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Alibaba Cloud DNS PrivateZone:Event logs recorded by ActionTrail

Last Updated:Jun 02, 2022

Alibaba Cloud DNS PrivateZone is integrated with ActionTrail. You can view and retrieve behavioral logs in ActionTrail. Meanwhile, you can use ActionTrail to deliver events to a Log Service Logstore or an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. ActionTrail allows you to audit events in real time and troubleshoot issues.

Event logs of PrivateZone recorded by ActionTrail

ActionTrail records the events generated by API operation calls for PrivateZone. In the event logs, the value of the eventType parameter is ApiCall. For more information about event descriptions, see List of operations by function.

Sample event log

The following code provides an example on how ActionTrail records the event when you add a Domain Name System (DNS) record in PrivateZone. The sample event log shows the details of the AddZoneRecord event.

  "eventId": "99680534-****-****-****-DCFD92E18FAB",
  "eventVersion": 1,
  "responseElements": {
    "RequestId": "99680534-****-****-****-DCFD92E18FAB",
    "RecordId": 175***657,
    "Success": true
  "eventSource": "",
  "requestParameters": {
    "Rr": "abc",
    "userClientIp": "100. **. ***.69",
    "AcsHost": "",
    "ZoneId": "d696741102e*******0ca13e934bd07",
    "RequestId": "99680534-****-****-****-DCFD92E18FAB",
    "Lang": "zh",
    "HostId": "",
    "Ttl": 60,
    "Type": "A",
    "ServiceCode": "pvtz",
    "AcsProduct": "pvtz",
    "UserClientIp": "100. **. ***.69",
    "Value": "5. *. *.5",
    "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou"
  "sourceIpAddress": "Internal",
  "userAgent": "AlibabaCloud (Linux; amd64) Java/1.**_172-b9 Core/***.6 HTTPClient/ApacheHttpClient",
  "eventType": "ApiCall",
  "referencedResources": {
    "ACS::PrivateZone::ZoneRecord": [
  "userIdentity": {
  updateZOne  "sessionContext": {
      "attributes": {
        "mfaAuthenticated": "false"
    "accountId": "12046******1685",
    "principalId": "12046******1685",
    "type": "root-account",
    "userName": "root"
  "serviceName": "PrivateZone",
  "additionalEventData": {
    "Scheme": "http"
  "apiVersion": "2018-01-01",
  "requestId": "99680534-****-****-****-DCFD92E18FAB",
  "eventTime": "2021-01-08T04:56:37Z",
  "isGlobal": false,
  "acsRegion": "cn-hangzhou",
  "eventName": "AddZoneRecord"