Alibaba Cloud charges fees for requester virtual private clouds (VPCs) and does not charge fees for acceptor VPCs in VPC peering connections.

Billing method

Billing method Description Specification change Descriptions of expiration or overdue payments
Subscription You are charged based on the subscription billing method. Unit: USD/month.

Renewal is supported.

  • Fifteen days after the requester VPC expires, it is suspended and stops forwarding traffic. Fifteen days after the requester VPC is suspended, it is automatically released. After the requester VPC expires, the system sends you a notification on the 8th, 12th, and 14th days. After the requester VPC is suspended, the system sends you a notification on the 8th, 12th, and 14th days.
  • After you settle the overdue payments, the requester VPC immediately becomes available and starts providing services.
  • If you do not settle the overdue payments within 15 days after the requester VPC is suspended, the requester VPC is released and the configurations are deleted. The released requester VPC and deleted configurations cannot be restored.

Fees of peering connections

Alibaba Cloud charges fees for requester VPCs and does not charge fees for acceptor VPCs in VPC peering connections. The fees vary based on the bandwidth value of the requester VPC and the geographical distance between the requester VPC and acceptor VPC.

  • No fee is charged if the requester VPC and acceptor VPC are deployed in the same region.
  • For more information about prices of cross-region peering connections, see the Buy page. If you have other questions, contact your business manager.