This topic describes the CloudMonitor metrics and system events in AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL.


The following tables describe the metrics and recommended settings for AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances in elastic storage mode and reserved storage mode.

Table 1. Elastic storage mode
Metric Unit Recommended cycle Recommended threshold
adbpg_conn_count N/A 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.

Assume that you have an instance that has 2 cores and 16 GB memory, and the maximum number of connections allowed for the instance is 550. You can set the metric to 495, which is obtained by using the following formula: 550 × 90%. For more information about the maximum number of user connections of instances, see Limits.

node_cpu_used_percent % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.
node_disk_iops N/A None
node_disk_used_percent % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Max. value >= 80%.
node_mem_used_percent % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.
Table 2. Reserved storage mode
Metric Unit Recommended cycle Recommended threshold
ConnectionUsage % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.
CpuUsage % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.
DiskUsage % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 80%.
IOPSUsage % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.
MemoryUsage % 1Minute cycle

Continue for 5 periods

Average >= 90%.

System events

The following table describes the system events of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instances.

Type Event Description Status Level
Exception ComputeGroupCpuHigh The CPU usage of a compute group exceeds 90%. Failed Critical
Exception ComputeGroupMemoryHigh The memory usage of a compute group exceeds 85%. Failed Critical
Exception HighCoumputeGroupDiskUsed The disk usage of a compute group exceeds 80%. Failed Critical
Exception InstanceDown The instance is unavailable. Failed Critical
Exception LongTransaction The number of long-running transactions is greater than or equal to 5. Failed Critical
Exception MasterCpuHigh The CPU usage of the master node exceeds 90%. Failed Critical
Exception MasterMemoryHigh The memory usage of the master node exceeds 85%. Failed Critical
Exception NonSuperConnection The proportion of connections with an instance exceeds 80%. Failed Critical
