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Alibaba Cloud DNS:Limits on using Private DNS

Last Updated:Apr 26, 2024

Limits on the built-in authoritative module




Maximum number of zones


Up to 500 zones can be added within each Alibaba Cloud account.

Maximum number of associated virtual private clouds (VPCs)


Up to 100 VPCs can be associated with a zone.

Maximum number of Alibaba Cloud accounts whose VPCs can be associated with a zone


VPCs of up to 200 Alibaba Cloud accounts can be associated with a zone.

Maximum number of Domain Name System (DNS) records

100,000 (regular zone)

By default, up to 100,000 DNS records can be added for a built-in authoritative acceleration zone or a built-in authoritative regular zone. If you want to add more DNS records, submit a ticket to increase the limit.

100,000 (acceleration zone)

Weight setting

Not supported (regular zone)

If you configure multiple IP addresses for a hostname, after a DNS request for the hostname is sent, the IP addresses are returned based on weight settings to achieve load balancing.

Supported (acceleration zone)

Intranet DNS resolution based on custom lines

Not supported (regular zone)

You can configure custom IP addresses for the DNS requests that are sent from a specific internal CIDR block in the built-in authoritative DNS. For more information about the limits on custom lines, see the Limits section of the Line-based intelligent DNS resolution topic.

Supported (acceleration zone)

Maximum number of DNS requests that an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in a VPC can send per second


Up to 5,000 DNS requests can be sent by an ECS instance in a VPC per second. If the upper limit is exceeded, throttling may be triggered and service availability of 99.99% in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) may not be guaranteed.

Maximum number of DNS requests that all ECS instances in a VPC can send per second


The total number of DNS requests that all ECS instances in a VPC can send per second is not limited.

Maximum number of recursive DNS requests that an ECS instance in a VPC can send to the Internet per second


An ECS instance in a VPC can send up to 600 recursive DNS requests to the Internet per second. If the upper limit is exceeded, throttling may be triggered.

Maximum number of recursive DNS requests that all ECS instances in a VPC can send to the Internet per second


All ECS instances in a VPC can send up to 5,000 recursive DNS requests to the Internet per second. If the upper limit is exceeded, throttling may be triggered.

Batch operations

For more information, see the Limits section of the Perform batch operations topic.

Private DNS allows you to import multiple domain names, delete multiple domain names, import multiple DNS records, and suspend or enable multiple DNS records at a time.

Service address

For more information, see the Limits section of the Perform batch operations topic.

You can create an inbound endpoint to specify custom DNS server addresses of Private DNS. This prevents system-assigned DNS server addresses ( and from being identical to IP addresses in on-premises data centers when data centers access the DNS servers.

Wildcard intranet DNS resolution


Wildcard intranet DNS resolution is supported regardless of whether the recursive resolution proxy for subdomain names is enabled.

Limits on the format of a zone

  • A zone can be up to 200 characters in length and have at least one level set.


    The level sets are separated with periods (.). For example, a represents one level set, a.b represents two level sets, and a.b.c represents three level sets.

  • A zone can have up to 16 level sets.

  • A hostname can have up to 20 level sets.


    In conclusion, a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) can have up to 36 level sets.

  • The first-level set of a domain name, also known as the top-level domain name, can be 2 to 63 characters in length. The other domain names below the top-level domain name can be 1 to 63 characters in length.


    Take the domain name as an example. com can be 2 to 63 characters in length, aliyun can be 1 to 63 characters in length, and www can be 1 to 63 characters in length.

  • A reverse lookup zone ends with

Limits on the forward module




Maximum number of endpoints within an Alibaba Cloud account


Up to 20 endpoints can be created within an Alibaba Cloud account.

Maximum number of forwarding rules within an Alibaba Cloud account


Up to 1,000 forwarding rules can be created within an Alibaba Cloud account.

Number of IP addresses for an outbound endpoint

2 to 6

Two to six IP addresses can be configured for an outbound endpoint.

Maximum number of destination IP addresses that can be specified in a forwarding rule


Up to six destination IP addresses can be specified in a forwarding rule.

Maximum number of VPCs that can be specified in a forwarding rule


Up to 100 VPCs can be specified in a forwarding rule.

Maximum number of level sets for a forward zone


A forward zone can have up to 16 level sets. If you enter an invalid zone, an error message appears.