Queries the proportions of data usage of different Internet service providers (ISPs). Data is collected every day. You can query data collected within the last 90 days.

The statistical analytics feature of Alibaba Cloud CDN is discontinued. The API operations related to the statistical analytics feature are no longer maintained. We recommend that you do not use the API operations because data may be missing or inaccurate. You can use the operations report feature to for data analysis.

  • If you do not set StartTime or EndTime, data collected within the last 24 hours is queried. If you set both StartTime and EndTime, data collected within the specified time range is queried.
  • This operation queries proportions of data usage of different ISPs only for a specific accelerated domain name, or for all accelerated domain names that belong your Alibaba Cloud account.
  • You can call this operation up to 100 times per second per account.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeDomainISPData

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDomainISPData.

DomainName String No example.com

The accelerated domain name. You can specify only one domain name in each call.

By default, this operation queries the proportions of data usage for all accelerated domain names.

StartTime String No 2019-11-29T05:33:00Z

The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.

EndTime String No 2019-11-30T05:40:00Z

The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.

The end time must be later than the start time.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
EndTime String 2019-11-30T05:40:00Z

The end of the time range that was queried.

StartTime String 2019-11-29T05:33:00Z

The beginning of the time range that was queried.

RequestId String DE81639B-DAC1-4C76-AB72-F34B836837D5

The ID of the request.

DomainName String example.com

The accelerated domain name.

DataInterval String 86400

The time interval between the data entries. Unit: seconds.

Value Array of ISPProportionData

The access statistics by ISP.

TotalQuery String 1

The total number of requests.

TotalBytes String 7081884

The total amount of network traffic.

AvgResponseRate String 88.92594866772144

The average response speed. Unit: byte/ms.

AvgResponseTime String 79638.0

The average response time. Unit: milliseconds.

ReqErrRate String 0.0

The request error rate.

AvgObjectSize String 7081884.7

The average response size. Unit: bytes.

Bps String 1311.4601296296296

The bandwidth value.

Qps String 2.3148148148148147E-5

The number of queries per second.

Proportion String 0.004509176173513099

The proportion of the HTTP status code.

IspEname String alibaba

The name of the ISP.

ISP String Alibaba Group

The information about the ISP.

BytesProportion String 0.012220518530445479

The proportion of network traffic.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

