, DB LINK, MATERIALIZED VIEW, and EVENT, performs compatibility assessment of the objects, and identifies DDL statements that need to be optimized for compatibility purposes.

    Select Schema

    In the left-side Sources section, select the desired schema and click > to add it to the right-side list.

    Select Object Type

    In the Select Object Type section, select the desired object type.

    SQL Assessment

    OMA collects the SQL statements of the last 1 hour from the v$sqlarea view of the source Oracle database, performs compatibility assessment of the SQL statements, and identifies the SQL statements that need to be optimized for compatibility purposes.


    When you select MySQL >> OceanBase MySQL Mode for Assessment Mode, SQL assessment is not supported.

    Collect SQL Statement

    Collect SQL statements based on custom criteria.

    Database Assessment

    Besides object assessment and SQL assessment, a database assessment also collects system information such as the CPU, memory, and disk information, and business information such as the proportion of tablespace to disk space, table growth rate, whether tables use indexes, and whether tables have no visits, to build a profile of the source database and thereby provide informed suggestions on data migration.

  6. Click Initiate Assessment.

  7. In the dialog box that appears, click OK.