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Last Updated:Apr 16, 2024

In Hologres V2.0 and later, you can use the INSERT OVERWRITE statement in a stored procedure to write full data in a table or partition at a time. This topic describes how to use the INSERT OVERWRITE statement in a stored procedure to import data into Hologres. If the version of your Hologres instance is earlier than V2.0, you can manually upgrade your instance or join the Hologres DingTalk group (ID: 32314975) and ask engineers to upgrade your instance. For more information, see Instance upgrades. If you do not upgrade your instance, you can import data by using a temporary table instead.


You cannot import data into a table on which a view or a materialized view depends by executing the INSERT OVERWRITE statement.

Use a stored procedure to implement the INSERT OVERWRITE feature


call hg_insert_overwrite('holo_tablename' regclass, ['partition_value' text|int|varchar|date], 'sql' text);

Parameter description




The name of a Hologres internal table to which you want to import data.

The table must already exist. If the Hologres internal table is a partitioned table, you must also configure the partition_value parameter.


The value of a partition key column in a partitioned table.

This parameter is required only if you set the holo_tablename parameter to the name of a partitioned table. Data of the INT, TEXT, VARCHAR, or DATE data type can be used as the values of partition key columns.


A standard SELECT statement that is used to query data in a MaxCompute or Hologres table.

You must make sure that the value of the partition field specified in the SELECT statement is the same as the value of the partition_value parameter. If single quotation marks (') are contained in an SQL statement, you must use $$sql$$ to rewrite the SQL statement. This way, the single quotation marks (') are automatically escaped.


Example 1: Use a stored procedure to import data to a Hologres non-partitioned table

-- Create a table named tableA as the destination table in Hologres.


CREATE TABLE public.tableA (
    cid integer NOT NULL,
    cname text,
    code integer
    ,PRIMARY KEY (cid)

CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'orientation', 'column');
CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'storage_format', 'orc');
CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'bitmap_columns', 'cname');
CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'dictionary_encoding_columns', 'cname:auto');
CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'distribution_key', 'cid');
CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'time_to_live_in_seconds', '3153600000');

-- Create a table named tableB as the source table.

CREATE TABLE public.tableB (
    cid integer NOT NULL,
    cname text,
    code integer
    ,PRIMARY KEY (cid)

INSERT into public.tableB values(1,'aaa',10001),(2,'bbb','10002');

-- Use the hg_insert_overwrite function to import data from tableB into tableA.

call hg_insert_overwrite('public.tableA' , 'select * from public.tableB;');

Example 2: Use a stored procedure to import data into a Hologres partitioned table

-- Create a table named tableA as the destination table.

CREATE TABLE public.tableA(
  a text , 
  b int, 
  c timestamp, 
  d text,
  ds text,
  primary key(ds,b)
CALL set_table_property('public.tableA', 'orientation', 'column');
CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_1 PARTITION OF public.tableA FOR VALUES IN('20201215');
CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_2 PARTITION OF public.tableA FOR VALUES IN('20201216');
CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_3 PARTITION OF public.tableA FOR VALUES IN('20201217');

-- Create a table named tableB as the source table.

CREATE TABLE public.tableB(
  a text , 
  b int, 
  c timestamp, 
  d text,
  ds text,
  primary key(ds,b)
CALL set_table_property('public.tableB', 'orientation', 'column');
CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_3a PARTITION OF public.tableB FOR VALUES IN('20201215');
CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_3b PARTITION OF public.tableB FOR VALUES IN('20201216');
CREATE TABLE public.holo_child_3c PARTITION OF public.tableB FOR VALUES IN('20201217');

insert into public.holo_child_3a values('a',1,'2034-10-19','a','20201215');
insert into public.holo_child_3b values('b',2,'2034-10-20','b','20201216');
insert into public.holo_child_3c values('c',3,'2034-10-21','c','20201217');

-- Use the hg_insert_overwrite function to import data from tableB into tableA.

call hg_insert_overwrite('public.tableA' , '20201215',$$select * from public.tableB where ds='20201215'$$);

Example 3: Use a stored procedure to import data from a MaxCompute table into Hologres

For more information, see Use a stored procedure to import data into a Hologres internal table (Beta).

Use a temporary table to implement the INSERT OVERWRITE feature


You can execute the following SQL statements to import data by using a temporary table.


-- Delete an existing temporary table.

