After the TensorFlow Serving inference service starts to run in the virtual Software Guard Extensions (vSGX) encrypted computing environment, you can configure your client to send data to the inference service. After inference is complete, the inference service returns the inference results.


  1. Log on to the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance on which a client is deployed.
    For more information, see Connection methods.
    Note In this example, the client is used as a remote end to initiate an access request.
  2. Install the required mesa-libGL packages.
    yum install -y python3-pip mesa-libGL
    python3 -m pip install --user -U pip
    python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
    # Create an isolated Python environment to prevent existing Python dependencies from being contaminated.
    # python3 -m virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install multidict
  3. Configure a TensorFlow Serving domain name.
    # Set vSGX_ip_addr to the actual IP address of the vSGX instance. If the client and the vSGX client are deployed on the same ECS instance, set vSGX_ip_addr to the internal IP address of the instance. 
    sudo sh -c 'echo "${vSGX_ip_addr}" >> /etc/hosts'
  4. Configure the client to send a remote access request.

    The remote access request carries data to the inference service that runs in the vSGX encrypted computing environment. After inferences are complete, the inference service returns the inference results.

    export CC_DIR=$(realpath ./confidential-computing)
    cd ${CC_DIR}/Tensorflow_Serving/client
    python3 ./ -batch 1 -cnum 1 -loop 50 -url -ca `pwd -P`/ssl_configure/ca_cert.pem -crt `pwd -P`/ssl_configure/client/cert.pem -key `pwd -P`/ssl_configure/client/key.pem