AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL Ganos is a spatio-temporal engine. Ganos provides a series of data types, functions, and stored procedures for AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL to store, index, query, analyze, and compute spatial or spatio-temporal data in a cost-efficient manner.

For more information about Ganos, see Overview.

Raster SQL references

Feature Function Description
Raster creation ST_CreateRast Creates a raster object based on Object Storage Service (OSS).
Import and export ST_ImportFrom Imports an OSS object to the database.
ST_ExportTo Exports a raster object as an OSS object.
Pyramid operations ST_BuildPyramid Creates a pyramid for a raster object.
ST_DeletePyramid Deletes a pyramid for a raster object.
ST_BestPyramidLevel Returns the optimal pyramid level based on the world space, width, and height of a viewport.
Coordinate system conversion ST_Rast2WorldCoord Returns the world coordinates of a cell by using an affine transformation formula based on the pixel coordinates and pyramid level of the cell.
ST_World2RastCoord Returns the pixel coordinates of a cell by using the inverse of an affine transformation based on the world coordinates and pyramid level of the cell.
Pixel value operations S​T_ClipDimension Returns the raster coordinates of a clipped area.
ST_Clip Clips a raster object.
ST_ClipToRast Clips a raster object by using a specified geometry object and returns the clipping result as a new raster object.
ST_AddZ Specifies the Z coordinate of a geometry based on the band of the raster that is converted from the geometry.
ST_MosaicFrom Performs a mosaic operation to combine multiple raster objects into a new raster object.
DEM operations ST_Slope Returns the slope of an elevation raster band in degrees.
Attribute query and update ST_Name Returns the name of a raster object. If no name is specified, the function returns null.
ST_SetName Sets the name of a raster object.
ST_MetaData Returns the metadata of a raster object in the JSON format.
ST_Width Returns the width of a raster object. For information about how to return the width of a chunk, see ST_ChuckWidth.
ST_Height Returns the height of a raster object.
ST_NumBands Returns the number of bands in a raster object.
ST_Value Returns the value of a cell based on the specified band, row number, and column number.
ST_RasterID Returns the UUID of a raster object.
ST_CellDepth Returns the pixel depth of a raster object. The pixel depth can be 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64, where 0 indicates that the pixel depth is unknown.
ST_CellType Returns the pixel type of a raster object. The pixel type can be 8BSI, 8BUI, 16BSI, 16BUI, 32BSI, 32BUI, 32BF, or 64BF.
ST_InterleavingType Returns the interleaving type of a raster object. The interleaving type can be BSQ, BIL, or BIP.
ST_TopPyramidLevel Returns the highest pyramid level of a raster object.
ST_Extent Returns the coordinate range of a raster object in the '((maxX,maxY),(minX,minY))' format.
ST_ConvexHull Returns the convex hull geometry of a raster object.
ST_Envelope Returns the bounding box of a raster object.
ST_Srid Returns the spatial reference system identifier (SRID) of a raster object. The SRID and its definition are stored in the spatial_ref_sys table.
ST_SetSrid Sets the SRID of a raster object. The SRID and its definition are stored in the spatial_ref_sys table.
ST_ScaleX Returns the pixel width of a raster object on the X scale in the spatial reference system.
ST_ScaleY Returns the pixel width of a raster object on the Y scale in the spatial reference system.
ST_SetScale Sets the pixel widths of a raster object on the X and Y scales in the spatial reference system.
ST_SkewX Returns the skew of a raster object on the X scale in the spatial reference system.
ST_SkewY Returns the skew of a raster object on the Y scale in the spatial reference system.
ST_SetSkew Sets the skews of a raster object on the X and Y scales in the spatial reference system.
ST_UpperLeftX Returns the upper-left X coordinate of a raster object in the spatial reference system.
ST_UpperLeftY Returns the upper-left Y coordinate of a raster object in the spatial reference system.
ST_SetUpperLeft Sets the upper-left X and Y coordinates of a raster object in the spatial reference system.
ST_PixelWidth Returns the pixel width of a raster object in the spatial reference system.
ST_PixelHeight Returns the pixel height of a raster object in the spatial reference system.
ST_Georeference Returns the geographic reference information of a raster object. Affine parameters in the text format of "A,B,C,D,E,F" are returned.
ST_IsGeoreferenced Specifies whether a raster object is geographically referenced. The return value is t or f in the Boolean format.
ST_UnGeoreference Deletes the geographic reference information of a raster object.
ST_SetGeoreference Sets the geographic reference information for a raster object.
ST_NoData Returns the predefined NoData value for a band of a raster object.