-- Create a temporary table.
SET hg_experimental_enable_create_table_like_properties=on;
CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ('<table_new>', 'select * from <table>');


-- Import data into the temporary table.
INSERT INTO <table_new> [( <column> [, ...] )]
VALUES ( {<expression>}  [, ...] )
[, ...] | <query>}

ANALYZE <table_new>;


-- Delete the original table.

-- Rename the temporary table.
ALTER TABLE <table_new> RENAME TO <table>;


Parameter description




The name of the temporary table.

You can specify the table name in the Schema name.Table name format.


The name of the original table.

You can specify the table name in the Schema name.Table name format.

DDL statements used to create a temporary table

You can use one of the following methods to create a temporary table:

  • Copy the schema of the original table.

    SET hg_experimental_enable_create_table_like_properties=on;
    CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ('<table_new>', 'select * from <table>');
  • Create a schema.

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <table_new> ([
       column_name column_type [column_constraints, [...]]
       | table_constraints
       [, ...]
    CALL set_table_property('<table_new>', property, value);


Example 1: Import data from MaxCompute to a non-partitioned table in Hologres

You can use the method described in this topic if you need to import data from a result table of offline processing in MaxCompute to an online service table in Hologres and overwrite all the data of the online service table. In this example, data is imported from the MaxCompute table named odps_region_10g to the region table in Hologres, and the imported data overwrites all the data of the region table in Hologres.


-- Delete an existing temporary table.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.region_new;

-- Create a temporary table.
SET hg_experimental_enable_create_table_like_properties=on;
CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ('public.region_new', 'select * from public.region');

-- Insert data into the temporary table.
INSERT INTO public.region_new
FROM public.odps_region_10g;

ANALYZE public.region_new;


-- Delete the original table.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.region;

-- Rename the temporary table.
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public.region_new RENAME TO region;


Example 2: Import data from MaxCompute to a partitioned table in Hologres

You can use the method described in this topic if you need to import the daily updated data from a partitioned table in MaxCompute to a partitioned table in Hologres and overwrite all the data of the specified partition in the partitioned Hologres table. This way, you can use offline data to correct real-time data. In this example, data is imported from the MaxCompute table named odps_lineitem_10g to the lineitem table in Hologres, and the imported data overwrites all the data of the specified partition in the lineitem table in Hologres. Both tables are partitioned by the day based on the ds field.


-- Delete an existing temporary table.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.lineitem_new_20210101;

-- Create a temporary table.
SET hg_experimental_enable_create_table_like_properties=on;
CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ('public.lineitem_new_20210101', 'select * from public.lineitem');

-- Insert data into the temporary table.
INSERT INTO public.lineitem_new_20210101
FROM public.odps_lineitem_10g
WHERE DS = '20210101'

ANALYZE public.lineitem_new_20210101;


-- Delete the original partition.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.lineitem_20210101;

-- Rename the temporary table.
ALTER TABLE public.lineitem_new_20210101 RENAME TO lineitem_20210101;

-- Attach the temporary table to the partitioned Hologres table.
ALTER TABLE public.lineitem ATTACH PARTITION lineitem_20210101 FOR VALUES IN ('20210101');


Example 3: Import data from Hologres to a non-partitioned table in MaxCompute

You can create a temporary table if you need to import data from Hologres to a non-partitioned table in MaxCompute. After data is imported, you need to rename the temporary table as the name of a regular table. In this example, data is imported from the Hologres table named holotable to the MaxCompute table named mc_holotable, and the imported data overwrites all the data of the MaxCompute table named mc_holotable.

-- Create a temporary table of the destination table in MaxCompute.
CREATE  TABLE if not exists mc_holotable_temp(
    age int,
    job string,
    name string

-- Create the mapping to the temporary table in Hologres.
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE "public"."mapping_holotable_temp" (
 "age" int,
 "job" text,
 "name" text
SERVER odps_server
OPTIONS (project_name 'DLF_test',table_name 'mc_holotable_temp');
-- Update the original table in Hologres.
update holotable set "job" = 'president' where "name" = 'Lily';
-- Write the updated data to the mapping table for the temporary table.
insert into mapping_holotable_temp select * from holotable;

-- Delete the original destination table in MaxCompute.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mc_holotable;
-- Rename the temporary table as the name of the destination table.
ALTER TABLE mc_holotable_temp RENAME TO mc_holotable;

You can import some of the fields or all of the fields:

  • Import some of the fields.

    insert into mapping_holotable_temp
    select x,x,x from holotable; -- Replace x,x,x with the names of the fields whose data you want to export.
  • Import all the fields.

    insert into mapping_holotable_temp
    select * from holotable;