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AnalyticDB for MySQL:Approximate functions

Last Updated:Oct 17, 2023

This topic describes the approximate functions supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL.

  • APPROX_DISTINCT: returns the approximate number of distinct values in a specified column.

  • APPROX_PERCENTILE: returns the approximate percentile in a specified column at a specified percentage. Values in the column are sorted in ascending order.


APPROX_DISTINCT(column, [standard_error]);
  • Description: This function returns the approximate number of distinct values in a specified column. standard_error specifies the standard error. This parameter is optional. Default value: 0.023. Valid values: 0.0040625 to 0.26000. We recommend that you do not modify the value of the standard_error parameter.

  • Data type of the return value: BIGINT.

  • Example:

    Query the approximate number of distinct values in the age column of the test table.

    SELECT approx_distinct(age) from test;

    The following information is returned:

    | approx_distinct(age)  |
    |   4                   |

    The return value of the APPROX_DISTINCT function is an approximate value. This example is for reference only.


APPROX_PERCENTILE(column, percentage);
  • Description: This function returns the approximate percentile in a specified column at a specified percentage. Values in the column are sorted in ascending order. percentage specifies a percentage. Valid values: 0 to 1. If you set the percentage parameter to 1, the maximum value in the column is returned.

  • Data type of the return value: BIGINT.

  • Example:

    Query the approximate percentile in the age column of the test table at a percentage of 0.4.


    The following information is returned:

    | APPROX_PERCENTILE(age, 0.4)  |
    |   20                         |