The following example shows how to query the top ten sellers in ticket sales. The WHERE clause defines a table subquery, and the result of the subquery consists of multiple rows and one column.

Note The result of a table subquery can contain multiple rows and columns.
select firstname, lastname, cityname, max(qtysold) as maxsold
from users join sales on users.userid=sales.sellerid
where users.cityname not in(select venuecity from venue)
group by firstname, lastname, cityname
order by maxsold desc, cityname desc
limit 10;

firstname  | lastname |      cityname  | maxsold
Noah       | Guerrero | Worcester      |       8
Isadora    | Moss     | Winooski       |       8
Kieran     | Harrison | Westminster    |       8
Heidi      | Davis    | Warwick        |       8
Sara       | Anthony  | Waco           |       8
Bree       | Buck     | Valdez         |       8
Evangeline | Sampson  | Trenton        |       8
Kendall    | Keith    | Stillwater     |       8
Bertha     | Bishop   | Stevens Point  |       8
Patricia   | Anderson | South Portland |       8