			<ISP>ISPs outside the Chinese mainland</ISP>
			<ISP>Dr. Peng</ISP>
			<ISP>Other ISPs</ISP>
			<ISP>China Mobile</ISP>
			<ISP>China Unicom</ISP>
			<ISP>China Telecom</ISP>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Value" : {
    "ISPProportionData" : [ {
      "ByteHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalQuery" : "1",
      "Bps" : "1311.4601296296296",
      "Proportion" : "0.004509176173513099",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "88.92594866772144",
      "IspEname" : "alibaba",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "7081884.7",
      "ISP" : "Alibaba",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "2.3148148148148147E-5",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "79638.0",
      "ReqHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalBytes" : "7081884",
      "BytesProportion" : "0.012220518530445479"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalQuery" : "3",
      "Bps" : "444.455",
      "Proportion" : "0.013527528520539298",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "154.3345765545624",
      "IspEname" : "overseas",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "800019.0",
      "ISP" : "ISPs outside the Chinese mainland",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "6.944444444444444E-5",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "5183.666666666667",
      "ReqHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalBytes" : "2400057",
      "BytesProportion" : "0.004141544558417533"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalQuery" : "82",
      "Bps" : "45838.64816666667",
      "Proportion" : "0.3697524462280741",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "1025.5028528460102",
      "IspEname" : "drpeng",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "3018642.684146342",
      "ISP" : "Dr.Peng",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.0018981481481481482",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "2943.5731707317073",
      "ReqHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalBytes" : "247528700",
      "BytesProportion" : "0.42713616424581613"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "99.99999999999999",
      "TotalQuery" : "114",
      "Bps" : "65933.51396296297",
      "Proportion" : "0.5140460837804933",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "484.6396117340071",
      "IspEname" : "cernet",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "3123166.4508771934",
      "ISP" : "CERNET",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.002638888888888889",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "6444.30701754386",
      "ReqHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalBytes" : "356040975",
      "BytesProportion" : "0.6143852267848392"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalQuery" : "207",
      "Bps" : "81128.73735185186",
      "Proportion" : "0.9333994679172115",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "752.2096624205244",
      "IspEname" : "tietong",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "2116401.843961353",
      "ISP" : "Tietong",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.004791666666666666",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "2813.5797101449275",
      "ReqHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalBytes" : "438095181",
      "BytesProportion" : "0.7559781771177001"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "100.00000000000001",
      "TotalQuery" : "256",
      "Bps" : "129137.37100000001",
      "Proportion" : "1.1543491004193533",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "321.5924922592767",
      "IspEname" : "other",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "2723991.4195312504",
      "ISP" : "Other ISPs",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.005925925925925926",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "8470.3203125",
      "ReqHitRate" : "100.0",
      "TotalBytes" : "697341803",
      "BytesProportion" : "1.2033348171432345"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "99.14745652563326",
      "TotalQuery" : "2866",
      "Bps" : "879955.1972037038",
      "Proportion" : "12.923298913288543",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "1004.5513789924338",
      "IspEname" : "mobile",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "1657975.598360084",
      "ISP": "China Mobile",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.06634259259259259",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "1650.463712491277",
      "ReqHitRate" : "97.3831123517097",
      "TotalBytes" : "4751758064",
      "BytesProportion" : "8.19964599032574"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "99.99981717005271",
      "TotalQuery" : "6534",
      "Bps" : "3194660.60262963",
      "Proportion" : "29.46295711773459",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "1171.525957981939",
      "IspEname" : "unicom",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "2640215.374074074",
      "ISP": "China Unicom",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.15125",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "2253.6550352004897",
      "ReqHitRate" : "99.96939087848179",
      "TotalBytes" : "17251167254",
      "BytesProportion" : "29.768658772680293"
    }, {
      "ByteHitRate" : "99.99968869093071",
      "TotalQuery" : "12114",
      "Bps" : "6333214.260796296",
      "Proportion" : "54.62416016593768",
      "AvgResponseRate" : "984.184264638081",
      "IspEname" : "telecom",
      "AvgObjectSize" : "2823126.71357933",
      "ISP": "China Telecom",
      "ReqErrRate" : "0.0",
      "Qps" : "0.28041666666666665",
      "AvgResponseTime" : "2868.494056463596",
      "ReqHitRate" : "99.97523526498266",
      "TotalBytes" : "34199357008",
      "BytesProportion" : "59.01449878861353"
    } ]
  "DataInterval" : "86400",
  "RequestId" : "DE81639B-DAC1-4C76-AB72-F34B836837D5",
  "DomainName" : "example.com",
  "EndTime" : "2019-11-30T05:40:00Z",
  "StartTime" : "2019-11-29T05:33:00Z"

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 InvalidStartTime.Malformed Specified StartTime is malformed. The error message returned because the format of the specified start time is invalid. For more information about the time format, see the Request parameters section.
400 InvalidEndTime.Malformed Specified EndTime is malformed. The error message returned because the format of the specified end time is invalid. For more information about the time format, see the Request parameters section.
400 InvalidStartTime.ValueNotSupported The specified value of parameter StartTime is not supported. The error message returned because the specified start time is invalid. Set a valid value and try again.
404 InvalidDomain.NotFound The domain provided does not exist in our records. The error message returned because the specified domain name does not exist or does not belong to the current Alibaba Cloud account. Check whether the domain name is correctly specified, whether the domain name is under the current Alibaba Cloud account, and whether the domain name has expired.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.