This function filters all trajectory points to obtain the trajectory points whose values for the specified attribute field meet a filter condition based on a fixed value or a value range and returns an array of the attribute field values of these points.


float8[] ST_attrFloatFilter(trajectory traj, cstring attr_field_name,cstring operator, float8 value);
float8[] ST_attrFloatFilter(trajectory traj, cstring attr_field_name,cstring operator, float8 value1, float8 value2);


Option Description
traj The trajectory object.
attr_field_name The name of the specified attribute field.
operator Filter, '=' , '! =' , '>' , '<' , '>=' , '<=' , '[]' , '(]' , '[)' , '()' .
value and value1 The fixed value of the attribute field and the minimum fixed value of the attribute field.
value2 The maximum fixed value of the attribute field.


This function supports only float-type attribute fields.


create table traj(id integer, traj trajectory);
insert into traj values(2,ST_makeTrajectory('STPOINT'::leaftype, 'LINESTRING(-179.48077 51.72814,-179.46731 51.74634,-179.46502 51.74934,-179.46183 51.75378,-179.45943 51.75736,-179.45560 51.76273,-179.44845 51.77186,-179.43419 51.78977,-179.41259 51.81643,-179.41001 51.81941,-179.40751 51.82223,-179.40497 51.82505,-179.40242 51.82796,-179.39981 51.83095,-179.39734 51.83398,-179.39499 51.83709)'::geometry, ARRAY['2017-01-15 09:06:39'::timestamp,'2017-01-15 09:14:48','2017-01-15 09:13:39','2017-01-15 09:16:28','2017-01-15 09:19:48','2017-01-15 09:17:48','2017-01-15 09:23:19','2017-01-15 09:34:40','2017-01-15 09:30:28','2017-01-15 09:36:59','2017-01-15 09:38:09','2017-01-15 09:39:18','2017-01-15 09:40:40','2017-01-15 09:47:38','2017-01-15 21:18:30','2017-01-15 09:48:49'], '{"leafcount": 16, "attributes": {"heading": {"type": "float", "length": 8, "nullable": false,"value":[23.0,23.0,23.0,23.0,21.0,21.0,72.0,72.0,72.0,72.0,73.0,74.0,73.0,73.0,73.0,73.0]}}}'));

select st_attrFloatFilter(traj, 'heading', '>', 23.0) from traj where id = 2;
(1 row)