ST_SetNoData Sets the NoData value for a specified band of a raster object.
ST_ColorTable Returns the color table of a band of a raster object in the JSON format.
ST_SetColorTable Sets the color table in the JSON format for a specified band of a raster object.
ST_Statistics Returns the statistics for a band of a raster object in the JSON format.
ST_SetStatistics Sets the statistics for a specified band of a raster object.
ST_SummaryStats Returns the statistics for a specified band set of a raster object.
ST_ColorInterp Returns the color interpretation type of a band of a raster object.
ST_SetColorInterp Sets the color interpretation type for a specified band of a raster object.
ST_Histogram Returns the histogram of a specified band of a raster object in the text format. If the band does not have a histogram, the function returns null.
ST_SetHistogram Sets the histogram in the JSON format for a specified band of a raster object.
ST_BuildHistogram Returns the histogram of a specified band set of a raster object.
ST_StatsQuantile Returns the quantiles of a raster object.
ST_Quantile Returns the pixel values of the quantiles for a raster object.
ST_MD5Sum Returns the MD5 hash string of a raster object.
ST_SetMD5Sum Sets the MD5 hash string for a raster object.
ST_XMin Returns the minimum X-coordinate value of a raster object.
ST_YMin Returns the minimum Y-coordinate value of a raster object.
ST_XMax Returns the maximum X-coordinate value of a raster object.
ST_YMax Returns the maximum Y-coordinate value of a raster object.
ST_ChunkHeight Returns the chunk height of a raster object.
ST_ChunkWidth Returns the chunk width of a raster object.
ST_ChunkBands Returns the number of bands for a chunk of a raster object.
ST_MetaItems Returns the customized metadata items of a raster object.
ST_SetMetaData Sets a metadata item for a raster object or a band.
ST_BeginDateTime Returns the start time of a raster object.
ST_EndDateTime Returns the end time of a raster object.
ST_SetBeginDateTime Sets the start time of a raster object.
ST_SetEndDateTime Sets the end time of a raster object.
ST_DateTime Returns the time information of a raster object or band.
ST_SetDateTime Sets the start and end time of a raster object or the time information of a band.
Operators Equal to operator (=) Determines whether the UUID of the first raster object is equal to that of the second.
Greater than operator (>) Determines whether the UUID of the first raster object is greater than that of the second.
Less than operator (<) Determines whether the UUID of the first raster object is less than that of the second.
Greater than or equal to operator (>=) Determines whether the UUID of the first raster object is greater than or equal to that of the second.
Less than or equal to operator (<=) Determines whether the UUID of the first raster object is less than or equal to that of the second.
Spatial relationship identification ST_Intersects Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object intersects with the second.
ST_Contains Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object completely contains the second.
ST_ContainsProperly Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object properly contains the second.
ST_Covers Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object covers the second.
ST_CoveredBy Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object is covered by the second.
ST_Disjoint Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object does not touch or intersect with the second.
ST_overlaps Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object overlaps with the second.
ST_Touches Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object touches the second.
ST_Within Identifies the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object to determine whether the first object is completely enclosed within the second.
Auxiliary functions ST_CheckGPU Checks whether a GPU is available in the current environment.
ST_AKId Returns the AccessKey ID that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS. This function can be used to modify multiple AccessKey IDs at a time.
ST_SetAccessKey Sets the AccessKey pair that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS.
ST_SetAKId Sets the AccessKey ID that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS.
ST_SetAKSecret Sets the AccessKey secret that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS.
Variables ganos.raster.calculate_md5 Specifies whether the MD5 hash string is calculated and saved to the metadata when a raster object is imported.
ganos.raster.md5sum_chunk_size Sets the size of data that can be cached for each read operation when the MD5 hash string is calculated. Unit: MB.
ganos.raster.mosaic_must_same_nodata Specifies whether the values of NoData in a data source must be the same during the mosaic operation. The values of NoData are not changed during the mosaic operation. If you set this variable to false, the semantics of pixels after the mosaic operation may be changed.

