Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) Prometheus allows you to create alert rules for monitoring jobs. When alert conditions are met, you can receive alerts through emails, Short Message Service (SMS) messages, and DingTalk notifications in real time. This helps you detect errors in a proactive manner. This topic describes how to create application monitoring alert rules, browser monitoring alert rules, and Prometheus monitoring alert rules by using an instance.

Note Alibaba Cloud no longer supports the alert feature of the old version. You can use the new alert management feature to create alert rules. For more information, see the following topics:


A monitoring job and a contact group are created. For more information, see the following topics:

Create an application monitoring alert

To create an alert for an application monitoring job on Java Virtual Machine-Garbage Collection (JVM-GC) times in period-over-period comparison, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the ARMS console.In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Alert Policies.
  2. On the Alarm Policies page, choose Create Alarm > Application Monitoring Alarm in the upper-right corner.
  3. In the Create Alarm dialog box, set the parameters and click Save.

    Set the following parameters:

    Create an alert rule
    1. Enter an alert name, for example, JVM-GC_Comparison.
    2. From the Application Site drop-down list, select the monitoring job you created.
    3. In the Type field, select the type of the monitoring metric, for example, JVM_Monitoring.
    4. Set Dimension to Traverse.
    5. Configure the alert rule.
      1. Select Meet All of the Following Criteria.
      2. Edit the alert rule. For example, an alert is triggered when the value of N is 5 and the average value of JVM_FullGC increases by 100% compared with that in the previous hour.
        Note To add another alert rule, click the plus sign (+) on the right of the first alert rule.
    6. Select one or more notification methods. For example, select Email.
    7. Set the Notification Receiver parameter. In the Contact Groups list, click the name of a contact group. If the contact group appears in the Selected Groups list, the setting is successful.

Create a browser monitoring alert

To create a Page_Metric alert to monitor JS_Error_Rate and JS_Error_Count for a browser monitoring job, perform the following steps:

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Alert Policies.

  2. On the Alarm Policies page, choose Create Alarm > Browser Monitoring Alarm in the upper-right corner.

  3. In the Create Alarm dialog box, set the parameters and click Save.

    Set the following parameters:

    1. Enter an alert name, for example, Page_Metric.
    2. From the Application Site drop-down list, select the monitoring job you created.
    3. In the Type field, select the type of the monitoring metric, for example, Page_Metric.
    4. Set Dimension to Traverse.
    5. Configure the alert rule.
      1. Select Meet All of the Following Criteria.
      2. Edit the alert rule. For example, an alert is triggered when the value of N is 10 and the average value of JS_Error_Rate equals or exceeds 20.
      3. To add another alert rule, click the plus sign (+) on the right of the first alert rule. For example, an alert is triggered when the value of N is 10 and the sum of JS_Error_Count equals or exceeds 20.
    6. Select one or more notification methods. For example, select SMS and Email.
    7. Set the Notification Receiver parameter. In the Contact Groups section, click the name of a contact group. If the contact group appears in the Selected Groups section, the setting is successfully completed.

Create a Prometheus monitoring alert

To create an alert on network receiving pressure for a Prometheus monitoring job, perform the following steps:

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Alert Policies.

  2. On the Alarm Policies page, choose Create Alarm > Prometheus in the upper-right corner.

  3. In the Create Alarm dialog box, enter all required information and click Save.

    Set the following parameters:

    1. Enter an alert name, for example, Received_Bytes.
    2. Select the cluster of the Prometheus monitoring job.
    3. Set Type to grafana.
    4. Select the specific dashboard and chart.
    5. Configure an alert rule.
      1. Select Meet All of the Following Criteria.
      2. Edit the alert rule. For example, an alert is triggered when the value of N is 5 and the average value of Received_Bytes (MB) equals or exceeds 3.
        Note A Grafana chart may display data of curve A, curve B, and curve C. You can select one of them to monitor.
      3. In the PromQL field, edit the existing PromQL statement or enter a new PromQL statement.
        Important If a PromQL statement contains a dollar sign ($), an error may occur. You must delete the equal sign (=) and the parameters on both sides of the equal sign (=) in the statement that contains the dollar sign ($). For example, change sum (rate (container_network_receive_bytes_total{instance=~"^$HostIp.*"}[1m])) to sum (rate (container_network_receive_bytes_total[1m])).
    6. Select one or more notification methods. For example, select SMS.
    7. Set the Notification Receiver parameter. In the Contact Groups list, click the name of a contact group. If the contact group appears in the Selected Groups list, the setting is successful.

For the new version

To create an alert rule in the new version, perform the following operations: