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API Gateway:Parameter-based access control plug-ins

Last Updated:Jan 24, 2025

1. Overview

A parameter-based access control plug-in allows you to define conditions to filter requests sent to the backend service based on the request parameters or context of an API. For information about how to define parameters and use conditional expressions, see Use parameters and conditional expressions.

2. Configurations

Assume that the API request path is /{userId}/... and JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication is enabled for the API. Two claims, userId and userType, are available in the JWT. The following filter conditions apply:

  • If userType is set to admin, requests in all paths are allowed.

  • If userType is set to user, only the requests in the same /{userId} path are allowed.

# In this example, the request path of the API is `/{userId}/...
# JWT authentication is enabled for the API. Two claims, userId and userType, are available in the JWT.
# The following filter conditions apply:
# - If userType is set to admin, requests in all paths are allowed. 
# - If userType is set to user, only requests with the `/{userId}/...` path are allowed.
  userId: "Token:userId"
  userType: "Token:userType"
  pathUserId: "path:userId"
# Rules are defined based on the preceding parameters. For each API request, the plug-in checks the rules in sequence. If a condition in a rule is met, the result is true and the action that is specified by ifTrue is performed. If a condition in a rule is not met, the result is false and the action that is specified by ifFalse is performed.
# The action ALLOW indicates that the request is allowed. The action DENY indicates that the request is denied and an error code is returned to the client. After the ALLOW or DENY action is performed, the plug-in does not check the remaining conditions. 
# If neither the ALLOW nor DENY action is performed, the plug-in proceeds to check the next condition.
  - name: admin
    condition: "$userType = 'admin'"
    ifTrue: "ALLOW"
  - name: user
    condition: "$userId = $pathUserId"
    ifFalse: "DENY"
    statusCode: 403
    errorMessage: "Path not match ${userId} vs /${pathUserId}"
      Content-Type: application/xml
      <Reason>Path not match ${userId} vs /${pathUserId}</Reason>

3. Use a plug-in dataset in a plug-in

For more information about how to configure a parameter-based access control plug-in, see Parameter-based access control plug-ins.

3.1. Create a plug-in dataset

Log on to the API Gateway console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Manage APIs > Plug-ins. On the Plug-in List page, click the Plug-in Datasets tab and click Create Dataset. In the Create Dataset dialog box, select PARAMETER_ACCESS from the Type drop-down list.


After you create a dataset, you can click the dataset ID to view and add data entries. The parameter-based access control plug-in that references this dataset uses the data entries to filter requests. You can also set a validity period for a data entry. The data entry becomes ineffective when the validity period elapses.



Plug-in datasets take effect only for dedicated instances. If the API to which the plug-in is bound is not deployed on a dedicated instance, the dataset configured for the plug-in does not take effect.

3.2. Configure a dataset for a parameter-based access control plug-in

To configure a dataset for a parameter-based access control plug-in, you must add the assertParameterName and assertInDataset fields to the rules section of the configurations of Parameter-based access control plug-ins.

  • assertParameterName: the name of the parameter to be used by the plug-in to filter requests. The name must be defined in the parameters section.

  • assertInDataset: the dataset ID. The plug-in checks whether the value of the parameter specified in assertParameterName is included in the dataset.

The assertParameterName and assertInDataset fields must be used together. Otherwise, the plug-in fails to be created.

The two fields are compatible with the condition parameter. For each rule specified in the rules section, you can specify the assertParameterName + assertInDataset pair or condition, or both. If both are configured, a request is denied if it meets any of the conditions.

# In this example, the request path of the API is `/{userId}/...
# JWT authentication is enabled for the API. Two claims, userId and userType, are available in the JWT.
# The following filter conditions apply:
# - If userType is set to admin, requests in all paths are allowed. 
# - If userType is set to user, only requests with the `/{userId}/...` path are allowed.
  userId: "Token:userId"
  userType: "Token:userType"
  pathUserId: "path:userId"
# Rules are defined based on the preceding parameters. For each API request, the plug-in checks the rules in sequence. If a condition in a rule is met, the result is true and the action that is specified by ifTrue is performed. If a condition in a rule is not met, the result is false and the action that is specified by ifFalse is performed.
# The action ALLOW indicates that the request is allowed. The action DENY indicates that the request is denied and an error code is returned to the client. After the ALLOW or DENY action is performed, the plug-in does not check the remaining conditions. 
# If neither the ALLOW nor DENY action is performed, the plug-in proceeds to check the next condition.
  - name: byDataset
    assertParameterName: userId
    assertInDataset: 87b65008e92541938537b1a4a236eda5
    ifTrue: "ALLOW"
  - name: admin
    condition: "$userType = 'admin'"
    ifTrue: "ALLOW"
  - name: user
    condition: "$userId = $pathUserId"
    ifFalse: "DENY"
    statusCode: 403
    errorMessage: "Path not match ${userId} vs /${pathUserId}"
      Content-Type: application/xml
      <Reason>Path not match ${userId} vs /${pathUserId}</Reason>

4. Error codes

Error code

HTTP status code





Access Control Forbidden by ${RuleName}

The error message returned because the request is rejected by the parameter-based access control plug-in that is bound to the API.

5. Limits

  • A maximum of 160 parameters can be defined.

  • Each conditional expression can contain a maximum of 1,024 characters.

  • Each plug-in can contain a maximum of 50 KB of metadata.

  • A maximum of 160 rules can be configured in each parameter-based access control plug-in.