SpatialRef SQL references

Function Description
ST_SrEqual Determines whether two spatial reference systems are the same.
ST_SrReg Registers a spatial reference system.
ST_SrFromEsriWkt Converts a string from the Esri well-known text (WKT) format to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) WKT format.

Trajectory SQL references

Feature Function Description
Geometry constructors ST_makeTrajectory Constructs a trajectory object.
ST_append Appends trajectory points or a sub-trajectory to a trajectory object.
Editing and processing functions ST_Compress Compresses a trajectory object based on the offset threshold of the Euclidean distance.
ST_CompressSED Compresses a trajectory object based on the offset threshold of the synchronous Euclidean distance (SED).
ST_attrDeduplicate Removes trajectory points that have duplicate values for an attribute field from a trajectory object and returns the deduplicated trajectory object. The start and end trajectory points of the trajectory object must be retained.
ST_sort Sorts the timeline of a trajectory object in ascending order and returns the trajectory object after sorting.
ST_deviation Returns the deviation of the processed trajectory object from the original trajectory object.
Attribute metadata ST_attrDefinition Returns the definitions of attribute fields in a trajectory object.
ST_attrSize Returns the number of attribute fields in a trajectory object.
ST_attrName Returns the name of an attribute field or the names of all attribute fields in a trajectory object.
ST_attrType Returns the data type of an attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrLength Returns the defined length of an attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrNullable Determines whether an attribute field can be null in a trajectory object.
Event functions ST_addEvent Adds an event to a trajectory object.
ST_eventTimes Returns the time of all events in a trajectory object.
ST_eventTime Returns the time of an event with a specified index in a trajectory object.
ST_eventTypes Returns the type IDs of all events in a trajectory object.
ST_eventType Returns the type ID of an event with a specified index in a trajectory object.
Attribute functions ST_startTime Returns the start time of a trajectory object.
ST_endTime Returns the end time of a trajectory object.
ST_trajectorySpatial Returns the spatial geometry object of a trajectory object.
ST_trajectoryTemporal Returns the timeline of a trajectory object.
ST_trajAttrs Returns the attribute fields of a trajectory object.
ST_attrIntMax Returns the maximum value of an INTEGER-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrIntMin Returns the minimum value of an INTEGER-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrIntAverage Returns the average value of an INTEGER-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrFloatMax Returns the maximum value of a FLOAT-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrFloatMin Returns the minimum value of a FLOAT-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrFloatAverage Returns the average value of a FLOAT-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_leafType Returns the leaf type of a trajectory object.
ST_leafCount Returns the number of leaves (trajectory points) in a trajectory object.
ST_duration Returns the duration of a trajectory object.
ST_timeAtPoint Returns a set of time points when a trajectory object passes through a spatial point.
ST_pointAtTime Returns the spatial geometry object of a trajectory object at a specified time point.
ST_velocityAtTime Returns the value of the velocity attribute field in a trajectory object at a specified time point.
ST_accelerationAtTime Returns the value of the acceleration attribute field in a trajectory object at a specified time point.
ST_timeToDistance Returns a line chart in which the time is on the x-axis and the Euclidean distance is on the y-axis.
ST_timeAtDistance Returns the time point at which a trajectory object moves from the start point for a specified distance.
ST_cumulativeDistanceAtTime Returns the cumulative distance that a trajectory object covers after it moves from the start point until a specified time point arrives.
ST_timeAtCumulativeDistance Returns the time point at which a trajectory object moves from the start point for a specified cumulative distance.
ST_subTrajectory Returns the sub-trajectory of a trajectory object within a specified time range.
ST_subTrajectorySpatial Returns the spatial geometry object of a trajectory object within a specified time range.
ST_samplingInterval Returns the sampling interval.
ST_trajAttrsAsText Returns an array of values for a TEXT-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_trajAttrsAsInteger Returns an array of values for an INTEGER-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_trajAttrsAsDouble Returns an array of values for a DOUBLE-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_trajAttrsAsBool Returns an array of values for a BOOLEAN-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_trajAttrsAsTimestamp Returns an array of values for a TIMESTAMP-type attribute field in a trajectory object.
ST_attrIntFilter Returns an array of values for an INTEGER-type attribute field in a trajectory object based on a specified fixed value or value range.
ST_attrFloatFilter Returns an array of values for a FLOAT-type attribute field in a trajectory object based on a specified fixed value or value range.
ST_attrTimestampFilter Returns an array of values for a TIMESTAMP-type attribute field in a trajectory object based on a specified fixed value or value range.
