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Container Service for Kubernetes:Use Flexvolume2CSI to batch convert PVs and PVCs

Last Updated:Apr 15, 2024

You can use the Flexvolume2CSI CLI to batch covert persistent volume claims (PVCs) and persistent volumes (PVs) managed by FlexVolume to PVCs and PVs managed by CSI. This topic describes how to use Flexvolume2CSI to batch convert PVCs and PVs.

How it works

You can use Flexvolume2CSI to list all PVCs in a cluster, PVCs in the specified namespace, or the specified PVCs and the corresponding PVs. Then, use Flexvolume2CSI to convert the PVCs and PVs managed by FlexVolume to PVCs and PVs managed by CSI, including labels and FlexVolume fields.


You can use Flexvolume2CSI to convert the PVs and PVCs of only standard Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS), Object Storage Service (OSS), and disk volumes. We recommend that you verify the YAML file generated by Flexvolume2CSI for CSI before you use it to provision volumes.

Step 1: Install Flexvolume2CSI

  1. Run the following command to install Flexvolume2CSI.

    Flexvolume2CSI supports MacOS and Linux.

    curl | bash
  2. Run the following command to verify that Flexvolume2CSI is installed:

    flexvolume2csi version

    Expected output:

    flexvolume2csi: v1.0.2+b1de5bd
      BuildDate: 2024-04-09T07:20:26Z
      GitCommit: b1de5bdce11b4b59ddce38d91d868b5f35a431c1
      GitTreeState: clean
      GoVersion: go1.18.4
      Compiler: gc
      Platform: darwin/arm64

    The output indicates that Flexvolume2CSI is installed.

Step 2: Configure cluster information for Flexvolume2CSI

  1. Run the following command to configure cluster information for Flexvolume2CSI:

    flexvolume2csi configure

    Expected output:

    Configuring profile 'default' ...
    Default Cluster Id (ClusterId of ACK Flexvolume Cluster) [c4869a2f603ca4e74****************]:
    Default Kubeconfig Path (default is ~/.kube/config) []:
    Saving profile[default] ...



    Cluster Id

    The ID of the cluster that uses FlexVolume.

    Kubeconfig Path

    The path of the kubeconfig file of the cluster that uses FlexVolume. The default is ~/.kube/config.

Step 3: Convert PVs and PVCs managed by FlexVolume in the cluster to PVs and PVCs managed by CSI

Optional parameters

Run the following command to query the optional parameters of Flexvolume2CSI:

flexvolume2csi translate help

Expected output:

flexvolume2csi source add [-n namespace] [-c pvc] [-o outputfile] [-p prefix] [-s suffix] [-b backupfile] [-a apiversion] [-t storageclass]

  flexvolume2csi translate [-n namespace] [-c pvc] [-o outputfile] [-p prefix] [-s suffix] [-b backupfile] [-a apiversion] [-t storageclass] [flags]

  # Translate PVCs and related PVs in all namespaces
  flexvolume2csi translate -o output.txt

  # Translate PVCs and related PVs in default namespace
  flexvolume2csi translate -n default -o output.txt

  # Translate PVC test-pvc and related PV in default namespace
  flexvolume2csi translate -n default -p test-pvc -o output.txt

  -a, --apiversion string     change pv/pvc apiversion (default "v1")
  -b, --backupfile string     path to backup (flexvolume) file (default "./backupfile.txt")
  -h, --help                  help for translate
  -n, --namespace string      specified namespace
  -o, --outputfile string     path to output (CSI) file (default "./outputfile.txt")
  -p, --prefix string         change pv/pvc name to prefix-xxx
  -c, --pvc string            specified pvc
  -t, --storageclass string   change storageclass name
  -s, --suffix string         change pv/pvc name to xxx-suffix

Optional parameter



The path of the YAML file for the PVCs and PVs managed by CSI. By default, the file is named outputfile.txt and generated in the current path. If you do not specify this parameter, the YAML content of the PVs and PVCs is added to the stdout file.


The path of the backup YAML file for the original PVCs and PVs managed by FlexVolume. By default, the file is named backupfile.txt and created in the current path. If you do not specify this parameter, the PVCs and PVs are not backed up.


The name of the namespace. If you specify a namespace, only PVs and PVCs in the specified namespace are converted. By default, PVs and PVCs in all namespaces are converted.


The name of the PVC. If you specify a PVC, only the specified PVC and PV are converted. This parameter must be used together with the -n parameter. By default, all PVs and PVCs in the specified namespace are converted.


The prefix for the PVCs and PVs managed by CSI. By default, no prefix is specified.

For example, if the PVC managed by FlexVolume is named pvc-test and the prefix is csi, the PVC managed by CSI is named csi-pvc-test.


The suffix for the PVCs and PVs managed by CSI. By default, no prefix is specified.

For example, if the PVC managed by FlexVolume is named pvc-test and the suffix is csi, the PVC managed by CSI is named pvc-test-csi.


  1. Create a file named pv.yaml in a cluster that uses FlexVolume and add the following content to the file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: pv-nas
        storage: 5Gi
      storageClassName: nas
        - ReadWriteMany
        driver: "alicloud/nas"
          server: "0cd8b4a576-u****" #Replace the value with the actual mount target. 
          path: "/k8s"
          vers: "3"
          options: "nolock,tcp,noresvport"
  2. Run the following command to create a PV in the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f pv.yaml
  3. Create a file named pvc.yaml in the cluster and add the following content to the file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: pvc-nas
        - ReadWriteMany
      storageClassName: nas
          storage: 5Gi
  4. Run the following command to create a PVC in the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
  5. Run the following command to verify that the PV is bound to the PVC:

    kubectl get pvc | grep pvc-nas

    Expected output:

    pvc-nas   Bound    pv-nas   5Gi       RWO            nas       10s
  6. Run the following command to use Flexvolume2CSI to convert the PV and PVC in the cluster:

    flexvolume2csi translate 
  7. Run the following command to print the content of the YAML files of the PV and PVC managed by CSI:

    cat ./outputfile.yaml

    Expected output:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
        alicloud-pvname: pv-nas
      name: pv-nas
      - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 5Gi
          path: /k8s
          server: 0cd8b4a576-u****
        volumeHandle: pv-nas
      - nolock,tcp,noresvport
      - vers=3
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
      storageClassName: nas
      volumeMode: Filesystem
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: pvc-nas
      namespace: default
      - ReadWriteMany
          storage: 5Gi
          alicloud-pvname: pv-nas
      storageClassName: nas
      volumeMode: Filesystem
      volumeName: pv-nas

    The output indicates that the PV and PVC are converted.