ST_attrNullFilter Filters trajectory points whose values are null for a specified attribute field in a trajectory object and returns a new trajectory object that consists of these trajectory points.
ST_attrNotNullFilter Filters trajectory points whose values are not null for a specified attribute field in a trajectory object and returns a new trajectory object that consists of these trajectory points.
ST_trajAttrsMeanMax Returns the maximum average value of an attribute field within each time range by using the MEAN-MAX algorithm.
Functions to process bounding boxes ST_MakeBox Returns the bounding box of an object within a specified time range.
ST_MakeBox{Z|T|2D|2DT|3D|3DT} Builds a bounding box based on specified parameter settings.
ST_BoxndfToGeom Converts a bounding box into a geometry.
ST_Has{xy|z|t} Determines whether a bounding box has one or more specified dimensions.
ST_{X|Y|Z|T}Min Returns the minimum value of a bounding box in a specified dimension.
ST_{X|Y|Z|T}Max Returns the maximum value of a bounding box in a specified dimension.
ST_ExpandSpatial Expands a bounding box to a specified spatial scope.
Operators to process bounding boxes INTERSECT operators Determines whether the bounding box of the left operand-specified object intersects with that of the right operand-specified object in a specified dimension.
INCLUDE operators Determines whether the bounding box of the left operand-specified object includes that of the right operand-specified object in a specified dimension.
INCLUDED operators Determines whether the bounding box of the left operand-specified object is included in that of the right operand-specified object in a specified dimension.
Spatial relationship identification ST_intersects Determines whether a trajectory object and a geometry object intersect in space within a specified time range.
ST_equals Determines whether a trajectory object and a geometry object are spatially equal within a specified time range.
ST_distanceWithin Determines whether the distance between a trajectory object within a specified time range and a geometry object is within a specified distance.
Spatial processing ST_intersection Returns a new trajectory object that indicates the intersection of a trajectory object within a specified time range and a specified geometry object.
ST_difference Returns a new trajectory object that indicates the difference between a trajectory object within a specified time range and a specified geometry object.
Spatial statistics ST_nearestApproachPoint Returns the spatial point in a trajectory object that is nearest to a specified geometry object within a specified time range.
ST_nearestApproachDistance Returns the nearest distance between a trajectory object and a specified geometry object within a specified time range.
Spatio-temporal relationship identification ST_intersects Determines whether trajectory objects 1 and 2 intersect in space within a specified time range.
ST_equals Determines whether trajectory objects 1 and 2 are spatially equal within a specified time range.
ST_distanceWithin Determines whether the distance between trajectory objects 1 and 2 within a specified time range is within a specified distance.
ST_durationWithin Determines whether the time difference between when trajectory objects 1 and 2 intersect at the same spatial point within a specified time range is within a specified interval.
ST_{Z|T|2D|2DT|3D|3DT}Intersects Determines whether two objects intersect on a specified axis.
ST_{2D|2DT|3D|3DT}Intersects_IndexLeft Determines whether two objects intersect on a specified axis and specifies to use the index on the column that stores the first object.
ST_{2D|2DT|3D|3DT}DWithin Determines whether the distance between two objects on a specified axis is less than or equal to a specified threshold.
ST_{2D|2DT|3D|3DT}DWithin_IndexLeft Determines whether the distance between two objects on a specified axis is less than or equal to a specified threshold and specifies to use the index on the column that stores the first object.
ST_{T|2D|2DT|3D|3DT}Contains Determines whether the first object includes the second object on a specified axis.
ST_{T|2D|2DT|3D|3DT}Within Determines whether the first object is included in the second object on a specified axis.
Spatio-temporal processing ST_intersection Returns a new trajectory object that indicates the intersection of trajectory objects 1 and 2 within a specified time range.
Spatio-temporal statistics ST_nearestApproachPoint Returns the spatial point in trajectory object 1 that is nearest to trajectory object 2 within a specified time range.
S​T_nearestApproachDistance Returns the nearest distance between trajectory objects 1 and 2 within a specified time range.
Distance measurement ST_length Returns the total length of a trajectory object, in meters.
ST_euclideanDistance Returns the Euclidean distance between two trajectory objects at the same time point.
ST_mdistance Returns an array of Euclidean distances between two trajectory objects at the same time point.
Similarity analysis ST_lcsSimilarity Returns the similarity between two trajectory objects based on the longest common sub-sequence (LCSS) algorithm.
ST_lcsDistance Returns the distance and time difference between two trajectory objects based on the LCSS algorithm.
ST_lcsSubDistance Returns the distance between an LCSS trajectory object and its sub-trajectory object.
Indexing GiST indexing Creates a GiST index on a column that stores trajectory data.
TrajGiST indexing Creates a TrajGiST index on a column that stores trajectory data.
Variables ganos.trajectory.attr_string_length Sets a default length for STRING-type attribute fields.